What are u talking about? Bossland Servers are needed once for the download of the CR on startup. Infight the CR is working with your local WOW.
You must have hardlock on and not softlock....without a log with hardlock on, we cannot help you at all. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Im having really big issuses getting the best setup for arena's, Can anyone share setting so i can see what to change and not to change Thanks alort Edit: Resto druid
Not much point in adding support for engineering gloves at this point, 6.0 is only a couple of weeks away and they, along with most other raid enhancing prof perks have been removed. At this point just plan/code for WoD, for heals expecially in the start its going to be a bumpy ride.
hey all, last time i tried oracle it was crashing with bgfarmer/bgbuddy is this now working with buddy/farmer?
Wulf, I was able to get Gold on the monk now with one very small change. I changed Mana tea to 60%, enabled movement and then reforged for spirit, I did NOT gem for spirit, my stats are as follows - Keep in mind this is in 545 gear, and dorked down to 463 for being in the instance Str:700 agil:700 stam:15000 int:12700 spir:6100 I was using my crystal of insanity not a flask, I used int food not spirit. (note that I WAS almost OOM for the last 2 rounds)
I Was also able to just make endless wave 15 - I stopped to drink after wave 10. Overall it's pretty good, clearly it's not as good as the priest which apparently can do 30+ rounds?
monk would be better if there was more utility coded in. Interrupts and stuns thing like that specific for PG. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Benny, what are you expecting to be stunned? It uses ring of peace to shut down the casters, is there something specific it's not doing? I'd love to get to wave 30, and might be able to if I completely regemmed I guess. Also most videos you have of proven healer monks tend to stay away from the channeled spells and use primary healing sphere....
if people are hitting wave 30 as priest with this routine, i'd love to see those settings.... i'm not getting anywhere near there.
Would anyone mind sharing settings for the paid version for Resto shamman to make proving grounds gold? Im having a really hard time making it past the first BIG add. Update 1: Tweaking some settings to disable healing rain entirely and can now make it to wave 10/10 before ground zeroing out on mana and wiping. Will post more updates as I continue to tweak settings and try different cool downs. Update 2: Although healing rain is set to require 90 players, and a hp threshold of <= 10% it is still being cast (huge mana loss) and provides little to no heals. Able to almost finish wave 10 however. Using fire elemental around wave 3-4 when they dbl stack up to help clear. Using earth elemental on first big add (although im thinking im going to use fire instead and use earth around 3-4). Popping mana tide @ 80% and every cool down after regardless of totems (recall before casting it to save some mana). Also turned on USE air totems, which seems to help somewhat with the insane casting damage that comes in. Im going to turn off proving grounds logic in GENERAL to see if this stops it from wasting healing rain. Update 3: With many more trial runs, and changing the timings on my CD's with many tweaks to the settings I finally got gold, and still had over 50% mana in the end. I will upload the settings files I used. (Results May Vary) On Successful Run Cool Down Usage (BotBase Combat): Ascendance @ First Chomp + Sonic AoE Mana Tide Wave 3 (first time I dropped below 80%) Then on CD every time after Used Stormlash On First Boss With 4 Adds to help allies clear faster Fire Elemental Between Wave 4-6 when adds >=4 Used Spirit Link Around Wave 6-7 Earth Elemental @ 2nd Large Add (I think it was wave 6) Ascendance @ Chomp Round 2 + Big Adds Finished up Wave 10, with Lust + Healing Tide Totem + Ascendance
benny patiently waiting this druid release profile that you said was being worked on and still nothing for raiding purposes profile uses and exhaust a crap ton of mana and i really have no idea how to control that any ideas would be great or maybe a druid profile to help that would be awesome since there are none except for PVP or proving grounds.
Under General settings > "Ground Heal Location" set "Target" to "None" this disables Healing Rain, HW : Sanc, Mushroom on largest cluster spam.
Does anyone have a resto druid config for pvp? Just keeping lifebloom stacks and things like that? Can't get it to work in pvp, it just reacts very very slowly unlike the other routines.
Wulf any ETA on getting this working with Dungeonbuddy? If a player dies it does not res out of combat, nor does it heal up or drink.
I will get one of our druid testers to get some settings out. Make sure you have hardlock enabled to fix it being "slow" also...there are quite a few pvp settings in the general tab. Make sure you have the correct selection for Lifebloom as well in the class settings. It works with dungeonbuddy, it just does not res and rest as the routine does not have res logic in it. I do not think it ever will either, but I will put a ticket in to do that. It does not have rest logic in it either. For everyone wondering, Currently changing the routine over to coroutines to improve performance even more. Looking for at most 1-2 FPS loss if any at all when running the routine. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=147644 REAPER from the trash clear which wipes PUG's all the time doesn't seem to be on the dispel list (it doesn't auto-dispel). I just manually added it but will have to wait to tuesday to kill garrosh again to test it. just to confirm the 147644 part of the wowhead URL is the spell ID I use to custom add it to oracle? This is one of the most important dispels in the game atm to me, should be high priority default for normal raiders. no one 2 tanks Garrosh anymore so 6 sec stun on solo tank = Reaper kills half the party.