AFter reading through all 50 pages I got it work, it's still buggy excample I'm seeing an error soon as it trys to scan all. I reload to get past it. Another example First cycle it won't post only cancel then after just letting it run till its 2nd cycle it started posting again lol I have no idea wtf i did i tried everything not sure which worked
sorry a bit offtopic, but I have one problem on my server: I have one competition which buy all my mats everytime, coz he undercut other auctions but he doesnt hit my treshold ( e.g. treshold is 100g, the item market price is ~ 500g, he post one for 400 and I undercut him, he buys all my mats). Is it possible to configure tsm to ignore competitions, when the last price is e.g. 10% lower then the price before? I remember, that this option was involved, but I cant find it anymore. Sorry for poor english.
If you're making sales above your threshold...what is the problem? Human intel will always beat the bot / addon intel. He's wasting hours though, you're just making gold. If you don't want to sell them that cheap, raise your threshold. As for the option you're talking about, I remember it, but I think they removed it from the newer versions of TSM. Before I started botting, I flipped the AH like what he's doing. It's a tremendous amount of effort for very little gain. He's only making 100g on each of those and he's investing 400 in each one. The overall returns aren't that great, it's expensive as hell to run that way and you make money very slowly.
PHP: <If Condition="Lua.GetReturnVal<int>("_,_,_,enabled = GetAddOnInfo(\"TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB\") if enabled then return 1 else return 0 end",0) == 0" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CustomAction Code="AH_CancelAuctions="RunMacroText(\"/click feature2\")";" /> <CustomAction Code="AH_PostAuctions="RunMacroText(\"/click feature1\")";" /> </If> <If Condition="Lua.GetReturnVal<int>("_,_,_,enabled = GetAddOnInfo(\"TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB\") if enabled then return 1 else return 0 end",0) == 1" IgnoreCanRun="True"> <CustomAction Code="AH_CancelAuctions="RunMacroText(\"/click feature3\")";" /> <CustomAction Code="AH_PostAuctions="RunMacroText(\"/click feature2\")";" /> </If> What does this part exactly? PHP: <SubRoutine SubRoutineName="WaitH"> <CustomAction Code="var3 = DateTime.Now;" /> <CustomAction Code="var4 = new Random().Next(1500, 3500);" /> <While Condition="DateTime.Now.Subtract((DateTime)var3).TotalMilliseconds < (int)var4" IgnoreCanRun="False" /> </SubRoutine> Oh and this part does what? Seems like a randomtimer from 1.5s to 3.5s but the while? Open the while loop but dont close it? Cant understand that part Oh and another line that i do not understand PHP: <CustomAction Code="Log ("{0}",Lua.GetReturnVal<int>("j=0 for n=1,10 do i=select(n,MailFrame:GetChildren()) j = j + 1 if i ~= nil then if i.GetText ~= nil then if i:GetText()~=nil then if strsub(i:GetText(),0,5)==\"Trade\" then return j end end end end end",0));" /> What is this for? Inrego? Someone else? Help? Glvtron is too busy! Sometimes my toons stops his work something seems to be broken maybe is the Min and MaxWait RandTimer oder the WaitH stuff idk but my toon stands there and does nothing...
Not posting or canceling I am having a bit of a problem. The bot is posting or canceling anything, how do i fix this problem? Starting the next Canceling and Posting cycle in 0 seconds Starting posting cycle Posting scan ended Posting cycle ended Starting canceling cycle IsCanceling: 0, IsCancelScanning: 0 Canceling scan ended Canceling cycle ended Stopping the bot!
Hi, any help would be much appreciated: I' ve done: 1) Downloaded Profile and Patcher 2)PB updated 3) Rolled back my TSM to v1.5.3 also got Mail and accounting module rolled back around that time/version Installed old TSM, ran patcher to interface/addons/TradeSkillMaster. When I go ingame, I instantly get a TSM lua error. My TSM also shows like this : I'd like a bit of help please, cause with that TSM problem not showing anything at all, I can't continue any further. This problem came up with an older version too. I am an experienced TSM user and would like to use this bot with my current groups. Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Anyone with a working set up can post some info, so I can take as an example to work on? Thanks in advance!
corrupted installation probably, old variables maybe? (wtf/account//savedvars/tsm*) delete it all (backup if u need) and just do it from scratch. only make active modules you need at first. (core and auctioning, than add mail if u need it as well) TradeSkillMaster - v1.5.13 - WoW AddOns - CurseForge this should be correct version you want to patch and use. also dont port anything yet, clean inst, delete all tsm vars. than after you sure it works fine add what you have (like tsm_auct.lua with preset groups and stuff) tho maybe you cant port new groups to older tsm now i dunno. also just want to confirm it does work fine as of now. some small glitches but u can live with it
Thanks for the fast response mate. I will give it a go, seems that files from the newer version mess things up! Glad it's working fine for you and all, means that I will make it work for myself! Thanks again for your time!
just checked versions: Core-1.5.13 Auctioning-1.2.21 Mailing-1.0.10 you should be able find em all on curseforge.
Has anyone else the same problem? After a canclescan the TSM stands at e.g. 88/88 but does not close the TSM window to get mails.
So just got it working, edited the .lua files from post#6 etc and cleared variables. The problem I had though was that I was too sleepy to realize that I hadn't downloaded the Auctioning module lol, had the accounting one, hence the empty TSM frame . Ok, so want to report that importing groups from the latest TSM version works like a charm, with no problems at all. Final question for me: Is it possible to disable the canceling function? I have too many auctions up and I never cancel them, since the number of auctions I get undercutted is so little compared to the total auctions - doesn't worth the time to cancel them! So what I want the profile to do is just post my auctions automatically and that's all! Possible? Edit: I just realised I can just press the cancel button on TSM, the bot won't try to re-cancel Nice! Special thanks to Smix and the OP!
It posts and cancels but it doesnt get the mail. It stands in front of the mailbox. I use the TSM Mail addon.
Well I've been through the steps multiple times, it says it's "scanning" but it doesnt seem to be doing anything in the TSM window :/
in HB window >>> Bot config >>> select in profile section [PB] TSM bot v0.13c.xml >>> DoCancel=True change to False