Mobs still go undergroun but *most* of the time my cleric will see it as bugged and move on. Sometimes it does not tho :X Any clue as to why the mobs are going underground? Seems to be related on how the bot gets into melee range of it
Seems to be happening again with my cleric, although this time it's just sitting on the bugged mob indefinitely until the bot afks out or gets killed by an invasion or rift or some such. What happens is the mob falls through the world, but when the bot gives it up as a target, it doesn't seem to move on (because its still in combat) and just sits there waiting to be attacked by whatever its in combat with. Ultimately this is a problem with Rift itself and hopefully it'll get fixed in the near future, but until then a workaround (if possible) would be nice.
+1 and I beleive it is a problem with the way the cleric routine goes into melee, dont seem to remember having it when playing normaly...