I made a spamable macro for Auction Profit Master that clicks the Create Auction button and keybinded it to my F9 key and have an autoit script spaming it. Code: /run if AuctionsBlockFrame and not AuctionsBlockFrame:IsVisible() then AuctionProfitMasterPostButton:Click() end my Autoit script. press Windows + a key combination to start it. Code: #a:: ; Win+a while (1){ Send {F9} sleep, 200 } Edit: this is only really worth it if you have a ton of different stuff to put on ah.
Interesting, as I've been using auctioneer since the day after the patch. I'll give the others a look, but if you know how to use auctioneer, it's a pretty amazing add-on. I'm surprised anyone who bots wouldn't use some add-on. It's inefficient not to... You don't have to do anything to get it to work, aside from updating.
auctioneer is too heavy for me, comes with a ton of features that 95% of us would never use. Ive used auction lite for about a year with no problems.
you can disable (not load) all of the junk stuff. it is pretty heavy, but it's always served me well. i rarely have an auction that doesn't close, and I don't undercut, market modeling that built into it, and let it decide what the right price is.... do you still have to drag and drop items to sell with auction lite?
Yeah, it just scans current auctions and gives you a undercut price based on the % you pick in settings. Was really great for posting alot of stacks or singles at a time but now the default wow auction house also lets you do that.
this isnt true. i just downloaded auctioneer and posted a bunch. the only time u have to click anything at all is if you queue auctions (like post 20 x 1 stacks of something and then put something else in there while thats still posting) then it just asks u to continue posting once its done. its still very automated
Didn't read the whole thread, but does anyone know how to turn off "auctioneer needs a confirmation to continue posting" notification in Auctioneer 5.9?
Actioneer works for 4.0.1... just use their beta version on their homepage. Edit: use BigPicture to see what all your auctions are worth if all are brought out/bidded It's an awesome addOn.
Tried Auctionator, this add-on looks really crappy against auctioneer even if it will require pressing continue.
are you using batch posting and have no problems with pop-up window asking you to press continue for every lot?
Hi, Just in case someone was using QA3 for its auto mail feature, I'm providing an up to date addon that mails items to alts when you open any mailbox. PM for information
QA3 is outdated, so they made Auction Profit Master (QA3 Successor by the same Author). Everything is the same, except you have to click "Post Auction" on every item.