Its from setting manager. Sotf + Doc is amazing. I can 30k HPS in low dmg periods with 0 mana cost and save mana for SM+WG burst heals. It will be even better with 6.1 Read this Small Guide to BRF Heroic + Mythic Progress and weetton comments on Rdruid desperately needs advice (654)
Try this out, very good mana management and around 33k hps for me. (675 ilvl) Not recommendent when the other healers are weaker than 30k.
Anyone got any settings or advice for blackrock heroic as disc priest, find that mana is an issue in the last 20% on most fights up to Furnace. Candle and Emblem of caustic are trinkets, using attonement. Usually I'll be 4th out of 4 healers on the meters sometimes above the holy paladin who is 3rd.
using attonement is probably your problem. I dont play disc much but I will try to help. Disable all spells except PWS, COW, POM, Cascade, Penance. Pom should used only with archangel crit. Check thsi log
DLR was kind of right, I have no mana issues running my medium disc settings and always top the charts in my heroic guild runs with disc. I will delete my old settings tonight and upload some new ones as the others are dated, but should be the same. PoH should only be used after you archangel which there is a setting for. He said PoM which is incorrect. PoM should be cast whenever there are no charges out really. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Thanks both much appreciated as I do not have anything under Import other than General/Pvp settings etc. Kind regards
Or use Range 6 and it will only dispel if there is nobody around a 6 yards range of a target. Smart dispelling, no more bot-ish.
As above, should I have more import profiles other than the standard 3 I have? General/PVP etc. Curious
I did not, I did however get in some more active tank logic for iron maidens since both tanks are taking damage. I will get them in as soon as I get home from work. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
You need to look in the settings manager so you can download different settings. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Load the settings manager from the O2 GUI and use the drop downs to sort by your raid type, class , spec, etc. Then you'll see user settings you can download for various specs and such. I'd recommend trying the low_mana one just as a starter and then tweak it for yourself. I have done this and pull 38k+ on almost every single fight in iLvl 672 gear. More often than not I'm pushing 40-42k HPS with mana to spare. That's with atonement on too lol. Also make sure to go to hotkeys and set a blanket mode hot key and leave it enabled when you're playing Disc. PS: The settings manager is shown in the "example" screenshots on the product page here
not a big issue or anything but trying to level disc priest with dungeonbuddy. disabled all damage but it still casts smite/holy fire. doesn't heal tank/party unless at critical health 30%-40% no out of combat healing Low level healing enabled Dungeonbuddy bot just doesn't want to play nice with this routine.
I personally haven't tested it in dungeons but the description on the store says it works with it. Have you tried: Setting Atonement Healing to 0? Enable Offensive DPS to False? Setting Smite to false under Dynamic Spells? Setting Target Enemy in Range to false under Damage Dealing? Make sure you don't have Stop Casting Enabled. Make sure you don't have Selective healing Enabled. That's all I can think of.
Not sure what im doing wrong, using benji's priest settings for disco and using blanket. 642 ilvl doing highmaul normal but running out of mana within the first 20% of the boss's healthbar :s
Really? I'm using the same settings Ilvl 638 and I barely ever dip below 50% mana. I can upload what I have if that helps but, you may wanna tweak the settings a tad. I actually seem to have more trouble doing dungeons than raids. Raids it heals like a champ and dungeons I have a hard time with tank priority on occasion.