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  • [Official] Banwave July 21

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Hawker, Jul 21, 2011.

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    1. kalystoo

      kalystoo New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      15 euros on gamehos.com

      i tested, no problem
    2. hiddenlol

      hiddenlol New Member

      Apr 10, 2010
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      Sigh rolled back from lvl 40 to lvl9. also lost the 150plat i got online.... gg's.

      Going back to wow for now, no bans!!
    3. rolean

      rolean New Member

      Jul 16, 2011
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      It's kinda weird how they are doing these bans/suspensions?? I didn't get an email, I only botted for 4 days before the ban. I sent an appeal and haven't heard anything yet, but I see some of you got your accounts back with a rollback. Any other info??
    4. Doomrok

      Doomrok New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Really disappointing.

      When you first released the bot I bought a year key because I expected the same level of security as the WoW side. I survived the last initial banwave somehow but then a few days after everyone else I lost all my accounts while the bot was down.

      You can check the logs on my key or whatever to see when I last botted but I'm pretty sure it was only for around 4 hours, monitored, over two days when this patch was released: http://www.ryftomate.com/general/744-[official]-ryftomate-1-0-1-746-rift-1-3-hotfix-8-a.html

      After I hit level 20 or whatever I gave account to a friend because I had to travel for work and they leveled it by hand to 40 in the time since by running my character with his through instances on follow. I haven't even turned on the computer that has Ryftomate and RIFT installed since the last time I botted.

      Well the account was banned even though it wasn't used to bot since Hotfix 8 or whatever. I only know this because my buddy sent me an email today saying he couldn't log in because it was banned. I didn't get an email or anything. Thankfully his account is fine or he'd have killed me.

      I guess I am just really bummed because you guys aren't taking security seriously. The bot was down after the first ban wave and I guess released again without making any significant headway towards resolving the problem that allowed ryftomate to be detected in the first banwave. Like I said, seriously disappointed.

      I'm not going to ask for a refund or whatever because it's my fault for being so trusting, but I'm done. Congrats on a the year long key sale I guess. I don't think I'll be able to put my faith or money towards anything you guys put out in the future ever again, not after this.
    5. Redman

      Redman Guest

      Don't think you have to worry about that, they are currently being sued by Blizzard and I wouldn't be suprised if Trion Worlds goes after them next. All in all botting has its' ups and downs. If you have a family, busy work schedule, and like to be outside and enjoy real life but still want to play at endgame level with all the hardcores who have no life and play 24/7, it could be justified. On the other side of things though, if you are just botting multiple accounts to sell ingame currency, it could be looked at as a bad thing.

      This is the first game I've ever botted in, and I am glad I did. I look at Rift as a great game and a better alternative to WoW and all its' rehashed content, but it's not THE game, you know? Now if I had made a stupid decision and botted on SWTOR, then I'd be pissed, but hopefully nobody will make 3rd party cheat programs for SWTOR, as developers hopefully they can respect how long its' taken Bioware to make SWTOR and not fuck it up by making a botting program for it. :p
    6. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      Same exact thing they did last time. The called it the "Father's day sale". They suckered me in for 3 more accounts. Won't happen again. Not until I can stay up longer than a month. Odds are the original issue was never fixed and they just re-ran the same scan, and waited until the had X number of accounts caught to ban, then banged it again. It is "demoralizing", and it works.
    7. hermes

      hermes Guest

      another 15 euros for waiting another ban ? no way!
    8. petra müller

      petra müller New Member

      Jun 29, 2011
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      Whould have been nice to know hat triggerd the first bannwave and now this one...

      Since its no secret the got us...
    9. Redman

      Redman Guest

      I know, I was here for the first banwave too :p

      Suckers will fall for it again. I luckily scored a free account, hence why I was here for the second banwave. Luckily this one didn't cost me anything because I was within the free 30 day trial still and account was free like I mentioned.
    10. mw6956

      mw6956 Guest

      i've had a second account in the wings, waiting and watching for this to pick up. somewhere along the lines trion has had a massive hardon for this bot. although riftminnions beta bot is still working, i was under the impression that they're main bot was an injection method bot. unless i read wrong along the lines, don't know why i said that but someone might appreciate that info. suppose i'm a little surprised people are shocked at the fact trion are targeting the only bot on the market, not like wow where they are close to ten a penny.

      i'm looking to come back to rift and ryftomate, but to much of a tight arse to fork out everytime there is a banwave :p
    11. Dronf

      Dronf New Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      Do you really think there aren't two dozen or more guys sitting at the starting line ready to race to be the first to put out bots, speed hacks and abuse whatever else of gameplay is done client side?

      How good of a job do you think EA is going to do policing their game?
    12. Rocketpower

      Rocketpower Member

      Feb 4, 2011
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      I wish i knew about this prior to buying the bot and 2 accounts today >.<
    13. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      about minion, imho, GMs dont catch it now, cause it beta and for free. after release and when few hundred subs of minion will be up Trion will get it. Hopefully, im not right and it`ll be an undetectable programm)
    14. Redman

      Redman Guest

      To answer your first question: Of course there are, I was joking in the sense that I WISH that there wasn't because in my opinion SWTOR will be the game to play. I tested it a little bit and it's amazing, and no I am not a hardcore Star Wars fanboy, I just enjoy good games, and this is certainly going to be at the top of heap when it comes to MMOs. So, in a perfect world SWTOR would be left untarnished, but I have a strong feeling that EA/Bioware are not going to have a hard time weeding out all that crap.

      To answer your second questions: Ever play a little old game called Ultima Online? Where when EA took over they have a zero tolerance for anything? They caught everything from UOExtreme, to EZMacros, and even had to come to an agreement with UOAssist and UOAutoMap to let those being acceptable 3rd party programs.

      So yeah I think EA will do just fine in catching botters/hackers/etc..
    15. Beringtom

      Beringtom Member

      Mar 7, 2010
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      that's why google was invented, if you didnt spend anytime looking into the program you are about to buy, then i guess you got yourself into this mess.
    16. vanzes

      vanzes New Member

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Redman, you forgot UOInjection which was OK for about some years, ofcourse there were banwaves, but dont think pls thas EA gods of catching 3rd party, UO was 10 years ago, nowadays many things had changed in MMO industry.
      About SWTOR , it bets only on its history and lore for fanboys , nothing more, just another clon of WOW with no really new ideas, no super-puper graphics. Only interesting system of dialogues and MUCH money for PR. I played beta and know what im talking about.
    17. axlek

      axlek Guest

      Hey, i didn't get an email but why? and is there any chance to get his account back?

    18. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      If you got no email, more than likely you botted the SHIT out of the account (like me) and do not have much hope of getting it back. When you appeal it they will tell you "Due to the time and length of use of the bot, the account will remain closed." Then you will undergo some amusing email tag with them, until finally they escalate it to a seniot gm-fag who tells you they will no longer reply to tickets regarding this account....lol THEN! (My favorite part) they send you a questionnaire about how much you liked their customer service... ... priceless! The reason I completely abused the account was simply because of a gut feeling this was coming again, after begin less than 100% on why the first one happened. So who cares? Bot the fucker 24 hours a day, you are going to get the same ban that they give the other guy that botted 2 hours a day got. Only you will wind up with more platinum in the end..... STILL NOT ENOUGH - See part two of this post below:

      Yeah, /agreed - at $200 a hit - per month - this is getting to be an expensive habit. I look at it like this: If I run a few bot accounts and it keeps gold flowing to my accounts that need it, and lose one once in a while, great. However, these six accounts did not make NEARLY the 3000+ platinum required to cover the total losses of all six accounts. So, yeah, I'm going to be forced to take a sideline for a while. Not that I can't afford to continue ( I have a year sub here), but it is more sensible to simply buy gold at this point... something Trion does not seem to give a shit about. Simple math really. I netted approximately 800 plat from the last loss. That is about a $100 loss in profit. Granted, I am looking into buying accounts already at 50 now, thus eliminating the grind time to get there and start actually making good platinum on them.... Meh who knows, maybe I will go actually PLAY the game....... I doubt it. :p lolol =D
    19. Antec9000

      Antec9000 New Member

      Jul 19, 2011
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      I botted starting on Tuesday morning and my key ran out the next day. Always attended and when RIFT would crash (happened alot during the time i ran the bot) i would cancel the send report. Account is still good.
    20. rolean

      rolean New Member

      Jul 16, 2011
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      I botted for 4 days, but got banned permanently. Appealed, got denied.

      My friend botted for 3 weeks non-stop, she got a 24 hour ban. wtf?
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