Please can someone confirm that this profiles does not go to Guild Bank to get missing items to sell like AHBuddy does? And Does it support TSM 2.0 or its outdated and not continued by anyone profile?
damn 5.4 borked both working botish TSM's i had lol badly need someone familiar with TSM and coding skills there were guys like seafunk FEUP and some others who did it years ago, or lets hope GLV will come with update. and yea im in as well for fundraising shizz if someone can organise it all PB's AH business suck big time im sick of it fuck it wasted twenty hours tweaking it and it just does random stuff, highvoltz is busy it seems we need TSM.
there is new private version but i can not share it without its author permission. if he feels like sharing it - i guess he will post something here.
Hey, I begin use this profile, but when the bot sell jevels, it sell just in stack. But I need sell 1 piece. How can I tune bot? Help me pls.
I would donate to use an updated version of this. Someone said that there where a private updated version of this. Feel free to get in touch
That seems unfair to make a small adjustment to someone elses hard work to make it work with latest push and sell it! Not cool Not cool at all.
If you think its that small go c rack yourself new TSM (which changed drastically) to make it work with old profile, or think a bit why noone else but him did it despite sh!itload requested been posted. But its not only about c racking TSM, its about writting profile also. Which is mostly written from scratch i believe. Tho i cannot be sure as i use just few functions of TSM and i make my own profiles over functions of c racked TSM. More than that there are some new functions like pathing randomization, workaround for endless stuck during cancelling etc. Current TSM is better than it ever was. He has the right to charge money for this if he did. I bought Salesman during downtime after patch and man it is such a junk yet noone complains it cost money. huh..
Is this private version up anywhere to pay for?? I use paid version of salesman, but I still find myself switching to manual TSM use ALOT