So I decided to buy the tundra mount with all that g shouldn't hopefully work! and so it does beautiful!
Here is my most recent log, I have downloaded the latest version of everbloom legion normal, my bot seems to stop after a couple hours maybe 2. View attachment 101648 2016-09-06 05.10.txt
"Path distances request failed on map: ShaperDungeon" not a profile error, something new that can happen in HB3 I think, saw it once before. If that happens just restart HB and reload the profile.
Hi guys, please tell me that you need to change the bot folded into the pot of gold as the only accumulate 5,000 Gold.
hey, id like to do the below, what program do i modify the file with? or cna i just use wordpad? .If you want the bot to use DeathGate edit the file and change <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="bool DeathGate = false;" /> to "true" on line 45. (Only works on legion versions).
thank you, exactly what i was after, not pad didnt have line numbers in it which was a pain. downloaded and edited file cheers for th ehelp
Somehow it forgot to reset the instance. I looked through the log and he didn't die and the instance lockout wasn't reached either, so it randomly just ran an empty instance (With Deathgate on). Also the waypoints aggro the boss if this happens, so he fortunately isn't attacked it just dies. I can't really figure out where in the file but I will try editing the waypoint.
If you have a problem, please tell me which profile you use. I will also make the bot run further away from boss in an updated version later today.
whats the diference between these ? im using the hardcore version but i hit the dungeon limit really fast. is the normal one better for leaving for any lenth of time ? File Type: xml Everbloom Legion Hardcore 1.1.xml (12.7 KB, 204 views) File Type: xml Everbloom Legion Normal 1.1.xml (14.9 KB, 102 views)
profile works fine, but when a bot clogs bags full he can not find the vendor, where it should be? There is no single vendor next I was looking )
<Vendor Name="Masha Longhorn" Entry="85821" Type="Repair" Nav="Fly" X="7613.162" Y="1792.368" Z="81.17386" /> This is the only vendor that I found on the Gorgon, bot flies to it sells, but does not fly away how to fix?
Budgy - NPC - World of Warcraft this should be the vendor. I can't test because bot will just use my mount.
Masha Longhorn - NPC - World of Warcraft I added this Seller, flies to him, sells, but back in the dungeon does not fly away, what could be the problem?