I don't think it's blizz's antibot scheme. They did just have a huge patch come out, I'm sure they're working on bugs, I for one am just glad they're not taking the servers down for a day at a time like they used to on patch days
Damn, I was logged on and running fine. Decided I'd stop the bot for an hour or so only to log on to the forums and find the 4.0.6a thread. Now I'm going to have to patch when I log back in. Hope you guys get the fix for it soon Thanks!
It's sad when i'm sitting here with my wow windows open staring at them and waiting for them to move... i forgot how to pick flowers by myself :<
I was goig to bot but when it didnt work i was think "self its time you actually played wow" i looged on my 45 warrior played for 15mins got bored and logged lol. I seem to have more fun botting and doing things botting related then actually playing :/
Kougar81 - Keep in mind that this bot is being updated as we speak. They constantly look for stuff that has been updated internally that could possibly have the bots detected. And in that sense, it does take awhile longer. I'd rather it take them 2 days and know my account(s) are safer then 2 hours and not know if all possibly checks have been spotted and secured. Just my 2c. - <3 To all the developers.
lol, I wasn't complaining in the least. I understand that our security is at risk on every patch. I'm just new to the buddy system and was interesting in knowing an approximate time length on these things.
They're waiting for the patch to be deployed on the EU servers, which is in a little under 2 hours (11pm EST). Unfortunately, at that point it will probably be too late in the evening for the developers to release an update, so expect a release tomorrow if all goes well. This information is coming from Apoc through IRC.
We actually have everything updated (and as far as we can tell so far, working) We're ironing out some bugs, and bringing back some functionality that we had to remove (due to WoW bugs), such as queueing up for 2 BGs, etc. Also; BG Bot is getting some fixes, and additions. (Most notable being that it can now capture banners) Also finishing up the party bot (it may, or may not make it into the next release, we'll see when it happens). Expect a release tomorrow (at the very latest, the day after). Note to everyone using HB still (if you haven't patched your client) - I'll be taking the auth servers offline for an hour or so to do some maintenance.
HOW 2 BETA TEST MUST HONOR... Anyways, no serious is there any way people can get in on a test? Thanks.