There was a transmog rare drop weapon or something if i recall correctly that sells very well. Otherwise probably just enchanting mats/cloth farm.
working with the "test release" of Honorbuddy in patch 5.0.4 have a little issues but its almost ok! P.S: The bot is having difficult to pull Thorngrin the Thender, but looks like a CC issue (using singular).
Imo the whole 'secret' why so many people run it is: as someone said earlier, you get about 75g per run (I haven't tested this, actually I haven't ran this profile yet ) and you do 5 runs an hour = about 375g per hour. Since its in a dungeon and blah blah blah u can run this 24/7, mostly on bot accounts. That is on average 9k a day BUT if you add in rare transmog drops (some of the ones from this dungeon sell CRAZY) it's easily 10k. 10k = $7,1 (@ Absolute Gamers). So you are looking at $7,1/day/account. Now as you can see all those accounts farming that are lvl 80 with nonsense names = SoR accounts. So you can easily get a big number of chars to run that dungeon, each generating you $7,1/day.
Anychance of someone plz tell me wy when i set the pull distance to 100 it still missing adds and also just trying to walk through them and not kill i have ran it now three times and each time the same , i wanna use this profile to help boost as well as rep but carnt as it missing adds
Working as intended (as usual), no error, clearing 99% of mobs in the instance with pull distance = 100. Thanks a lot for all your rep profile !
Tried tweaking this so it would work better but it's still super buggy, if a more experienced profile writer wants to take a stab at it I'll love them forever.
Ok so I tweaked it to get it mostly working for myself but for the life of me cannot get it to exit out the portal at the end of the instance. If anyone wants to take a swing at fixing the last part here it is.
Tweaked this so it correctly goes to the exit. Also removed some useless timers. Still testing if it is working fine with the 10 dungeons per hour thing. I'll edit my post if I need to add a timer somewhere. Right now it's looping pretty well.