I'm Echo, Azyul is the project name. Just use <MoveTo/>. For the XYZ, put it in Tirisfal Glades. The bot knows how to navigate from point to point already without any fancy code. As long as there's no loading screen between the two points - the bot will automatically calculate the fastest route no matter how far it is. So you could do: <Universal Navigation to Eastern Kingdoms /> <MoveTo X="123" Y="456" Z="789" /> <!-- Use the XYZ for Tirisfal Glades --> Even if the bot is in Booty Bay, the <MoveTo /> will be able to get the bot to Tirisfal Glades.
I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but yes it is possible. ToEasternKingdoms should already be able to handle coming from Draenor, so there's no need to have the bot go to Draenor first.
It would essentially be ToEasternKingdom or ToKalimdor with an InteractWith for the Deepholm portal at the end. I'll see about making one later today.
I'm having a error on your Navigations, i used the Reglar Snips (v1.5.7). Horde Lvl 100 PHP: <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Vol'mar" X="4307.258" Y="-1467.488" Z="79.11794" /> And here, i trigged the Navigation. [17:58:01.019 N] [Azyul Navigator]: Going to Outlands! [17:58:01.147 N] [Azyul Navigator]: We have reached Outlands!
Could you give me some more details? I'm assuming you're going to Outlands by the log output - but that MoveTo shouldn't be in any of the snips.
Coordinated up there, that's exactly where I was, when I load the profile. "Vol'mar" X="4307.258" Y="-1467.488" Z="79.11794" I just load profile, that start trigged the profile: <QuestOrder> <!-- This is just a snip. Copy and Paste me! --> <!-- Universal Nav Start --> ... <!-- Universal Nav End --> <If Condition="Me.MapId == 530"> (Ignored because it is not in Outland) ... </If> <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="[QB] Mount Farm" RememberProfile="true" /> </QuestOrder> And The Mount Farm reload this Profile again, and again, and again, because it is not going to Outland.
The character it's getting stuck on - what's the route that you can take to leave Draenor? Because you must have any of these three options: 1) Class-abilities that can teleport the player out of Draenor. 2) A Garrison with access to Ashran via portal or Flight master. 3) An off-cooldown hearthstone out of Draenor. I'll put a tester on it to make sure that it exits Draenor properly while going to Outland.
Hey just noticed a typo in your To Pandaria Snips, says they've arrived in Northrend when it's completed: Code: <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Bots.Professionbuddy.PBLog.Log(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue, "[Azyul Navigator]: ", System.Windows.Media.Colors.LightGreen, "We have reached Northerend!");" /> Not a huge deal but thought you may want to know!
Thanks for the info! I had noticed this issue in the past and fixed it - but I guess the fix wasn't pushed, lol. I'll see about getting it out soon.
really awesome very useful for editing profiles that is missing this but im wondering is it posible to convert a GB2 profile in to a questing profile so i can use this for my farming profiles? +rep
Yea, it's very possible. The absolute easiest way would be to loop an 'InteractWith.' eg: HTML: <HBProfile> <QuestOrder> <!-- Put the universal navigation code here. --> <While Condition="true" > <!-- Have the below code loop infinitely --> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobIds="123, 456, 789" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" Range="1" > <HuntingGrounds> <!-- list of hotspots that you would normally use in the Gatherbuddy profile --> </HuntingGrounds> </CustomBehavior> </While> </QuestOrder> </HBProfile> With that example, the bot will 'interact' with objects/mobs with the IDs 123, 456 or 789. You can add as many IDs here as you want. Given PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount", the bot should dismount before interacting with the object/mob. And given Range="1", the bot will get within 1yard of the object/mob. Typically this setting isn't required, but with ores/herbs, it's usually better to have the bot get really close.
Just wanted to leave a quick note and tell you how great this is-- thank you so much for sharing. It was so easy to add the two tags and *poof* it just worked. Great stuff!
Glad to hear they're working out for you. I've updated the "Remote Code QuestBehaviors" section to include a tip on how to make the bot automatically download and install the QuestBehaviors. That way you (or anyone else using this method) can avoid having to explain to the users that they must copy them and the profiles will be more of a 'load and start with 0 setup.'
Any chance we could get these added to the store? It would be very handy to be able to call them from a plugin etc.
There is a issue in the To Draenor Profile when using the Garrison Hearthstone: Code: <While Condition="(Me.ZoneId != 7078 || Me.ZoneId != 7004)" > <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(110560);" WaitTime="500" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="(Me.ZoneId != 7078 || Me.ZoneId != 7004) || Me.Combat || !Me.IsCasting" /> </While> must be: Code: <While Condition="(Me.ZoneId != 7078 && Me.ZoneId != 7004)" > <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(110560);" WaitTime="500" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="(Me.ZoneId != 7078 || Me.ZoneId != 7004) || Me.Combat || !Me.IsCasting" /> </While> or: Code: <While Condition="!(Me.ZoneId != 7078 && Me.ZoneId != 7004)" > <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(110560);" WaitTime="500" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="50000" TerminateWhen="(Me.ZoneId != 7078 || Me.ZoneId != 7004) || Me.Combat || !Me.IsCasting" /> </While> otherwise he loops ;-)
Thanks for the heads up! Yea - this issue along with several others similar to it have already been noted and fixed a few weeks/months ago. However, I was holding back an update until the pre-patch of Legion due to me being busy.
[div=font-family:segoe ui;color:#000;font-size:19.5pt;font-style:normal; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;text-rendering: optimizelegibility]UNS updated to v2 [div=font-size:19.4px;color:#6795DA;text-shadow: 0px 1px #000]Fixed Issues[/div][div=font-size:16px] Global [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Technical][/div] ւ Massively cleaned up the code conditions. Everything is checked by custom booleans rather than having a chunk of mess in each <If/While/> ւ Draenor is now checked by ExpansionId rather than a mess of ZoneIds/MapIds. ւ Fixed MapId detection when entering Outlands. Error previously wasn't hurting the profiles, but it needed to be corrected. [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Logic][/div] ւ New conditional logic has been added. In the process, a TON of errors have been fixed - given this, a lot more unique player circumstances are now also supported. ւ The bot will now be able to reach Ashran via Flight Path regardless of what tier the player's Garrison is. [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Conditional][/div] ւ HearthstoneAreaId now checks by MapId rather than specific AreaIds. This will allow for 100% Hearthstone support to the destination allowing for a LOT more support to the navigation logic. ւ If started in Ashran while leaving Draenor, bot will no longer go back to the Garrison. Instead it will just use the Ashran portals to leave Draenor. To Pandaria [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Conditional][/div] ւ Will no longer get into an endless loop after Hearthing to Stormwind while going to the Pandaria portal. Pandaria+Northrend [div=text-shadow: 0px 1px #a3a3a3;][Conditional][/div] ւ If the bot is started in Northrend or Pandaria and the player's Hearth is acceptable for reaching our destination, the bot will now hearth instead of seeking the Dalaran/Shrine portals. Important Note! If you previously used the GitHub link for the RemoteCode behaviors - The source URL has been changed to: https://github.com/EchoTiger/AzyulSource/tree/master/UniversalNav The previous source URL was: https://github.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/tree/master/Navigation This source is no longer being updated! [/div][/div]