Update Release Waiting for approval by Honorbuddy Staff *Note: This update requires you to delete your Honorbuddy\Settings\OracleII folder! - I know not again, but i think i have fixed it finally. Well i found a very large bug in the Oracle core to do with spell power updates that were effecting calculated spells. This is fixed now and you should see at minimum a 40khps difference. From our Heroic Paladin Tester last night;- [All] Fixed a *massive* issue with spellpower, this was causing Oracle to calculate incorrectly therfore not healing well at all! [Druid] Sagemender t16 support fixed as a result of the spellpower fix [Paladin] Added no AoE if Healtarget < urgenthealthpercent setting for Building Illuminated Healing [Paladin] Added GCD check on HS for performance [Paladin] Changed Priority of Building Illuminated and Eternal Flame blanketing [Druid] Addition of a setting to refresh harmony with nourish. This ignored the dynamic spell setting. [Settings] Removed load setting on save. [Settings] Fixed a bug in settings that would load the wrong class settings. [ALL] Fixed another major bug where Spellpower was not updating dynamically with trinket procs, auras, etc
Do you have any settings that should be used for disc priest healing in 2v2 or 3v3 arenas? I would appreciate it if you could share the settings
At the moment, no. We are still adding and removing a lot of settings and shared settings are breaking the routine if loaded. We have almost resolved this issue and will then try to get some shipped with product settings in. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
would be nice to add devotion aura/hand of protection detection on thok fight. Also I think that selfless healer rotation could be optimized. In 25 HC SH should be over the top, but I still get better output with EF
More than likely you have some settings wrong as our Heroic tester has countless ranked parses using SH rotation. After we get all the settings bugs worked out we will have some shipped with settings that will make it much easier. Also, If I am not mistaken there should already be detection for if we have some "aura" that prevents being silenced. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
View attachment 4876 2014-09-05 14.05.zip Much better than before. I got same errors in the log file and in the last thok fight i got silenced all the time. Probably because of the Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
Hopefully this day will come soon. I#m playing with the settings some more until this day comes. But great work overall.
Maybe it's because of a non-english client, but the stopcasting on Thok's screech isn't working properly on a shaman. It stops casts, but starts re-casting before the screech actually hits. No log attached because I accidentally deleted them D:
Will have our testers look into this. Make sure that when you get to thok that the encounter is loaded...It should this automagically but we did have an issue before with this not working. The non english client could be the issue, uncertain though. We have more work to do on the thok encounter as well. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Oh, I see. I had never really tried 'Export Settings' so that would be a misunderstanding on my part. I'm used to seeing an export option, and a save as option, lol. The auto-buffing is just a convenience option and nothing mandatory. Instead of having two options listed, you could have your option set to either cast Kings, Might, None, or Auto (auto would choose the most appropriate based on current buffs). Edit: Of the healing routines I've used on 1) Resto Druid, 2) Resto Shaman, and 3) Holy Paladin I've come to find that this routine works the best for me. Currently I try to mirror the LFR settings files as best I can since I don't raid anything higher than LFR (my realm is dead and progression guilds don't accept players less than 550 ilvl) and it does wonders. It's a highly enjoyable routine to use. It's very quick and highly responsive. This was BEFORE Wulf fixed the massive bug they found, so I can only imagine how well it will do now.
i will test is on my monk healer xD can also test on (DISC) priest resto druid holy paladin resto shaman
Good routines so far !!!! i am enjoy test it for 7 days but need to know if there is any good holy pala setting to import? for HC 10 or 25.... you said there is setting for it but there is not ..... only Setting for LFR as Hpaladin