Just a small bump. As soon as I uploaded the modified files Sapu (TSM author) just approached me, that I'm violating TSM License So, I removed the package and uploaded a small batch file that does the job.
Love the batch file, it's wonderful. I was worried about making errors the first time around editing it manually. (sent from my phone, dbl post inc prob lol) great work!
Hey! I did a ninjaupdate a few minutes ago on the batch file. Hope you download that one, the previous version messed up TradeSkillMaster_Mailing.lua , check it out please . Sorry!
Just did, its throwing a error though. ...rface\AddOns\TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning\TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning.lua:644: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 131) near '<eof>' Stack: -- anti-bot code local names = {"isScanning", "isScanningPB"} for _, name in ipairs(names) do if type(TSM.Cancel[name]) == "function" and type(TSM.Post[name]) == "function" then wipe(TSM.db) TSM = {} end end <--------------------------------------------------I tried again without deleting the second "end" and it works great. Deleted everything else, the batch file is doing the edit deleting both "end"s too. I could be wrong though, I'm pretty clueless haha This edit caused the errors I'm pretty sure. I think.
Hm, weird. Before edit, it should look like this: Code: TSMAPI:CreateTimeDelay("aucMacroChange", 3, function() if (GetMacroBody("TSMAucBClick") or ""):trim() == "/click TSMAucCancelButton\n/click TSMAucPostButton" then EditMacro("TSMAucBClick", nil, nil, "/click TSMAuctioningCancelButton\n/click TSMAuctioningPostButton") end end) -- anti-bot code local names = {"isScanning", "isScanningPB"} for _, name in ipairs(names) do if type(TSM.Cancel[name]) == "function" and type(TSM.Post[name]) == "function" then wipe(TSM.db) TSM = {} [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]end[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]end[/COLOR][/B] end local GOLD_TEXT = "|cffffd700g|r" local SILVER_TEXT = "|cffc7c7cfs|r" local COPPER_TEXT = "|cffeda55fc|r" After edit: Code: TSMAPI:CreateTimeDelay("aucMacroChange", 3, function() if (GetMacroBody("TSMAucBClick") or ""):trim() == "/click TSMAucCancelButton\n/click TSMAucPostButton" then EditMacro("TSMAucBClick", nil, nil, "/click TSMAuctioningCancelButton\n/click TSMAuctioningPostButton") end end) end local GOLD_TEXT = "|cffffd700g|r" local SILVER_TEXT = "|cffc7c7cfs|r" local COPPER_TEXT = "|cffeda55fc|r" So you can see, there should be 2 ends removed.
after installing batch file theres no scan and post tabs in TSM ;/ its bug or TSM author block this bot again ?
Code: -- anti-bot code if type(TSM.Cancel.isScanning) == "function" and type(TSM.Post.isScanning) == "function" then wipe(TSM.db) end end local GOLD_TEXT = "|cffffd700g|r" local SILVER_TEXT = "|cffc7c7cfs|r" local COPPER_TEXT = "|cffeda55fc|r" Just downloaded from curse, This was the original. Think we found the problem yea, only 2 "end"s are on the original while the batch is deleting them both? May wanna edit post 6 too if you can confirm this?
Damn, I can see the problem now. I have alpha versions set in my Curse Client, I will work on a fix now.
so the problem with missing "post""cancel" auction is by using you the alpha release ? im using last stable ?
Yes. I have posted a fix on this. Download the new modify_0428.bat. It should fix the "black screen" error also, it would be nice to see some feedback. Thanks!
Would it be possible to make this plugin use TSM Auto Mail everytime it ends picking up mail? I tried to look at framestack to see how the auto mail button was called but theres no way to make it use of it :s Edit: Found how to send use the Automail TSM function: Code: /script select(10, MailFrame:GetChildren()):Click(); /script SendMailNameEditBox:ClearFocus(); Why is this useful? You probably run this with your bank char as I do, and if you have bots running and sending ores/herbs/we to this char aswell with items that you dont want to sell on AH it will fill your inventory with these items and make posting/canceling much slower, if you previously set TSM Auto Mail groups, just by using that macro, it will send the items as configured.
Bump, modify script updated. Hope this is a final fix for "black screen". Feedback would be appreciated ! Thanks.
I'll try it out when I come back from lunch. I've gotten around it myself, but within the profile. Hope I can remove those checks Thanks a lot for your work! Just noticed this. I've had some issues too, so here's a little something I came up with to check if there's items on the AH or not, and you can add it as a condition to whatever is causing you problems. Code: <Declaration Code="string AH_IsEmpty="t0, t1 = GetNumAuctionItems('owner');if t0 == 0 and t1 == 0 then return 1 else return 0 end";" /> Code: Lua.GetReturnVal<int>(AH_IsEmpty,0) == 1 This will return 1 if you have no auctions up on the AH (you have to have the AH open to check this iirc). I don't remember exactly WHY I implemented this on my profile in the first place (it's in my cancelling cycle, which is the first thing that the bot does when I start it), but I'm sure you can apply it to whatever you need. EDIT: Let me know if it works for you.
Hi all, i downloaded the nomouse script and the bat, ran the bat file then went to post 6, Went over all the files in post 6 to be sure all the mods went through fine from the bat file. all files look exactly as post 6 does. I made the two post and cancel macros and binded to F1 and F2, i tested F1 and F2 to be sure the macros work. However. when i run the bot it all works fine but will not cancel or post auctions. it does the scans and then will just sit there. I went over the key bindings in wow to be sure the right sections where set and cant see any reason why it just stops after the scans. the cancel and post buttons are highlighted as well and i can manually hit F1 and F2 to run it. Ive been using my g19 to just auto spam the buttons but i would like the bot to do it all. any ideas? thanks in advance. EDIT: i download the mouse version. I clicked the TSM create mouse wheel macro with ctrl check. still didn't work, took the macro out from the macro window and added to option 8 and 9 and rebound both the ctrl + mouse wheel up and down respectively and still didn't work. EDIT EDIT: After binding to the 8 and 9 sections on the bars it started working. I guess scratch this unless anyone has ideas why the no-mouse versions isn't working.