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  • [PAID] Omation

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by Reviir, Dec 6, 2014.

    1. nuhll

      nuhll Member

      Nov 29, 2014
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      It seems like the guy from omations is not here anymore, dont respond to PN or anything. And i just bought his packet for one profile which is not working.. xD
    2. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      As has been stated I have had some irl explosions happen lately so had to make some ajustments aka had to get a real god dealing with divorce and custody.....

      Thanks for the log I will look into what is causing the issue u left some good notes.
    3. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      here is that log of the golem situation i just experienced it again today.

      View attachment 8764 2016-05-11 17.09.txt

      had it happen on another character and it logs me out after so long because it said inactivity timer was tripped and logs out of HB but leaves me in game until i am AFK long enough to be logged out

      [00:07:56.458 V] Blacklisting C807 for 00:03:00 [Type: Pull] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller: at Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.Add(WoWObject obj, BlacklistFlags flags, TimeSpan duration, String reason)

      [00:07:56.458 D] Clearing POI - Reason Molten Lord took too long to pull, blacklisting
      [00:08:25.127 D] Map: Firelands1 (720) - Zone: Firelands (5723) - SubZone: 5771

      after this happens what happens is he keeps the molten lord targeted and just stands there and does nothing because it is to far away. even though it says it has blacklisted the mob because he won't let go of the target it will not move forward the moment i take the target off the bot starts moving again

      so i found out why this happens or at least somtimes why this might happen...... i was watching at the right moment and what i see is that because i don't aggro all the mobs sometimes on some of the runs when i start to run back i end up aggroing some. so once i get close to the hill that has the golem on it he dismounts and fights whatever he has on him. then what happens is he targets the golem because it's within the range but my character has his back to it so no spells will land on it and then it just gets out of range all together and my guy keeps him targeted the hole time and stands there
      Last edited: May 16, 2016
    4. jonasxxx

      jonasxxx New Member

      Dec 17, 2014
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      can anyone tell me if all old raids are added to this package?
    5. myst2000

      myst2000 Member

      Mar 17, 2014
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      No a few classic,bc raids and fireland. No dragonsoul, no icc, no ulduar etc ^^
    6. notjustyou

      notjustyou New Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      Does omation-ah still work? [i have tried to trial, but that was few weeks ago]
    7. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Can anyone tell me what the R stands for in some of the profiles?

      For example, we have:
      1. Talador-[Herb] All[HB].xml, and
      2. Talador-[Herb] All[HB]R.xml

      What does the R mean in the second profile? I tried searching for this and looked at the first post in this thread, but couldn't find a description.
    8. talpidae

      talpidae Member

      Sep 19, 2012
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      I would say it stands for reverse. (not tested)
    9. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      That makes sense and sounds very credible. Thank you!
    10. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Well things are progressing along IRL with everything I should be back to work here in next week or so to FINALLY get the new profiles released.

      If you guys are seeing any errors on profiles please get them submitted here so i can get on them in the upcoming days.
    11. TimeSaverZealot

      TimeSaverZealot Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      Welcome back, Reviir. Hope all goes well for all parties concerned.

      It would be really awesome if you add at least herbalism and mining profiles for Tanaan Jungle, but skinning, too, would be great.

      EDIT: Found the skinning pack in the 6.2 folder! I'm used to looking for this stuff in Gold Farming -> Trade Goods. But I still can't find herbalism and mining for Tanaan. I also think it would very useful to organize the packs and profiles a bit more, and rename a few. For example, instead of having a 6.2 folder, whatever's inside that folder can go into the correct category, like Questing, or Farming, etc. Fishing can get under Farming, and actual “gold farming”, like by running old raids or so, can stay as its own category but have pure gold farming profiles only under it. And so on. There's a lot of great material and awesome profiles in the Omation pack, Reviir, but it can use a lot of re-categorization and re-labeling to be user-friendly, easy and quick to use. I bet a lot of people who own this pack actually don't know the full extent of its benefits, simply because they didn't bother to try and find it. Putting accurate labels and organizing everything in the most logical tree structure possible would help those people, and others, really use and love this pack. And the BoE 665 Epics Hunter folder can hopefully be combined into one profile, where the bot just tries to get any of them in a randomized or even sequential fashion that saves travel time. I've never used that pack, simply because the number of subfolders is overwhelming, and I have no idea which items would be best for my characters, or which is the most demanded. It would be much simpler if the bot just tries to get any of those BoE epic items. I really hope you find some of these suggestions good and get to implement them. Frankly, I see huge potential in this pack, but I've yet to use it to even 1% of return on my investment or make any gold from it unfortunately. The addition of herbalism and mining in Tanaan will be a good start, but the rest of the things, like organization, and especially a combined epics-hunter profile, would go a long way in making me love this pack and feel happy about buying it.
      Last edited: May 18, 2016
    12. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Yup I got some time last night and was able to get the kalimdor blackspoting done will be sending in the release for for Omation / gather omation today with the new kalimdor farming will try to get to WoD late tonight to get a release on it for this weekend.

      My priority list as it sits right now
      Omation Farming Tools - add several more lockboxes and poutches
      Omation Farming Tools - fix firelands potion useage
      Omation Gather Omation - WoD blackspots for flying farming profiles
      Omation Gather Omation - Bug reports

      Far as my stuff the more things change the more they stay the same :) The eternal optimist that I am says in the end everything works out. So it normally does not super worried about it just stressful and time consuming.
    13. q2subzero

      q2subzero New Member

      Apr 20, 2016
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      Omation .xml for leveling does not work.

      I just try the TRIAL copy of Omation. I want to try the 1-click leveling, but does not work! My level 57 druid just sits in town, Ogrimmar, running from NPC to sell items, to NPC flight trainer and back and forth for 10 minutes. Can someone help? I find other people have same problem. I try using Omation 1-100 from https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=4191, AND Omation Cosmos from https://store.buddyauth.com/Product?productId=6051, both .xml DO NOT WORK! Let me try to attach log file...

      Attached Files:

    14. Echo Dragon

      Echo Dragon New Member

      Jun 8, 2016
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      I just got the full Omation, any special installment needed ? what is best tanaan jungle daily profile ?

      I run dailies and bonus Objectives then Grind- OmationCreations.xml. but some not right:

      Looting Iron Warwolf Guid:0x200150B700591C80000011000058A32C
      [Omation]: Interacting with Medical Supplies.
      [DoWhen-v2082(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(UseStuff), predicate (() => ((Me.IsAlive && !IsQuestCompleted(39444)) && (BotPoi.Current.Type != PoiType.Loot && BotPoi.Current.Type != PoiType.Interact)) && ((!Me.HasAura(184112) && Me.HealthPercent <= 80) && (Object(241612) != null && Object(241612).Distance <= 80) || ((GetItemCount(122139) < 1) && (Object(239971) != null && Object(239971).Distance <= 100) || (GetItemCount(122139) >= 1) && (Object(90452) != null && Object(90452).Distance <= 60)))) was not reset by execution.
      This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
      The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
      [Omation]: Interacting with Wounded NPCs.
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [(info)] Uninstalled avoidance system

      View attachment 1256 2016-06-08 16.20.txt
      Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
    15. Echo Dragon

      Echo Dragon New Member

      Jun 8, 2016
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      Running Other one with lvling but got this :

      Honorbuddy v2.5.15225.1080 started.
      This is a BETA build of Honorbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
      This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
      Logging in...
      T: 5247696295877613623 H: 3292399827
      Attaching to D3D11
      Attached to WoW with ID 30440
      Honorbuddy v2.5.15225.1080 started!
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      Streamed store botbases:
      * BGFarmer [Millz]
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: Dungeonbuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: Party Bot
      New bot added!: Garrisonbuddy
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: FishingBuddy
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      New bot added!: BGFarmer [Millz]
      HBRelogHelper: Connected with HBRelog
      [Singular] Settings: default Min Health to 50% since Death Knight
      [Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
      [Singular] Starting Singular v4.0.0.4791
      [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
      [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [Singular] Current spec is Blood
      [Singular] Context: using Normal (SOLO) behaviors since not in group
      [Singular] Your Level 67 Undead Blood Death Knight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Nagrand
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
      [Singular] Pull More: enabled up to 3 mobs of type=[Quest]
      [Singular] Initialization complete!
      Installed plugins
      Anti Drown - Disabled
      BuddyControlPanel - Disabled
      DrinkPotions - Disabled
      HBRelogHelper - Disabled
      Refreshment Detection - Enabled
      Character is a level 67 Undead DeathKnight
      Current zone is Nagrand
      Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
      Current zone is Nagrand (http://wowhead.com/zone=3518)
      [Singular] Your Level 67 Undead Blood Death Knight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Nagrand
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
      [Singular] Pull More: disabled, only ProfessionBuddy will Pull targets
      [ArchBuddy]: --------------- Settings ---------------
      [ArchBuddy]: AutoSolveArtifacts: True
      [ArchBuddy]: UseKeystones: False
      [ArchBuddy]: CrateArtifacts: True
      [ArchBuddy]: AutoTrain: True
      [ArchBuddy]: TrainUpto: 375
      [ArchBuddy]: Blacklisted digsites:
      [ArchBuddy]: Name: Nifflevar Digsite MapId: 571 Type: Vrykul
      [ArchBuddy]: Name: Halaa Digsite MapId: 530 Type: Draenei
      [ArchBuddy]: Name: East Summer Fields Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mogu
      [ArchBuddy]: Name: The Feeding Pits Digsite MapId: 870 Type: Mantid
      [ArchBuddy]: Name: Frostboar Drifts Digsite MapId: 1116 Type: Draenor
      [ArchBuddy]: ----------------------------------------
      Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
      [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
      [Singular] Your Level 67 Undead Blood Death Knight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Nagrand
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
      Bot stopping! Reason: Changing SecondaryBot
      [ArchBuddy]: Stopped Archaeologybuddy after clearing 0 digsites in 0h 0m 9s.
      [ArchBuddy]: Solve Report:
      [ArchBuddy]: ---------------------------
      [ArchBuddy]: No solves
      [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
      [Singular] Your Level 67 Undead Blood Death Knight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Nagrand
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
      Bot stopping! Reason: Loading a new profile
      Changing current profile to Omation Creations Horde 58 - 67 Leveling Grind
      [Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
      [Singular] Your Level 67 Undead Blood Death Knight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot in Nagrand
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Osrok the Immovable, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Pilot Marsha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Paulsta'ats, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Arodis Sunblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Technician Halmaha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Selanam the Blade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Asuur, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Quelama Lightblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Urumir Stavebright, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mahir Redstroke, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ahemen, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Aundro, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Anwehu, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Horvon the Armorer, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Aaron Hollman, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Siflaed Coldhammer, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Lissaf, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Bar Talet, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fedryen Swiftspear, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      [Profile Message]: 66-67 Bracket
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Osrok the Immovable, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Pilot Marsha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Paulsta'ats, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Arodis Sunblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Technician Halmaha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Selanam the Blade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Asuur, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Quelama Lightblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Urumir Stavebright, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mahir Redstroke, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ahemen, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Aundro, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Anwehu, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Horvon the Armorer, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Aaron Hollman, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Siflaed Coldhammer, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Lissaf, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Bar Talet, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fedryen Swiftspear, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Zurai, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mortog Steamhead, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mycah, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Osrok the Immovable, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Pilot Marsha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Paulsta'ats, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Arodis Sunblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Technician Halmaha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Selanam the Blade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Asuur, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Quelama Lightblade, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Urumir Stavebright, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mahir Redstroke, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ahemen, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Anwehu, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Aaron Hollman, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Lissaf, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fedryen Swiftspear, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Captured Gnome, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Zurai, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mortog Steamhead, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mycah, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fallesh Sunfallow, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Raiza, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Orgatha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Coreiel, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ogri'la Steelshaper, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ogri'la Steelshaper, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ogri'la Steelshaper, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ruka, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mycah, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fallesh Sunfallow, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Zinyen Swiftstrider, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Raiza, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Orgatha, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ogri'la Steelshaper, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Qiff, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ruka, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Ruka, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Mycah, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Blazzle, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Blazzle, NavType: Run
      Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Fallesh Sunfallow,

      Do I have wrong installing or what ? please help !!
    16. crazyb

      crazyb New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      any plans to add the rune cloth farm ? when i bought this its main purpose was to level tailoring .. its been a while and while i understand RL has to take priority.. i see no mention of it in ur priority list :(
    17. SharkMe

      SharkMe New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Trying to put it on , it always puts this :

      Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      [Omation Mobile Banker]: User Settings Updated and Saved.
      [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Carlos\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(24,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.SpecificQuests.MrDsWildRide' already contains a definition for 'MrDsWildRide'
      [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Carlos\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(26,10) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called '.ctor' with the same parameter types
      [Compiler Error]: C:\Users\Carlos\Documents\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\Kalimdor\Stonetalon Mountains\26028-MrDsWildRide.cs(60,24) : error CS0111: Type 'MrDsWildRide' already defines a member called 'OnStart' with the same parameter types
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Questing
      Current zone is Concejo (http://wowhead.com/zone=7078)
      Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
      Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!

      I reinstalled it and it works good :)
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    18. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      [FONT=Segoe UI, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]AWSOME SharkMe glad to here it.

      Ok im heading out again for a couple days new house is almost ready for the move here BUT....

      In the mean time I add'd a BUNCH of new profiles for all you gatherers out there. Kalimdor is complete. IF you find any more blackspots needed Please list them here with a H or A prefix as to needed to alliance or horde
    19. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      rune cloth got it bud. though i had a rune or 2 in there.
    20. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      No idea what is causing this atm i will look though code here and see if anything jumps out else i am going to have to run a new test toon and check it. seems to be happening on horde 66-67 bracket only though from what ive seen in 2 different reports of this.

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