Where is the option to remove the wow errors after each arena? Tried all versions with Lazyraider and Tyrael, with and without framelock ... nothing works, wow error when leaving arena 90% of the time.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I have tried using this CC doing the holiday event 6 times now and it won't do anything. One time it cast barkskin and maybe 2 heals but the rest it just stood there. Since I know zero about a druid I don't have spells on my bars, I was clicking heals from my spellbook. No one died somehow. Anyone have any ideas?
thats weird, what botbase were you using it with? I just ran a holiday-dungeon now had no problems at all. make sure you put the tank on focus so it keeps lifebloom up on him. and yeah, post a log!
Forget my post. I'm an idiot. I didn't have it set to run with no tank. I just ran another and it worked fine.
Glyph of Lifebloom Casting Lifebloom on a new target grants that target as many applications as the old target had. This effect will not occur while in Tree of Life Form, or when Lifebloom has less than 2 sec remaining. When using this glyph, will MAD automatically (if lifebloom is needed to be switched between targets) do it before the "2 sec remaining" limit? - If not, then Lifebloom ms will have to be 2100 instead of the normal 1500 ERROR View attachment 81518 http://i50.tinypic.com/21kayvs.jpg Still not using swiftmend in any versions above 1.4.0 Works fine in 1.4.0 Same settings used! *Still a problem*
It should auto pick the tank though ;O Good that u got it working. Known issues, havn't yet discovered a fix but I will ask my fellow co-devs in the purerotation group to help me out here. Look above @Lifebloom: oh the swapping had been coded in, but I didn't look at the 2 sec remaining. - So yes u should set it to 2000+ then, until I hard-code it in. - Odd, works for me. Could u try and target someone and see if it will use the swiftmend then :O
Yeah just code it in so the ms timer is 2000+ when the bot wants to change target, and "use setting" when not targeting a new Could be awesome I will test the newest version of MAD and try to have a target, and see if it swiftmends. Will do it later today. EDIT Just did a Garalon boss, and it only casts for singletarget swiftmends: not for efflorence. Efflorence is 100 % turned on in the settings. If i target the tank and cast reju on him, MAD casts swiftmend on him. If neither i or MAD cast reju on tank, it will not try to use swiftmend etc. So efflorence setting doesn't work without targeting etc. EDIT2 Just did another one, and here is the log and a screenshot of how it went spell-wise. LFR HoF View attachment 3068 2013-02-18 15.13.txt This boss was without me interfering with targets nor rejuvs. 100 % MAD boss.
Looking into it right now. EDIT: Do u have Soul of the Forest enabled by any chance ? A mixture of Raid 10, but changed wg to like 1-2 units and up the regrowth... not sure never did it
I can only get this to put 1 stack of lifebloom on the tank, and that's with 'min lifebloom health' set to 100%. Any suggestions?
Will need a log for the first part of ur message. Min Lifebloom Health: E.g. U have 75% Health and lifebloom has 2 seconds left. - U did set the refresh time @ 1.8sec - Ur health drops below 75% ( Below set value ) - WE WILL NOT REFRESH lifebloom, so it blooms and gives burst heal. That's why in PvP it's high 70+ , and in PvE very low 10-20+ duo the way we use it.
First off, Mirabis, you are the best - this routine ROCKS. Just curious, is there a reason this isn't using Tree form automatically? It's not an issue to cast it manually, just wondering if there was a specific reason. All in all, great routine! Top heals because of it, you should do a balance rotation =P
Manual CD is ON, that means you have to manually use tree. Set it OFF and it will do i automatically (along with tranquility and the other CD's).
While auto-treeform can be nice, I prefer to have my tranq done manually since having it on auto can set it off while you're on the move if unlucky. If not Mirabis has some awesome logic that detects if player is moving it wont, of course! ^^