does this profile open the boxes to look for items? and if it does, wont it 'empty' the box and cause it to vanish? also, would it be worth while to level several rogues and have them farm this area?
If you use the version I created, plus have epicjunkbox plugin installed and disabled yes it will open them and no it won't destroy them. As to whether it's worth it, depends on you goal.
goal would be exalted with that damn faction. Ill look yours up soon as hb comes back online so i can level some rogues.
I like the idea of several reasons. Other than exalted, and selling the lockboxes, whats other reasons? How much do the boxes go for?
Hello. When i try to start HB it says: "No routines were loaded. Please ensure there is a routine for your class before starting the bot." And i got the fpsware rogue cc (though dunno if it works / can't use it). Though the bot worked in lbrs with atnoher profile. :S
My bot goes to mobs, stays near and switch targets. Then it goes to the next pack of mobs. BUT IT DOESNT PICK POCKET. Why ?
hi, it's dont work for me : [Compiler Error]: d:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy 2.5.6795.534\Quest Behaviors\Deprecated\Escort6641.cs(19,18) : error CS0101: L'espace de noms 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.Escort6641' contient d?j? une d?finition de 'Escort6641' [Compiler Error]: d:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy 2.5.6795.534\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\FindAndBeatNpcs.cs(35,18) : error CS0101: L'espace de noms 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.FindAndBeatNpcs' contient d?j? une d?finition de 'FindAndBeatNpcs' [Compiler Error]: d:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy 2.5.6795.534\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\IntotheRealmofShadows.cs(31,18) : error CS0101: L'espace de noms 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.IntotheRealmofShadows' contient d?j? une d?finition de 'IntotheRealmofShadows' [Compiler Error]: d:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy 2.5.6795.534\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving.cs(44,18) : error CS0101: L'espace de noms 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving' contient d?j? une d?finition de 'TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving' [Compiler Error]: d:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy 2.5.6795.534\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving.cs(299,18) : error CS0101: L'espace de noms 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving' contient d?j? une d?finition de 'WoWUnitExtentions'
This profile runs perfectly right up until my bags are full and instead of trying to mail my boxes it constantly mounts up on my repair mount nonstop. Anyone else had thios problem or know a possible fix? Thanks
I was getting stuck a few times with the original profile but so far so good with botanists updated stealth version, everything works great but the only problem is the bot wont open the junkboxes before mailing even with the junkbox plugin, i disabled it like botanist said.
can someone help me, i can't find an up to date link to fpswares rogue cc :/ Edit: managed to get a pickpocket only routine, now the bot is in quel'danas, if i start it it walks here and waits for hours Oo
Hi! Thanx for amazing profile! I'll type comment 4 Russians to make this profile work on Rus client: Чтобы заставить работать этот профиль - достаточно поменять внутри профиля англоязычные названия абилок на русские (прим. /cast stealth поменять на /cast Незаметность). Если HB будет ругаться на неизвестный символ в n-ой строке, то надо поменять кодировку .xml файла. Надеюсь кому-то поможет. 2 mckemo - Thanks!)
Doesn't work for me, can't even press start. It doesn't do anything. Okay got it too work, but it doesn't seem especially good, around 30-35 box/hour. Not really that great tbh. Prolly nerfed
Quite a while back, this profile inspired me to make a few edits in places it used to get stuck. This is the profile which I originally referenced when I was learning to make my own rogue profiles. I don't know if the OP is maintaining this profile/thread any longer. I recently made an updated version of this profile If the OP still maintains this profile and wants my post removed, please pm me and I will delete it.
Hey When i try to use this profile now, it stand "The currently loaded profile does not contain a sub profile usable for the current character (is your toon too high level?) " Anything i can do to make it work?