Update version 214 Fix: Safename for tank list. Improvement: WildMushroom Support (Druid) Improvement: Glyph of Sprouting Mushroom supported (Druid) untested.
Regular healing rotation on druid works fast and great Wulf. I just can seem to to get Force of Nature, mushrooms or Genesis to cast. Are they all supported yet? Any suggestions?
v214 has Mushroom support. I havn't checked Force of Nature and Genesis yet there in...just untested. Will get to this within the next few days.
Yes, Its the only class that has a little bit of PvP stuff included. SW : D , Phantasm..Make sure you load the PvP Dispel list. It won't damage players with Ice Block or Spell Reflection and what not. When I finish up with the other things needed to be done ill add some more support for PvP.
I thought I'd give this a go in proving grounds as a disc priest, healing. I know this is in Beta and so is HB atm but I was a little underwhelmed by the experience. The priest routine seems to be a HUGE mana hog. It constantly healz everything but with expensive spells like Binding heal even though I am at 100% health and the tank was only around 80%. It also seems to still be using smite, Holy fire and Penance even though I have dps turned to off and it spams Flash heal way too much imo. anyway I have added a log if its of any use.. View attachment 6072 2013-09-15 15.06.zip
There is an HB bug in Glyph of Sprouting Mushroom with ClickRemoteLocation. Will see if the Devs can fix. Same thing happened with Glyph of Consecration for paladins when MoP first released the devs fixed it a week or so later. Genesis for Druids is not working either I don't see it in spellmanager so probably wait a few days for the HB devs to fix that up.
Update Version 215 - the smoking gun. [Druid] Force of Nature support. Supports both Single target and AoE. Check the timer in settings.
Healer proving ground is bugged currently, the dps npc's don't do enough damage but still, there seems to be something wrong on targets that have the chomp debuff (the one where you need to be healed over 90%) it doesn't heal them up fast enough until it ticks them either dead or it hogs all the mana.
Wow that was fast, thanks wulf. Proving ground on endless is downright insane, double chomp, double mana bomb, AOE tauren all at the same damn time currently, I can't get past wave 8 xD.
I think that should be added to the first post "For this CR to work you need to have NET.Framework 4.5 installed!"
Proving grounds as priest, does not dispel aqua bomb in gold. Also is burning all mana in first 5 waves in gold (10k spirit)
Hello, thanks for all the hard work and to everyone that worked on this. Im absolutely loving it. Im healing an LFR as i even write this lol. But I did ToES earlier today, and I noticed that I didnt heal Tsulong. I even had him on focus like i saw to be suggested in previous posts. I dont have a log since i ran almost all of the lfrs this morning, but if you would like i an can run a normal or heroic to get it for you. Ok boss is dead, time to run. lol
I just ran a gold level proving ground on my mw monk and it does not seem to be doing any direct heals on anyone other than myself. Attacked log from the fight. UPDATE: Nevermind I am an idiot and did not set the heal targets.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...e/130338-oracle-open-beta-33.html#post1265236 You need to include the npcs into the list every time you start the proving ground.
have to dispel yourself, also since it scales your gear down we are thinking it is not calculating heals correctly. Which in turn means it is not using the correct spells.....as of now with my 519 ilvl disc priest with only dispelling i am making it to the 6th wave of endless.
targetting and healing of tsulong will more than likely not be supported as it is dated raids and will take time away from the bettering of the CC for future use and getting current content into the routine.