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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by theoryaction, Oct 19, 2012.

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    1. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      no one speaks for bossland other then himself. Its called freedom of speech.
    2. Venus112

      Venus112 New Member

      Jun 17, 2010
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      God you people are touchy.
      All I am saying is that it is wrong to tell people that they are not allowed to complain. Wouldn't you if you bought something and you don't feel it's working?
      I am not on anyones side here and I don't understand all the trash talking and flaming from people who should obviously never have posted in the first place, cause those kind of posts are hurting the community.
    3. 2gutta

      2gutta New Member

      May 8, 2012
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      yeah it's rough right now, but MoP hasn't been out a month yet... maybe if HB was a simple as Glider was they'd have it working flawless, but no they have to make sure all the plugins and various bots work (BGBuddy, gatherbuddy, questing, etc) so ofc its gonna take a while for them to iron out the bugs. have patience young one.
    4. zonpan

      zonpan Banned

      Jan 12, 2012
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      Although there's a lot of errors in the bot I still think this is THE BEST bot I've ever seen and used. So even with the errors (which most of them have workarounds) this is the best bot you will find.
      Criticism is great when it helps something improve and get better. Whining (or posts like this one) just shows how unsupportive you can be when problems arrive.
      You have to be the most stupid person in the world to compare a Bot to a TV, Computer or whatever the hell you want to bring up. You don't need a technician to constantly come at your door and tweak your TV screen so you can watch a channel better. Updates are vital to keep a bot running, or else you wouldn't even be able to log in. The bot has to update with every update WoW decides to release. Now tell me, do you need to update your TV to watch a newly released sitcom? Yeah, thought so.
    5. monsieursean

      monsieursean Member

      Jan 21, 2011
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      There really isn't anything else. i picked up a copy of Shadowbot to try out while HB works out the kinks. and it is awful. its totally passive so it actually hits hotkeys and shit. its slow as hell, the combat routines are crappy and there is almost no community routines or profiles., and during movement in combat its a keyboard turner so b the time my toon turns around a player practically kills me. I tried it for gathering using the supplied routine because there is almost 0 user developed one and as soon as i turned it on my toon flew into a roof over and over again until i turned it off. dont be fooled by all the amazing reviews on the SB forums.
      Even with the HB issues ill take it any day over what else is offered out there. and lastly, this is software that costs next to nothing compared to the money you can make using it and has always worked for the most part. the changes for MoP were huge and bugs happen no different than the bugs that come in the actual game with new content release.
    6. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      I do agree some of the auth issues and the bot just stopping randomly is VERY frustrating. That shit needs to be fixed. It's not the bot itself, its the damn server issues. I have never experienced this much interruption from HB in the last 4 or more years I have been using the product. I am not one to complain but it makes it VERY difficult to test my own projects and profiles when the bot wont run for more than 10 or 15 minutes.

      Even as I type this out my bots are sitting there stupid doing nothing with the bot saying "moving to next hotspot" with no movement whatsoever.
    7. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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