Which flightpaths should we have open so that the characters can fly to and from the instance because mine seem to just mount up and go to the vendor.
[03:00:44.569 D] Done with forced behavior [ForcedSingleton]. [03:00:44.569 D] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior. [03:00:44.570 D] Goal: ForcedMount-Forced: In Progress (no associated quest) Mounting for Ground travel [Ref: "[Fandig2] Everbloom Legion_Hardcore_1.2 Farm" @line 77] [03:01:04.539 N] (Singular) info: 20 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular [03:01:08.497 N] Latency to Buddy service: 307 ms [03:01:22.629 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 38.2 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in OnBotStopped) Moves into instance and just stands there.
Can only recommend restarting HB and reloading the profile. If that doesn't change anything then make a clean install of honorbuddy.
I had the same Problem. Go to the Honorbuddy Settings and to the Mounts. Is it possible thar you use a ground Mount that Can also fly? If so Change it to a normal ground Mount. Somehow HB cant deal with that
you could try something like <While Condition="!(Me.Mounted)" > <CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" MountType="Ground" /> </While> you wont have the problem anymore where the bot continues without mount, he will either mount up or get stuck check to see if you are out of combat when it reaches the spot to mount up
Some packs of mobs do not have time to catch on. How to make a character detained at the point where the packs of mobs? Enlarge figure WaitTime?
Spent a couple of hours solved the problem, thanks. I had to redo profile and add a new point. Profile - Legion HC.
Enters the instance but then sadly doesn't do anything. Error: No mount spell is known Code: [11:14:40.343 D] Goal: ForcedMount-Forced: In Progress (no associated quest)Mounting for Ground travel [Ref: "[Fandig2] Everbloom Legion_Normal_1.2 Farm" @line 75] [11:14:40.364 N] No mount spell is known [11:14:40.783 D] Changed maps to ShaperDungeon [11:14:40.807 N] No mount spell is known [11:14:45.674 N] Not in game [11:14:47.053 N] No mount spell is known Seems to have Problems with the ForceMount Routine -> Only with HB3, works with HB2
Hello! Just wanted to tell that all of my bugs are gone. Doing it on a Prot Warrior, my GPH after 5 hours is 4112/hr. Doing pretty good. Using vendormount. ilvl 817. Edit: Yesterday i got kicked for afk from the game. My logs had a lot of "STUNNED blahblahblah" messages. I guess its a singular problem. Never occured again.
XP/HR: 44797 Getötet: 1493 (1200/Std) Tode: 2 (2/Std) Plünderungen: 122 (98/Std) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) Gold Gained: 4992,955 (4014/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr) iLvL 759 DK, LvL 109 after a little over an hour! He sometimes cancels mount after the group by the boss, will check that out! - HC Profile btw The deaths come from the problem that when he gets into the instance lockouts the bot won't mount when being able to enter the instance on the first pull
When the boss spawns you will enter combat for about 5 seconds if you try to mount then it won't work. Bot will try to mount until it works.
Hey guys, my DK ilvl 709 dies like once or twice per run, sometimes 3... is this normal? or do i need to edit any settings at all?