Still not finding it using Expel Harm on cd for Mistweavers while useing Power Strikes or not. Have or am i missing something? Using Jefferys new settings, very nice by the way.
Could someone tell me the difference between the SettingName in Oracle Settings Manager. Like I understand different people upload different settings but when it comes from the same author, what does 2_sotf/3_sotf/4_soft and 5_sotf_doc_moc mean?
the 5 is the latest one , 1 being the oldest one. Sotf = soul of the forrest talent Doc = Dreams of cenarion Moc = moment of clarity Those are talents used in this setting.
It's a priority problem but should be good like this, aoe goes first and there's also a check ofc for the chi : if power strikes buff up dont use with more than 2 chi otherwise use with 3 or less chi. You should see anyway an increase number of expel harm with the new settings
Hmm, ill keep an eye on it but I've not seen it use it once in a hour of raiding. Ill report back later
So for what ever reason on a 675 and a 688 restro druid, it can't seem to get past Endless Eave Healer wave 9. Do i need to upload combat logs or just the HB logs to get help? Also, when there are 2 of those aqua debuffs that needs to dispel, it doesn't seem to prioritize the melee which is where the most damage will occur.
I'm using Oracle_Class_IncarnatGerm_DruidRestoration_5_ProvingGrounds_NoBoss and i am using the Incarnation and Germination talents. i don't see any discussions regarding glyphs so i have rejuvenation regrowth and cleansing for majors and wild mushroom for minor.
Now i'm starting to get really pissed and annoyed. I sent you logs and explained my case but no answers and it's still not fixed in my case. Every setting i use, even though i disable it it's still been used and i'm going oom faster than ferrari goes to 60 mph. Now. my monk is using RJW/Spinning Crane Kick "to gain chi" even though my chi is full and it's disabled. This is really gamebreaking for me since i can't heal at all without going oom instantly. I have placed a log here, please have a look at it. I've tried reinstalling HB, all frameworks and studios, still it does this. Reinstalled HB with fresh settings, cleared register, basically done everything.. Even tried setting it to 20 ppl with 10% HP, but still uses it anyways..
You using my settings? because you're the only one that says that the routine is using RJW while disabled, with my settings it doesnt use it so it must be your problem not routine's
Im using the 660 one, tophealing and raid 15-30 but it uses it on any settings. I know it's not the settings but im trying to figure it out dude.
hi have some strange problems with my 680 holy pala 4pc t-set. My eternal flame uptime is quite shit (85%) and in comparison to another heal paly he had around 99%(he is also topping the healmeter) is there a setting so maximize the eternal flame uptime? I also have no manaproblems at all nearly 90% of the fight I have full or at least 80-90% mana even in a mythic fight BRF. I just feel it could do a little bit more healing. Maybe I set the overheal settings not correct. But first of all my settings. If you need a log I will also upload logs from the fight. Thanks in advance!
Is anyone else having issues as a restro druid using Wild Mushroom while glyping Glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom? Unless I am missing a setting you have to manually click the placement of the shroom but enyo/oracle will cast it. If unglyphed it will auto cast on self.
I had to tweak my settings to basically cast it where the tank was by setting it's HP% to 99% and it only seems to cast it about 33% of the time.