This is amazing! Thank you so much, it's exactly what I was looking for. I've set a schedule with ARelog for 1 hour sleep, then login for 10 mins to handle auctions and sleep again. Would it be possible to implement a GetAll scan at the start of the routine? It has a 15 minute cooldown and I assume most people don't run this more than once every 15 minutes, so prices would always be up to date! Thanks again. P.S, I use the mouse wheel script and used the bat file to modify my addon files. Worked perfectly. Can't wait for the other features!
Soooo , i've set everything up but it doesn't post/cancel it runs to the ah and does nothing . Please help me , i've got the newest TSM !
Canceling scan ended Canceling cycle ended PB 1.443: MoveTo Action completed for type NearestMailbox PB 1.443: InteractAction complete Starting posting cycle PB 1.443: MoveTo Action completed for type NearestAH PB 1.443: InteractAction complete And Profile is stuck dont do anything.... And correct me if im wrong but after checking e-mail (0) should char first click on cancel not post ?
If nothing is happening, post one auction then start it. It will try to cancel first, collect from the mail, then post, in that order.
Updated both profile and batch file: fixed bugs when no items were up on AH, and the infamous "black screen" bug is fixed also hopefully.
I don't expect credit in huge colored letters, but at least a thank you would have been nice That said, have in mind that with my code, it'll return as the AH is NOT empty when you have auctions waiting to be delivered, but no auctions currently up. I could not get around this. I don't know how you're actually using it, just have it in mind. About the black screens... did you fix that within the addon or did you add a workaround in the profile?
Sorry I totally missed crediting you , will fix it ASAP I didn't think about that case, will post a fix soon. It's a fix within the addon (return fPrivate:CheckEnv() or temp.modeText).
Nah, idc about crediting for a single line of code, just the typical courtesy thank you About fixing that... Idk, I looked into every API function and couldn't find a better one. Let me know if you find one that I missed, and I'll implement it on my own profile. I asked about the fix so I know if I have to update the addon or not, so thank you. I'll test it either today or tomorrow and report back. And about the script... did you ever add the modifications to enable the use of the Auto-Mail button? If you didn't, mind doing it? If nothing else, it's extra functionality at no cost, and it'll save me the trouble of re-editing it myself after every fresh install lol Here's the info on it in case you need it:
Hey mate, u did a great job! I do have one problem.. is there any way u can modify it, so when TSM is scanning for posting / cancelling, that it does the wheelspin at the same time? Thanks in advance!
Did a mistake in the batch file and the profile also updated them again. Toney: I will add it when I update the profile next time I swear. When would you like it to be pressed? Illuxn: I can do if you really want to, but you do realize if you start posting/canceling at the same time its scanning, the scan itself slows down?
Yes, i know, but my realm is quite populated, and if it posts when its scanning, i actually have a chance to sell something (like it did in Toney's profile ) If you could do that for me that would be so awesome.. I wasted like 3 hours to fix it, but sadly I couldnt... Could u post it in PM?
Oh, in no particular time... I actually use it for other profiles, but the addon remains the same EDIT: I just figured you could add the modifications I linked so it's enabled for anyone that wants to use it, can use it.
After the latest round of, shall we say, battles, do we need to update tsm and the tsm ah addon, or can we just update only the ah addon? (eta - oh, doesn't look like tsm was updated?) Also, I would still love to know if it's possible to modify where the bot goes at certain auctioneers. I've looked in the profile, but I'm quite illiterate and didn't see anything that looked like auctioneer coordinates to me. Eta2 No mouse portion of new profile doesn't seem to work after fresh tsm updates and running batch file. Just stood there after scanning doing nothing. Old no mouse profile still working fine.
Random auctioneer is planned already, expect it soon(TM) Regarding the nomouse part, I accidentally swapped F1 and F2 in the last release, probably thats why its not working.
Why all blue items for example vicious gear, is posted on 100g even its lowest price on others people is for example 345g ?
TMS is fine, ohh i was usint Big Bens Ah profile thats why... sorry this isnt your profile problem...