I did and its been running for days (THANKS GREAT PROFILE). Before MM shows up it tries to teleport back to town. It works fine so its mostly a cosmetic bug. screenshot
bot must attack the door if he didnt - you dont turn on option in trinity, i added it in FAQ after 0.2 all fine with 0.2 for my bots
[Trinity] Your bot got stuck! Trying to unstuck (attempt #3 of 10 attempts) Act="A1" questId="72221" stepId="37" worldId="92126"
the new version is much better for barb but its not so good for wizard my wizard needs the distance from the boss to be more effective and i found a glitch if you position your wizard a little bit behind the tringleshaped debris -> imgur: the simple image sharer the boss trys to pull you but you doesnt get hooked to him and the enchantress stands line of sight to manglemaw can you maybe make a bigben 0.2 with this glitch only for wizards?
what have you guys set your stash/keep score requirements too for level 70 items? atm bot stashes all blue/rares into bank, so i had to untick the blue/rare when i left it running overnight.
I had no problem prior with version 0.1 but just now bots tried to end before Manglemax was dead. he had like 5% less HP. Also how can i make so my wizzard use desintegration wave instead of arcane blast? or at least make it do it between arcane blast cooldown?
Either i have really really bad RNG or this was nerfed Ran it for 3 hours with 50 games/hour and i got 0 legendaries I did get some legendary mats and plan though
Anyone know what I can change in Trinity to make it use Call of The Ancients as soon as it goes into combat? Thanks
Total tracking time: 4h 43m 43s Total games (approx): 231 [48,85 per hour] - Legendary: 7 [1,48 per hour] {0,84 %} Torment 1