I don't use any plugin, everything I've learned is by looking at other peoples profiles and sometimes I look up some API here: Honorbuddy Namespaces
Hi fandig2, and thanks for the profile, but when I run it, and it uses death gate, nothing more happens after that, is there a fix for that?
There's a new question,My Dh is lv104,I finished it too many times,how could I stay in the dungeon and wait for a while?
That should never happen, even if you have the death gate variable set to "true". What line of code does it run?
hi,boss,I've had problems I've encountered before. when I open the second HB,start the bot,hb says"No mount spell is known No mount spell is known",the first one runs well,Where I was wrong?
Never heard of that problem, can you see what line of code is running? Might be a HB problem, try doing a clean install.
I tryed 5times,all have this problem,the bot kan go into the Everbloom,and then it should have farm but hb says "No mount spell is known".
When you start honorbuddy you are viewing "log" bottom left corner press "info" and it will tell you which line of code that is executing.
I got it."达成目标: ForcedMount-Forced: In Progress (no associated quest) Mounting for Ground travel [Ref: "[Fandig2] Everbloom Farm" @line 194]"
The log says that you don't have a mount when trying to mount up.. try uninstalling HB and delete the whole folder where HB was in (save important profiles/plugins if you have them there) then install a new HB in a new folder.
In the info box it says, and nothing more happens : Goal: InteractWith-Intera: In Progress (no associated quest) Interacting with Death Gate [Ref: "[Fandig2] Everbloom Farm" @line 318]