The problem with holy is that CoH is handled as a clustered spell ( my thoughts ) and oracle wont trigger it as much as it would be possible.
If you set the setting higher it will use it more frequently. Like a 90/3 All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Posted logs like 3 or 4 pages ago, my settings were 90/2 and renew was my greatest healing outpout ( should be second in raids after CoH ), CoH was off CD and i could see that it should fire.
I also noticed this when I played my Holy Priest during our run last night, my setting is 89/3 and it wasn't casting off CD despite there being 5 people below this so I had to press it myself. I realise I've not provided a log so I'll see if I can get one later on.
It's certainly not where it should be, as I need to help it sometimes by forcing the use of spells, but I can still do normal and heroic clears on my holy priest with it and with paladin I'm not seeing too much difficulty on normal, Wulf will sort it out soon enough
Alright I will check it some today maybe run an LFR on holy to make sure it is casting as should or not working right. another thing is, make sure your overheal is allowed or that could be the reason it is not using it as much. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Well we have a newer version at beta right now trying to make sure it is going to be an improvement as well as some shaman updates in it. Trying to get it all tested befoer we release it. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
huhu benny and did you test the part for druid that wild growth not working corectly with soul of the forest or it well be possbile in the next update or so do just use it for aoe healing waymore then now ?
I personally have not tested it but my druid is going to ding 100 today and that will be one of if not the first thing I test with him. It is at the top of my list. wulf worked on the core pretty much all weekend and got shaman lvl 100 talents in. We are still not happy with the responsiveness of the core and literally want it to know that damage is coming for players and either react before it hits are right when it hits so players do not get low to start with unless they are failing mechanics, which you cannot account for. I got disc settings cleaned up a little more by removing things that are not in disc at all, will try to get holy settings tweaked up some more and then I will move on to druid for getting settings pretty and all in the correct locations and what not. All's well that Heals well, bennyquest
I am itching for the new release as unfortunately I had to go over to another CR as it is just handling things a lot better, especially for Disc priest.
I find that i'm atleast having issues with monk, i mean it dosen't handle HC dungeons that well, most bosses and some trash it almost/is oom. i have tried some of the presets some people have but it's the same issues. i have tried this is LFR/Normal/Heroic the only issue i see here is most the time i am quite far behind compared to other healers in the group. for HC dungeons atm i am having to use Tuanha mist which doesn't go oom as much compared to this one.