version 1.1 Paladin Ret 608 IL 8 Hours No epic Alot of Green x820 Apexis XP/HR: 0 Kills: 931 (119/hr) Deaths: 3 (0/hr) Loots: 1382 (176/hr) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) Goal: Grinding
Tried 1.2 for 2 minutes. It just kept pulling and pulling. Five mobs is apparently suicide for a fresh 100.
the only problem I'm having is after about an hour or so my war gets stuck in one of the buildings I'm thinking it has something to do what HB mesh problems because its not "stuck" its standing in the middle of the room and just wont move. I made a profile like this for my self a few days ago and had the same problem looks like this is just best for a range till it gets fixed.
I say that one night it works good without stucking , just no epic 665 dropped for me ( ... This profile remade by me. Version 1.3 .Fixing problems. Added some blackspots.. Use Grind Bot option set to "WITHOUT use ground MOUNT! (In mounting bot options set 30 yards - minimum) (It will use it but will fight with mobs and not just running in mount near them without killed they). Also i want to say that tested on 614 lvl BeastMaster hunter. Used missdirect + heal pet glyfes + prot Pet spec to mass agro.
I dont know but now after this night - crystals and primals don't drop from this mobs... Blizzard changed something.... I think its hot fix from Blizzard... damn...
Could not generate full path from {4170.328, 5972.401, 88.5927} to {4165.316, 5963.864, 88.49418} (time used: 905 milliseconds) then it ends
Very nice profile, only fault in it, is that it sometimes bugs on looting, it gets stuck and crashes in the end.