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  • OrderBot Grind Profile Level 1-50

    Discussion in 'Grinding Profiles' started by nesarthin, Aug 25, 2014.

    1. Sincerely

      Sincerely Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      tried using this just inifinte teleports me back and forth raping all my gil

      Attached Files:

    2. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      With Fate Bot, is your Home Point set to an Aetheryte in the zone you're running FATEs in? If not, if/when you die, you will go to your Home Point and if you're not in the zone you're running Fate Bot in, it will teleport to an Aetheryte in that zone.

      Looks like your logs are working just fine: waiting for FATEs to appear within your parameters and going to them when needed. Have you monitored it to ensure Fate/Stay Teleport is working properly, or just ran it over night hoping for the best?

      [17:17:45.748 N] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"][Fate/Stay Teleport] Teleporting to Summerford Farms.[/COLOR][/B]
      [17:17:45.748 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: We're teleporting to another zone.
      [17:17:46.273 D] Teleporting to summerford farms
      It would seem that you need to try disabling Fate/Stay Teleport and see if the problem persists.
    3. Sincerely

      Sincerely Member

      Mar 30, 2014
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      I just kinda let it run last night hoping for the best, ive been monitoring it a little today, i cleared out my logs so i can get the precise ones im running the mob grind right now till 16, once i hit 16 im gonna try fatebot again while monitoring it, then ill post logs if it does the whole teleport thing, do you recommend fates over grinding? it seemed to be idle alot waiting for the fates to pop then when it syncs the levels you barely got anything for the super low fates but that was only in the first zone, hoping it works out better passed 16.
    4. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      As long as you're changing zones between every 5-10 levels, you should be fine. The slow pace happens when there are only 1 or 2 FATEs that meet your criteria.

      I haven't personally tested the timing on FATEs vs. grinding, but my best guess would be that FATEs would be quicker, unless you plan on heading to a vendor every now and then.
      Last edited: May 27, 2015
    5. enkae7317

      enkae7317 Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      Hi I try this bot but keep having problem

      [11:41:39.831 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [11:41:39.831 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [11:41:39.831 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 4b62fd4d-cccc-426c-a9d3-2fc9492059d7
      [11:41:39.831 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
      [11:41:39.831 N] [Kupo] Hooks cleared, re-creating behaviors
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.Combat] d4365cfb-a969-4261-933f-9533df1b0aab
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.Pull] 55ff6bf3-e69d-4395-ae24-1f57086c46df
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.Rest] 9b959e44-2f40-45c8-84eb-6ebc2b16c189
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.CombatBuffs] ed974531-dbdb-4b2b-b794-66c5bdebc10b
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.Heal] d88e5742-d8ce-4fbd-9cf3-e826310804a0
      [11:41:39.831 D] Replaced hook [Kupo.PreCombatBuffs] 5e8e776f-dc16-4147-a684-7cec8630597f
      [11:41:39.831 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [11:41:39.832 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
      [11:41:39.832 D] OnStop event
      [11:41:39.832 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [11:41:39.832 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      [11:41:39.832 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GrindTag: GrindRef: Central Shroud Begin, WhileCondition: Core.Player.ClassLevel < 3, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: ff14bot.Behavior.HookExecutor, .
      [11:41:39.832 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 32f60231-9ff8-419f-901c-ab89f249221f
      [11:41:39.834 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [11:41:39.834 N] Bot Thread Ended.

      Anyone know?
    6. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      Please post a full log (upload your .txt file from your "Logs" folder as an attachment), as what you pasted doesn't seem to show that anything is wrong; it just appears that it is sending your character to grind to level 3, then it stops.
    7. SpankAss

      SpankAss New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      View attachment 1756 2015-05-29 15.43.txt View attachment 1756 2015-05-29 15.43.txt
      i get the same thing with your profile as well when i loaded it and put on order bot...it goes to the spot then stands there and shuts down just as that guy above posted.

      the log shows the same thing so there is no point in posting it cause its exactly as he posted but here you go anyways
    8. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      You're wrong. There's something in your log that's not in his post:

      [03:05:25.786 N] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]TargetMobs name field has been removed. Use the Id field instead. [/COLOR][/B]
      [03:05:25.786 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Invalid grind area, TargetMobs name field is no longer valid.
      ^ This means you're using an outdated profile that is using mob names instead of IDs. Let me quote myself from page 10 (the previous page in this topic):

      Let me put further emphasis on this, I guess:

      If you're having trouble with a profile, don't forget to check the last 1-3 pages of the topic in case others had the same problem and got it resolved.
      Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    9. SpankAss

      SpankAss New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      Then maybe update your main post on the first page with this xml that he update so when people come on and your offering a profile for 1-50 its not a bunch of bs and rather the factual info.

      I or anyone shouldn't have to look on "page 10" for a updated profile from someone other than you. Thats your job as the developer is to keep it and us updated rather then typing in bold red to us thinking we are the idiots when all we expected was for you to not be one and in fact you are.

      If you dont want to do the developer thing delete your post and dont have misinformation here cause we waste our times on nonsense like this....get your shit together and either be the developer of a good profille or if you cant cause of w/e reason bow out and state the profile is OUT OF DATE on your main post.

      Common sense kinda....go figure though how it eludes some lol.
    10. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      While he hasn't even visited the forum in the last month and a half, you're welcome to send the author of this profile (nesarthin) a PM to update the first post by clicking here.

      nesarthin ≠ y2krazy (because apparently I need to clarify that?)

      This is not my topic, nor my work. I am providing assistance to people in my free time and without reciprocation of any kind. If you would rather not have others try to point you in the right direction, feel free to disregard my attempts to help.
      Last edited: May 30, 2015
    11. qq12345

      qq12345 New Member

      May 5, 2015
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      None of the community devs owe you a thing, they could just as easily keep it among/to themselves.
      Again, community developers owe us absolutely nothing.
      Stop being so self entitled honestly. That's common sense too.
      FYI quite a few of the initial com devs left, and the remaining ones have often been the ones helping to update.
    12. SpankAss

      SpankAss New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      The minute they make a post they owe us the courtesy of not giving us false info. If they didnt want to be a dev then they wouldnt have posted it and thus they took on a diff role and do owe us that courtesy of putting up correct info.

      I have been a honor buddy and never seen a dev act like this one did when we stated his profile was messed up or something wasnt wrong from the ORIGINAL post where the profile was taken from. ANY honory buddy dev would have simply updated his profile on the first page to the correct page and not left it on the 10th for new hb or rb users to weed through.

      For HB some of those threads are over 300 pages. So and him expect a new user to read all 300 pages to find the most updated profile? Your just as stupid if you think that is what a professional dev should be like.

      If your gonna be a community dev and make things for RB or HB and get the tag than act the part as well and do it professionally and the right way...simple as that. We can sit here and argue all day but facts are I am right in that a good dev would have updated his own profile link and not told any user its on the 10th page and "we should have known" lol
    13. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      I thought I made this apparent in my response but, maybe it needs some text formatting as well:

      While he hasn't even visited the forum in the last month and a half, you're welcome to send the author of this profile (nesarthin) a PM to update the first post by clicking here.

      nesarthin ≠ y2krazy (because apparently I need to clarify that?)

      This is not my topic, nor my work. I am providing assistance to people in my free time and without reciprocation of any kind. If you would rather not have others try to point you in the right direction, feel free to disregard my attempts to help.
    14. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      I'm sure you're alone on this. The OP doesn't owe you anything, he's just a guy that made a profile that he thought could be useful to some people and posted it. A few weeks back it broke due to a change in RB, but the OP isn't around anymore so someone else fixed it and another someone provided assistance. If there's anyone owing someone something it would be you owing some people an apology.

      I've seen a lot of stuff for HB break and not get updated, even stuff from the store.

      With that attitude you won't get anywhere in the RB community, you should probably just stick with buying stuff from the HB store where developers signed a contract to give support and keep their work up to date.
      y2krazy likes this.
    15. SpankAss

      SpankAss New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      you are right WoWuser and I already switched to viper for ffxiv. I will stick to WoW for my HB but RB lacks the right mind frame in the users here and the developers.

      For HB even the non HB store developers who make stuff and offer it for free update there stuff and there attitudes over there are not "well he is gone so f off" I am shocked none of these geniuses typing in bold red have thought to pm a mod and have them edit the ops post with these fixed version for this profile. Again go figure common sense stuff.
    16. Cloud30000

      Cloud30000 New Member

      May 9, 2015
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      See you in two weeks when you realize the support for the other bots is far worse
    17. Tryana

      Tryana Member

      Dec 12, 2012
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      Should namechange to EntitledAss man.
      y2krazy likes this.
    18. Darkferes

      Darkferes New Member

      Oct 5, 2013
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      Hi all,

      this profile give me this error:

      [16:43:14.014 D] Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [16:43:15.773 D] Current Locale Eng
      [16:43:15.774 N] Currently a level 6 Lancer
      [16:43:15.779 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ff14bot.AClasses.BotBase> - Initializing
      [16:43:16.937 D] [BotManager] Botbases have been reloaded.
      [16:43:16.937 D] ChocoboTrainer v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.937 D] Gardening bot v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.937 D] Combat Assist v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.938 D] Fate Bot v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.938 D] PvP v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.938 D] Fishing v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.938 D] Grinding v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.938 D] Gathering v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.939 D] Order Bot v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:16.973 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ff14bot.Interfaces.IBotPlugin> - Initializing
      [16:43:20.778 D] [PluginManager] Plugins have been reloaded.
      [16:43:20.778 D] Agil v2.0
      [16:43:20.778 D] Fate Level Setter v1.0
      [16:43:20.778 D] FateStayTeleport v0.1
      [16:43:20.778 D] Quack! v0.0.1
      [16:43:20.778 D] QuestDevTools v0.0.1
      [16:43:20.778 D] RebornConsole v0.0.1
      [16:43:20.778 D] RePear v3.0.2
      [16:43:20.780 N] Building Actioncache
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Sprint Action Id:3
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:True Thrust Action Id:75
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Feint Action Id:76
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Keen Flurry Action Id:77
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Vorpal Thrust Action Id:78
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:protect Action Id:123
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Fetter Ward Action Id:1565
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Impulse Rush Action Id:1566
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Skewer Action Id:1567
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Weapon Throw Action Id:1579
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Enliven Action Id:1580
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:purify Action Id:1584
      [16:43:21.145 N] Action Name:Recouperate Action Id:1590
      [16:43:21.145 N] Done building Actioncache
      [16:43:21.168 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ff14bot.Interfaces.ICombatRoutine> - Initializing
      [16:43:30.729 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
      [16:43:30.729 D] Kupo [LancerDragoon] v1.0.279.0
      [16:43:30.729 D] Ultima v1.0.0.0
      [16:43:40.578 N] Loaded profile Grind Pofile Level 1 to 50
      [16:43:46.581 D] Loading last profile
      [16:43:46.848 N] Loaded profile Grind Pofile Level 1 to 50
      [16:43:46.857 N] Bot Thread Started.
      [16:43:47.343 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [16:43:47.360 D] Added new hook [Pull] 2ee970b3-b2ed-4261-8d89-154784bf962a
      [16:43:47.361 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] b4b8ffc1-5aaf-4392-8d0e-f28b0a8434b7
      [16:43:47.362 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 4b094e2a-85a3-4727-9245-759604cbd00f
      [16:43:47.363 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 650e4018-99ea-4c9c-946e-4fb75098c856
      [16:43:47.363 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 3d5aa550-3808-4d84-81d2-70ac70210b3f
      [16:43:47.363 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] e318f588-d520-4742-a7cb-f5e819eb1d99
      [16:43:47.363 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] c5418062-81c7-4d52-a16f-6d84207d6465
      [16:43:47.364 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 9d4a8ea1-0062-465d-a956-2eb21734d53e
      [16:43:47.364 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] fca4bc24-7546-496c-8df4-e524a53d51d1
      [16:43:47.429 N] [Agil] Loaded settings.
      [16:43:47.454 N] [Agil] Loaded data for 51 menders.
      [16:43:47.479 N] [Agil] Loaded stat weights for 30 classes.
      [16:43:47.485 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 9c450187-3c40-4ac5-ad4e-1ee43c20d300
      [16:43:47.485 N] [Agil] Hooked.
      [16:43:47.540 N] [Ultima] Loading: Lancer
      [16:43:47.779 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 3, Name: Bentbranch Meadows, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [16:43:47.779 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
      [16:43:47.779 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6dcff97e-e10d-4676-bc6d-0745833e156b
      [16:43:48.075 D] Teleporting to bentbranch meadows
      [16:43:54.998 N] TargetMobs name field has been removed. Use the Id field instead.
      [16:43:54.999 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Invalid grind area, TargetMobs name field is no longer valid.
      [16:43:54.999 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [16:43:55.006 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [16:43:55.006 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [16:43:55.006 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [16:43:55.007 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
      [16:43:55.007 D] OnStop event
      [16:43:55.007 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [16:43:55.007 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      [16:43:55.008 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GrindTag: GrindRef: Central Shroud Begin3, WhileCondition: Core.Player.ClassLevel < 7, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: ff14bot.Behavior.HookExecutor, .
      [16:43:55.008 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9d30cec9-a752-4da2-a7ec-0057b998669c
      [16:43:55.008 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [16:43:55.008 N] Bot Thread Ended.
      [16:44:05.073 D] Loading last profile
      [16:44:05.319 N] Loaded profile Grind Pofile Level 1 to 50
      [16:44:05.320 N] Bot Thread Started.
      [16:44:05.618 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [Pull] 4ff2cae0-1f72-40ab-93eb-345ba5dd2764
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] ff51ceb5-4e44-46b0-b1eb-7b43c3d99358
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 193c94bd-c07b-4986-a330-70f28f32e805
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 91ec83a4-a3c0-4fbc-a913-9787af5ce4ef
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 07c1edb2-cb84-46ff-9a24-a12cad490242
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 07e11ec8-68bf-404e-9f3d-1ee664d7335a
      [16:44:05.618 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 611f4d8b-623f-4636-b3d6-92d6f9392109
      [16:44:05.618 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 1008c710-e4bd-42f2-86f9-cb37db06daf4
      [16:44:05.618 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 50649370-222a-4f0f-8eca-fd1d815ad6ad
      [16:44:05.619 N] [Agil] Loaded settings.
      [16:44:05.641 N] [Agil] Loaded data for 51 menders.
      [16:44:05.653 N] [Agil] Loaded stat weights for 30 classes.
      [16:44:05.653 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 38bb1a4d-8be6-46d9-8692-050f85068fc9
      [16:44:05.653 N] [Agil] Hooked.
      [16:44:05.723 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 3, Name: Bentbranch Meadows, Force: False, Aetheryte: aetheryte 0x12DCA520, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [16:44:05.723 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
      [16:44:05.723 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] ee33fa71-7ad7-4cfe-bad3-729cfb548c2d
      [16:44:05.793 N] TargetMobs name field has been removed. Use the Id field instead.
      [16:44:05.793 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Invalid grind area, TargetMobs name field is no longer valid.
      [16:44:05.793 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [16:44:05.794 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [16:44:05.794 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [16:44:05.794 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [16:44:05.794 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
      [16:44:05.794 D] OnStop event
      [16:44:05.794 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [16:44:05.794 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
      [16:44:05.794 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to GrindTag: GrindRef: Central Shroud Begin3, WhileCondition: Core.Player.ClassLevel < 7, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: ff14bot.Behavior.HookExecutor, .
      [16:44:05.794 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b73a91b8-5b61-4e1e-a7b5-cfb1e3f6dcde
      [16:44:05.801 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [16:44:05.801 N] Bot Thread Ended.
    19. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      [16:44:05.793 N] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]TargetMobs name field has been removed. Use the Id field instead. [/COLOR][/B]
      [16:44:05.793 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Invalid grind area, TargetMobs name field is no longer valid.
      I'm going to have to post this on every page, most likely:

    20. SpankAss

      SpankAss New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      Or just use what we call common sense and pm a forum mod to edit the OP's main post with the updated file. lol but if you want to do that by all means post it in every page from here on out so people know lol.

      EDIT: I just did it for you and pmed the mod of this forum who is active as of today. Was very hard and took alot of typing guys on my part so I hope you appreciate it

      Last edited: Jun 2, 2015

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