Would anyone be able to add deposit functionality for other items to random bank tabs as well? I am thinking of Sumptuous Fur, Raw beast hide, Super Cooling parts and all epics.
It's not a problem, thanks for that update! I will download it and try to get the profile working for both factions and then add it back on the first post!
Main post is now updated with the updated plugin and should now work correctly for everyone. Also Crazyd22 added support for Notify My Android wich i kept in the plugin and can be turned off if you dont want to use it. There is still two vertions of the pluggin as i have been pushing my rating in arena at every spare minute i have had, so my horde toon so still a work in progress and because of this i have not been able to test it out on the horde side.
Hello! is it posible to config this addon to deposit ore\flowers\items on specific tabs of GuildBank?
I still have issues with the plug-in when running Dungeonbuddy. Simply because it overtakes all movement and you end up casting a guild bank and leaving it behind. I tried to enter WoWMovement.MoveStop() right after the guild bank cast but it just won't work. A solution would be to get the guildbank cast whenever the dungeon is completed, but I have no idea how to do this.
I have been away frpm wow for quite some time, thus not been reading this forum much. I will have a look on this laters when i find some time for it. I have a pretty big coding job that i have to get done first tho.
plugin works! and it is possible to force it and to put in bank for example a grass? each hour how many will collect or from 5 staks?