EF wasnt the problem, it was trying to use Holy Radience in a 25m with 14k spirit and no regen trinket. I can ran EF with no issues in a 10m but when I run 25s I run dry pretty quickly,
pushed a first update for Thok / Thok HC a second update for the encounter module is planned, but currently untested, so have to test it first
latest changes to thok encounter module are fine, but have to add a different handling as the one that is currently used, a more basic one, i think i should have a working one tomorrow with a much more usable handling of this mechanic the current implementation is stopping all casting, where we should only stop/avoid casting of spells with cast time, and not everything (like cooldowns, instants, and so on)
oracle does not cast rebirth....i think there may be a setting for it but the functionality is actually removed it should be used by the player not the bot is why.
well it could be done by a setting like RebirthNever RebirthTankOnly RebirthHealerOnly RebirthTankOrHeal RebirthEveryOne but we have no control over it, means ... we can't access the count of rebirths casted already, and the spell check for cancast is always true, even if max rebirths were casted within a raid, that's why it isn't in there, and we won't add it ... well ... it is up to wulf to decide if it will be added or not, but i don't think so. i won't do it, i do only some minor tweaks atm, until wulf is avaiable again, the rebirth is a very situational thingy, i for myself have a mouseover macro for this stuff, which is doin well for me
Be careful with maskedarmory, it does not hide server name and i was able to find ur character in 5 minutes, not that i would care that much since i love you but never trust masked armory
thanks for the hint ... but a) i'm aware of it already b) i don't care about botting accounts u have to look the source code of the generated xml file to find the realm, it isn't printed on the normal view
Anyone care to look on 4 logs i got from LFR Immerseus to Sha of Pride? (im starting in a new lvl 25 guild next week, so i want to impress ) Im not totally satisfied with how my 553 priest performing, maybe you can find something in the logs ? masked armory : Level 90 Undead Priest | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory PS. All i did was to download the 2 files bennyquest uploaded in the priest oracle forum, thats apparently what he is using, and done multiple HC kills with.
I had a quick question regarding V1 of Oracle. Was looking thru the GUI and saw that on the "general" page there is a setting for Malk, which turns on logic for that fight, it appears that it turns the option ON and OFF automatically for you which is nice. There is also a section for Boss Modules and one is Thok, to load the module, but i'm not sure what it actually does when I hit load for the fight, or if I was on Thok then i click load and press Thok. There didn't seem to be an unload or none option as well, so not sure if its something I manually do then how to I turn it off? or is it automatic when it detects you are in the Thok encounter? Just was wondering how this function worked.
The general healing output. A shaman with lower item level outhealed me on all flex 2 bosses. Ive attached the fights, dont know if its file 1 or 2 :-/ Any reason why it keeps casting shield on myself, on every shield cooldown? It didnt cast on the tank, had to manually do it all the time. Damn annoying Can you take a look and see if there's something ?
first with mana usage i would change to mindbender, solace is not a good talent if you have mana issues. Also, you have penanced glyphed...once again if you have mana issues that is not a good glyph to take, You should not be casting renew as well. Meaning something is up in your settings. Also, the no power word shielding on other players is odd as well. Your stats are horirbly low. I found you on the normal wow armory and compared to a priest i have that is at about a 554 or so ilvl he has almost double the mastery you do while only having about 4% less crit. A lot of the items you have are horrible for you in slot. They have haste and crit or just haste for your timeless pieces. Also the green trinket....not helping you at all. If you had at least one amp trinket you would notice a significant increase in your healing. PS. If you do some more tests could you get me some logs, IE warcraftlogs. You can PM me the link or PM your skype info. PSS. Your gear looking at it more is more than likely the main issue. ILVL helps you none if you are geared poorly or incorrectly. Because i can heal like crazy in my shadow gear for a short time but in the end my meters look like shit.
Using for Mistweaver - having a hard time figuring out how to turn on Fistweaving. Also any way to use engineer tinker gloves on cooldown? I couldnt see an option like for trinket.