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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by erenion, Oct 6, 2010.

    1. gameownz

      gameownz New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      /absolutely agree
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      as a paying customer i am always comparing prodcuts between each other..so i ask myself why always pay for more features if there are other bots that already have those features included within the lifetime price?!!
      I would pay for it but then it has to be absolutely awesome, the eAuction for example should not only be able just to put stuff in the ah, it should be possible to specify in detail when and how much stacks i want to sell...and it definitely needs to have a flatrate / monthly / lifetime price. Would be nice to make a poll about that..i'm pretty sure the feedback would directly reflect that.
    3. I3ig Al

      I3ig Al New Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      it looks good and all but as Bossland said it is not really for small time botters like most of us. Bossland runs up to 64 bots, imagine having to baby 128 programs for disconnects and crashes.

      I bought GB lifetime and i honestly dont expect this to be free to me. it was a significant expenditure for the HB team above and beyond the HB and GB programs, and they should get paid for that. what the right price is, i dont know, but it sure isnt free.
    4. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      I think that demographic is a small percentage of this community. I run 3-4 bots at a time, and there is no way I'm paying an extra $5/month for a relogger.

      @Devs: Really guys? Monthly fees for plugins? I was hoping for one time purchases, or at least an option to buy outright. Looks like I'm going to stick with the free stuff and donate to the folks who develop them.
    5. bossland

      bossland Administrator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It is not made by the HB Team.

      And it does a lot of stuff:

      *Set time to run per day
      *Set max accs to run per computer ( so you can have 40 accounts and run each 12h per day ) and its then only 20 sessions used - i do run my accounts only 12h a day
      *Set how often to auction per day
      *Auctions as much as you have told the bots before ( like max 6 stacks of 20 x Frost Lotus , it scans the ah and undercuts the price by an % you set up)
      *You start all the bots by only 1 click, you stop all Bots with 1 click
      * It uses mail and guildbank for auctions
      * It is that big and complex and needs only few minutes to set up

      Thats why i will pay my 60 -100 sessions a month myself, the Automator is not a product of the HB team, but it was that great that we will offer it for anyone who has the needs for it.

      Right now i save around 4-5 hours a day with that tool. 80 % of them for Auctioning and 20 % for starting bots and looking if they all run.

      Right now it starts 30 Bots in 6 Minutes, they will optimize it - so it will take around 2 minutes. An Android app will be provided to monitor your bots.

      This is a complete bot for itself - and i love it. Again its not by the Buddy Team.
    6. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Do you know whether there will be other apps for phones too, like the iphone?
      The feature list sounds awesome..and if i think about it again...if it will speed up my whole process in bot management and will safe time it's worth 1€ for each character.
      I know this question is being hated by devs =) is there already a release date? If you say you already use it, what's your feeling about the completeness?
    7. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
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      Both sides of it Joker. Small personal use botters and Multiple accounts botters.

      I would rather donate to a personal member for a good relogger (at present the ones available are rubbish for EU WoW users) or buy a lifetime access.

      Either way whoever is selling this has already got convincing feedback. With the exception of a few MEGA botters and people with more money than financial sense this pricing plan will not drawn people in.
    8. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      First i thought the same but if i do some calculating..

      For example let's pick 1 honorbuddy lifetime and 3 wow accounts + 3 automator = 123 € in the first month

      with 3 bots you can make let's say 150k gold a month. Even if you sell this gold very cheap like 1,5$/1k you make 225$ = ~160 €, so you make a win of 37 €....and in the following months more then 100 and come on..does it really care if you earn a few euros more or less compared to the time you safe? A lifetime or monthly price would be nice but even that why i think it's worth it
    9. Ratz241

      Ratz241 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I will be buying it, I am a growing poweruser and I will have no problem dishing out 10-15 euro a month, It really isn't even that much, honestly for the small timers.. ie one or two account's is 1-2 euro's a month going to break the bank? Really, how poor are you? This relogger is superb and look's as though combined with the auction setup blows any relogger for "free" with other bots out of the water.
      I have a dodgy connection at times and my wow's can crash overnight which can delay my profit and give me headaches, I would also be willing to pay a fee for closed beta I'm that desperate, just a head's up to erenion, who is a quality developer, I hope it's released soon :).
    10. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think it's funny the way you say you make a win of 37 €, what about your electricity bill's, your game time top up's, your monthly fee for the relogger and what happen's when all your account's get banned cause you do something stupid by connecting all the account's togther by the same ip address etc...?? you wont make any profit atall if you bot 3 bot's, the prices for gold is awefully low and most business only buy gold for $1 per k and there is no guarentee that you can sell all your farmed gold aswell as buying a gold muling account to trade the gold.

      This relogger is only useable for people with 10 plus account's not for the standard person with 2 or 3 account's like myself, also the description of this relogger is abit stupid, why would a relogger put auction's up, set how often to auction per day etc... it sounds to me that this relogger sound's alot like the old eAuction plugin but they can make money of this and not give it away for free (Lifetimer users) since it's a standalone app.

      C'mon if this relogger basically does everything the old free eAuction plugin did , what will the new Eauction plugin do? and why would people buy this relogger when the new eAuction will be free?? no one will pay 1 euro/ month just for a relogger when they can get them for free.
    11. peteyboy23

      peteyboy23 Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I see the value for this in the future, even if I just got my 1 lifetime account and 3 WoW accounts. Having something that could relog, sell, run for X hours, plus many other customizations, and be completely automated, would be awfully nice to have. The android app would be just gravy on top.

      What it comes down to for me is the execution, rather than the promise. Let's see it work, do everything you claim and more, and then you'll get the community listening.
    12. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      Wow, why are so many whining? It's not made by the team, but it's an excellent program. Think of all the time you waste having to check your bot, start it up, re log it in, auctions as stated etc. If you run a large number of bots, or even just 3 gatherers at once, this could increase production by a fair amount and give you even more free time, leadign to a much more *user free* botting experience. To the point of beign able to go away for a naughty weekend with the gf and coming back to 20k gold and a the comptuer fan whirring as your bots are still running..

      I think it's great, definetly worth the price. If I like cata and decide to expand my bots, I'd use it for certain :).
    13. wilsonj17

      wilsonj17 Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You made me change my mind about this now :), dont get me wrong i dont understand why a relogger has so many auction feature's but i will buy it and test it, two question's, will the 1euro a month be a subscribtion or 1 of payment you will have to renew every month? and is it a key based program were you email us a 1 month key?
    14. Bobble

      Bobble New Member

      Jun 11, 2010
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      I tend to agree with a lot of people. Yea i agree 1 euro is absoultely sweet fa, but, comparatively speaking its expensive when there are free alternatives, and i genuinely believe that the vast majority of people will not value it at 1 euro a month regardless of how cheap/expensive that is, most people tend to be put off by the concept of a monthly fee imo!

      If it represents good value for money then i'll give it a whirl!
      Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
    15. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      I don't see anybody whining, just mentioning some opinions.

      I thought this was a Buddy Team plugin, my mistake. Erenion is a quality devloper and deserves to be compensated for his time, I'm not disputing that. However, not everyone here sells gold. I bot for personal gain, gold, mats, etc. not to sell gold. Therefore, any further money I spend on botting is an expense and I'm not making any of that money back.

      My issue is that I would also like the opportunity to have a working relogger, but it doesn't make sense for me to shell out $5/month. I would gladly pay $10-$15 one time fee to have something like this. How about a "Lifetime" option, Erenion?
    16. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      that's just an example..i made multiple the times of money (30x) that i once spent for lifetime or anything...even if i calculate electricity and stuff like that. Why should someone with only 3 bots don't buy it? Not everyone can always monitor his bots and if my bot disconnects and i lose several hours this is definitely worth 1 euro. If a paid plugin has better support and more features again..that's worth it
    17. cawpet

      cawpet Member

      Jan 23, 2010
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      I don't think lifetime is an optin as it uses HB... If, god forbid, HB as a project was halted for whatever reason, all of the people who purchased lifetimes of this would chase him up and get angry etc. Monthly really does seem the best option for everyone.
    18. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      If someone chooses to pay for lifetime, they understand it's for the "lifetime" of the product. The same way HB/GB offers monthly and lifetime options.

      Would like to see a response from Erenion on this, not speculation from other users. Again, just looking for some flexibility for folks who don't bot for profit.
    19. erenion

      erenion DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It already does. And undercuts etc.
    20. lightingthunder

      lightingthunder New Member

      Jun 28, 2010
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      erenion how much for ah bot alone ? without relogger and the other one

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