My bot doesn't loot the vault unless there is a shrine there as well, i feel as though its taking about 10 seconds to register the vault being there because if theres no shrine it doesnt even loot the vault what can I do to fix this? Also is there a way I can make the bot move like 3 yards further away from manglemaw so i get my 25% crit bonus on my DH and I wont die on T6
sure but its nothing special -> Wizard - Game Guide - Diablo III +86% cold dmg +30% arcane orb dmg +30% dmg on elite @ items^^
all gean need to update after RoS, so all old godly gear become trash every1 can make godly gear now, in few weeks
this build is max for manglemaw...because you kill on t6 most of the time in under 10sec's...with my gear
The kiting thing worked for my fix but it's still not looting the vault I checked the picture tried all those settings even tried a billion more it still only loots the vault if theres a shrine or pool of xp thing near it
Kite distance on this boss is bad. The area is too small and it confuses the bot logic allowing the boss to get in some free attacks while it tries to find a path to kite. If you're using a range class do not kite. DB-trinitylogs-bnet#- CLASS FULL STATS . LOG
Sheet dps means NOTHING and is for 14 yo e-penises comparison . But rest assure that you are for SURE Top 1 biggest moron on this forum Edit : Bragging for your DPS on a botting forum is kinda hilarious tho. GG sebflex you top 50 sheet DPS world, thank DB instead
~2 legs per hour on T5 - thanks for the great profile. One question though if it is possible to break the door immediately without running a bit to the side? I have that +123% damage after opening chest belt but it manages to hit only once or twice until the effect is finished. I suppose if it could break the door immediately I could have 4-5 hits and that would great with 40m crits Also can't really get how are you farming on T6 with wizard because with ~8.5m toughness Mangelmaw kills me even before half of his health.
Do you use archon? Did you try setting trinity to kite the mob? I do it with much less than 8.5M toughness but you need big dps ofc + archon + kite