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  • [OFFICIAL] Rebornbuddy Questing Pack

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Profiles' started by kagamihiiragi17, Dec 19, 2014.

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    1. Johj

      Johj New Member

      Mar 15, 2015
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      All for show, absolutely 0 usefulness. The only useful thing is your companion chocobo.
    2. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Oh ok thanks! I assume chocobo is obtained at a higher level?
    3. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Getting problems again, did a fresh install just to be sure and installed a new folder with the profiles + updated.

      Quests i have now:

      Central shroud:
      Where the heart is

      Leves of bentbranch
      Fire in the gloom

      Limsa Lominsa:
      Beauty is only scalp deep

      Edit: Saw your first posts, and it seems i have to go do dungeons inbetween questing. I guess that was the problem at first as well.

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    4. The Red Terror

      The Red Terror Member

      Apr 2, 2012
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      Here is a continuation of my last problem thread.

      I would like to state that this entire profile that I have ran twice so far was being ran alone and with no other plug-in attached. Zekken is sometimes turned on during combat so the bot is able to function if the aoe it's fighting against is supported. That being said if it's a navigation issue and for profiles you don't actually input the coordinates of the path you take (unable to enter a path manually) then please either post what I have posted here or let me know where to post so we can get this ship moving onward.

      Main Quest: Influencing Inquisitors (1/4 Complete walking to the second)
      Location: Coerthas Central Highlands, Whitebrim Front

      First Problem: The bot is trying to talk again to Alboise at the top level instead of the bot level where he actually is.

      Second Problem: Once again if you move into the house and start the bot it will hand in the quest and grind up on the chair and tables in the next room (probably thinking it's on a floor it isn't on).

      Here's another log of me stopping the bot to walk into the bottom house and resuming and letting it hand in the quest proceeded by the bot grinding.
      View attachment 12724 2015-03-16 22.48.txt

      Quest: Second Lives
      Location: Coerthas Central Highlands, 31X, 15Y

      Problem: The bot successfully found 3/6 of the snow mounds the first go and then just sat there and idled. I did it again and it found another. I will most likely start it from the entrance so it will come across all of them and be successful. (this quest isn't really an issue. It just sometimes has to be stopped and resumed via the "Stop" "Start" button). Sorry that I don't have a better log and a detailed description of what happened.

      View attachment 14712 2015-03-16 22.51.txt

      EDIT1: Where that log ends is where the bot stops at. It's a snow mound up on a small hill and seems it has to be jumped at to get. My Thaumaturge did this no problem, but it seems the other will not even attempt to do anything, If this is another navigation error then I'm sorry. It really is a shame there's no way to force a bot to run up a hill and jump onto it through the profile.

      EDIT2: This is NOT a problem with the following quest. Just a statement so people are aware.

      Main Quest: The Heretic among Us

      Regardless if you're using Zekken or not. You will most likely die repeatedly on this quest even with the echo. There are a few aoe's that need to be dodged or it's game over. Needless to say that the current Zekken doesn't have all these spells added and even if they did you still end up running into a mountain and dying because you're no longer able to keep back peddling. This quest will have to be done manually for now.

      Quest: Blood Sacrifice

      Problem: Walking to NPC Ferdillaix. The bot was outside the house/inn for Ferdillaix and decided to spin wild beside the left side beside the door until I manually stopped the bot. Most likely another Navigation issue.
      Bottom of the log. View attachment 12724 2015-03-16 22.48.txt

      When used outside the house it grinds the wall. When inside (even in just past the door) the bot navigates with ease.

      Quest: It Tolls for Us (3/5 Complete on it's way to 4)

      Problem: Once the bot picks up the fourth weapon it sits there trying to navigate to a NPC called Berengeoit. The Bot just sits and waits. Most likely because the NPC is up top right above it. I'm almost wondering if this bot uses a Z axis or not. It seems like some of it might be improper navigation, but others seem that manually adding some just to navigate outside of the house would solve a lot of issues.

      I'm only a beginner so my knowledge is minimal with this.

      Bottom of Log. View attachment 12724 2015-03-16 22.48.txt

      Conjurer Quest: O Brother, Where Art Thou
      Location: South Shroud, 18X, 27Y

      Problem: It actually jumps on the pillar to communicate with the NPC Reya-O-Senna, but it will not interact with her in anyway. It just sits there and spams the interaction, It keeps trying to hook and then replace the hook. When the quest is properly picked up manually the bot tries and returns to Cid only to just sit there and keep checking gear every so often. Seems like a teleport is needed or something.

      Here's a log of the whole kerfuffle. View attachment 12904 2015-03-17 13.04.txt

      EDIT5: Experiencing the same errors in the same places for each quest on multiple characters. Just so you're aware that it's not a one time thing.

      Quest: Doing the Dirty Work

      Problem: The bot seems to actually be heading over to the quest now at around level 43. The quest is a 31. However the issue is that the bot just sits at a distance from the mob and sits there admiring the Haliostroper (Marlboro/Bad Breath).

      Bottom of the log. View attachment 12904 2015-03-17 13.04.txt

      Update to EDIT6: It looks like the Bot is thinking the In Too Deep quest is the Doing the Dirty Work quest. In essence, the bot is believing that killing multiple Haliostroppers will complete the quest In Too Deep which is obtaining water samples from Hopeseed Pond. The reason I state this is because I manually handed in the quest and the bot still wants to kill Haliostroppers as well as a hook in the log stating it's doing the In Too Deep quest.

      EDIT7: Not sure what quest it is, but the first time the bot reaches Mor Dhona and interacts with the aetheryte it tries to use it to set a free destination instead of it's home or favorite.

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      Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
    5. bobbyx

      bobbyx Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      I download and use the new one, I think I am getting this error because I run the 1-15 profile a long time ago, then I did fate to lv40, after the new 15-50 profile come out, I may not be able to use it coz the lvl and the quest line is mass up.
    6. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Something weird is going on now at 27. I finished the prequisite quest so it should be fine and what the bot should do now is pick up "Helping horn" but instead it's killing low level mobs that's not giving any exp (not fate).
      I'm on my way to pick it up manually, if that don't work im gona run the fatebot for a while to let it level ahead a bit.

      Edit: Not sure what it's doing now but it killed off a few more of the low level mobs and is now heading somewhere else. Just gona let it do what it's doing for a while and see if it sorts out, this might be the grinding parts were mentioning in the first post.
      Sorry if im being impatient with the profile but it has been killing low mobs for over 30 minutes that's why i posted in the first place. But might have solved itself now. Not sure. Will be back if i still have issues. Sorry.

      Edit 2: This seems to be a part of "Hunting log" stuff for my class.

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      Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
    7. Altard

      Altard New Member

      Jul 27, 2014
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      My Trial by Wind wasn't completed either with the normal 1 - 15 Gridania Profile. I don't have logs because I was asleep but I came here about to post about my issue and noticed it was aforementioned someone had the same quest uncompleted with theirs. There must be some sort of a hiccup along the way, maybe with the next character I will watch more closely~
    8. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      The log should be in your logs folder still, and without it I can't fix it.
    9. Altard

      Altard New Member

      Jul 27, 2014
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      That's lost amongst a bunch of other logs already, if two people encountered the error I am sure someone else will post a log about it soon enough to aid you with your plight.
    10. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Not if they have the same mentality you do.
    11. cissamannen

      cissamannen New Member

      Sep 1, 2014
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      Hello, after updating, i get this error everytime loading limsa profile and only that one. This is all the text in whole logfile:

      Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
    12. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Not sure how that got in there, I removed that ages ago. Either way, update again and it should be fine.
    13. Blitzx303

      Blitzx303 Member

      Apr 5, 2011
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      Made a new toon today, started profile then went to work.

      Came home level 11 and the bot doing nothing. Log attached.

      Attached Files:

    14. The Red Terror

      The Red Terror Member

      Apr 2, 2012
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      Pugilist Quest: Harder than Rock (Level 5)
      Location: Western Thanalan

      Problem: The bot comes out of Ulduh and then proceeds to stop and get this error:

      System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Clio.Utilities.ScriptManager.GetCondition(String expression)

      It's the quest where you go and click on a Trial Stone and bootshine it for a mob to appear. This has happened multiple times on multiple pugilists that I've tested.

      Here's a full log from Level 1 to Level 10 when the problem occurs. What you're looking for is at the bottom.

      View attachment 6420 2015-03-18 12.30.txt

      Pugilist Quest: Burning Up the Quarter Malm (Level 10)
      Location: Uldah - Steps of Nald

      Problem: Same issue as the level 5 pugilist quest.

      System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Clio.Utilities.ScriptManager.GetCondition(String expression)

      You're supposed to use Bootshine on five(5) Wooden Dummies to get quest completion.

      Here's a log. At the bottom is where it's at. The bot just stands at the NPC who gave the quest with this error.

      View attachment 6420 2015-03-18 12.30.txt

      Story Quest: Drowning Out The Voices (4/5 Complete, problem on the 5th)
      Location: Mor Dhona, Camp Revenant's Toll (The dead camp)

      Problem: After completing the 4th location with the electromagnetic reader the bot sits there and checks gear.

      View attachment 6420 2015-03-18 12.30.txt

      Starting the bot a little distance away beneath the 5th where the bots ends up after the 4th seems to do the trick and the navigation worked.
      Last edited: Mar 19, 2015
    15. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      One question, been running this profile pack since 1 as a conjurer, and i'm 35 atm and haven't gotten Cure II skill yet which i read im supposed to get at 30.
      Googling doesn't give much, only things about the beta. Where do i go get the Cure II spell, any reason the bot hasn't gotten it for me?
    16. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      I would assume its from a class quest your bot hasn't done yet. Many of the class quests have relatively difficult duties associated with them so we wait until we're a couple levels higher than the quest to go do it.
    17. exaccuss

      exaccuss Active Member

      Nov 10, 2013
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      I'm pretty sure that's a class quest skill. Try completing your level 30 class quest.
    18. Freakymarek

      Freakymarek Guest

    19. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      I never recommend questing AFK. I always recommend that you at least have the bot on a second monitor so you can fix something if something goes wrong, questing is still somewhat of an inexact science and the profiles are far from perfect.

      With regards to your error, I pushed a fix for that in r136.
    20. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Characters who were not leveled using the 1-15 profile are not supported. You cannot use this profile on a character you've been questing manually on.
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