Awaiting a MOD Move towards BotBases.
I hope this hasn't been reported to death, didn't find it with a quick search. I'm almost only run Dungeonbuddy runs with a 5 bot group, I'm suspecting that the error I'm seeing is a combination of dungeonbuddy and the CR or it would be much more widely reported. Anyways, It seems that MAD stops after I zone/ die. It will run me back into the dungeon, but after that it stops. The problem starts at 10:56:48.429 in the logs. Im mostly using singulars these days, but MAD is really so much better I rather use that, really well done. View attachment 7792 2013-01-13 11.47.txt
Hmm I've never ran Dungeonbuddy, so not sure why it doesn't work. Although latest Dungeonbuddy seems to be a little glitched. It's worth investigating, thankyou for the log. Will report back later on.
I can confirm, I'm experiencing the same thing. Works great until DB bot zones. Death, teleport, dungeon queue, etc. resolved by completely backing out of HB and reopening. Tried options in advanced menu. Your CR is THE ONLY ONE that gets my team past xin the weapons master. The logic for player clustering heals and routines for saving the healer when in trouble are fantastic!
Compiler error is usually when the CR is installed incorrectly, try reinstalling it and re-svn and see if it helps.
mhmm im not advenced user so mby some spoil how do it correctly? soz for being newbie @edit i should replace this files with singular files? @edit2 this is the second debug i get after svn'd files
THIS IS NOT SINGULAR, DO NOT MERGE! It's a stand-alone Restoration Druid CC, lookup the installation instructions.
Development Status - 15-1-2013 03:54 [HR][/HR]Mushroom Code Optimized [PERCENTAGE=25][/PERCENTAGE] New Web Page [PERCENTAGE=50][/PERCENTAGE] Settings Share Hub [PERCENTAGE=12][/PERCENTAGE] Overall Code Cleanup [PERCENTAGE=80][/PERCENTAGE]
Ty mate, I will see if it works for 25 man too. I tried to copy the file to the Settings folder, but it wont load it when I go to the interface and select Slot 1 -> Load. I will paste it in my char name's folder and that should work right?
I put it there with the default name in the dropbox, but it wouldnt load. I will try a clean install and check back again. Also, whatever happened to Tyrael? Can't seem to find it in Botbases or anywhere for that fact! Edit: No, I am getting a crash whenever I try to load Slot 1. WIll try a few workarounds and then give you the log. On a first look, I see a completely different format from what the default one that the other presets use. ex: MADSettings2 instead of Settings. I will try to recreate it perfectly and then give you my results.
Thanks for providing your 10man-settings file! Do you think making a separate HB-install with only this CR and no plugins would make it work faster than having it with ALL my CRs and plugins & profiles?
Ok, the only thing that you must change is: Settings/ and /Settings to MADSettings2 in order to function.
False, why are u renaming the Settings file ? It's supposed to go in the Settings Folder, side by side to the default one. Also different format may be caused by u being on 1.3.2 and the preset is from 1.4.0
I used to use a seperate copy, but there's no performance win when it's running. As long as u disable useless plugins, u won't notice anything, except HB start up speed.
I was not referring to the name of the file, that's the default MADSettings_Slot1.config as it is on DropBox. I was referring to the code section Yes upon checking it you were right on the version compatibility problem.