"HB2 will no longer be updated. Link to HB3: Honorbuddy v3.0.16306.861" I think it's finally time to release HB3 version of myriad, because there will be no more HB2 updates after today's game patch.
IS THIS A long process for you?Id assume or wish you were working on this before the sudden change? Or is this going to be down for weeks while you play catch up?I mean Hb3 has been out for month or so I hope you've been doing a little at a time to get it caught up?
I have HB3 version ready and going to push it in ~4hours once I get to home. + There are some more spots for beta testing (Instant updates, no need to wait for approval). Contact in skype for this Edit: Beta slots are full atm
New version is waiting for approval now + beta test is going on (still got room for some). Code: - First HB3 version - Nubs helps eachother if they pull mobs inside the dungeons now - Booster uses spells to pull mobs inside the dungeon now, instead of only "body pulling" them - Updated majority of speed buffs / gap closers for booster - Fixed small occasional issue where booster might afk ~3min at RFK 3rd boss - Added support for druid talent "Displacer Beast" - Temple of the Jade Serpent * Fixed issue with deaths while resetting dungeon * Fixed issue with second boss causing booster to not engage boss * Potential fix on first boss with bugged elementals And yeah 90 - 100 is worked on, soz for delays but since HB2 version was working fine I had prioritized other stuff over Honorbuddy :c Also tip for all the users of HB3 version. I tested most of the stuff on Havoc Demon Hunter and it seems to be fastest booster now beside Feral Druids
Have messaged you also on skype, for beta testing. I'm looking forward to the publication of the package. Can you already say about how long it will take? Thanks in advance!
So far it took ~18-19 hours leveling two noobs 1-88; Generally no new issues; only old ones like - toons sometimes just stand still for couple minutes, then continue - sometimes bot ignores singular's 'always stealth' setting for rogues, which annoys when you stand without stealth while you wanted to hide from possible reporters Full logs: - Noob 1: View attachment 3188 2016-10-13 15.41.txt - Noob 2: View attachment 2064 2016-10-13 15.42.txt - Booster has 2 files: View attachment Logs.zip But generally i would say that switching to hb3 went fine and smooth
tested 2 accounts today, 85 level, 800g and still no bags on them settings same as before http://c2n.me/3DgH2mP.png
Is it possible to get a trial reset when the approval is finished? Me 7 day trial ends tomorrow 15th oct and through the patch and the end of HB2 it was a rly bad moment to use the trial
It takes maximum 24 hours to level 1-90 with this profile. I mean there are profiles at buddystore with only 1 day trial, and this one has 7 days, if couple days of testing were not enough for you to decide if you're gonna buy it or not, then you're a leecher and just trying to get as much free stuff as possible
It was only a question. And not everybody use this 24/7 with raf dude. Yes you are right there are 1 day trials in the store, but 1 profile with 10 waypoints costs 5 euro or so and you will see it in a few hours if it is shit or not. This is a bündle with more then 1 Profile. I didn´t have 7 days to test if you can do math, not even close. As i can see you are testing the HB3 Version for free and call me a leecher...
I bought this when it worked on hb2 so.. Still, just buy it (when it gets approved ofc ) instead of sticking to get a couple free days more, its good enough to be bought, there is enough good feedback about this product;
Cant say... Couple of days at max hopefully :/ Yes trials are already reset, I'm going to unfreeze product once approval is done.