My alchemy lvl is 300 and my herbalism level is 466. Currently flying around Outland and its gathering the herbs, but it's filling my bags up and mailing all the herbs to my alt. When does the bot actually stop collecting herbs and use the ones that it has already farmed to level up alchemy?
Ofc he will mail herbs, in which he not need (or AH), just clear your bags all in all... He will stop IF ALL HERBS OF 300-350 will be in bags, cuz for what purpose I should make him repeat "1 skill go farm, 1 skill go farm" in other continent/////// It's built into it, get rid of unnecessary if you do not release bags.
Hello nice profile but needs a bit fxing Bugged on 340-350 Alchemy and arround 450 herb and the other log is just buggs all the time running into the wall i stop the bot and start again and then hes using FLY mount go deepholm and taking portal back to Orgrimmar and just jumps down and running into the walls .... Logs : View attachment 128 2013-10-26 View attachment 4116 2013-10-27 19.20.txt
just run from mailbox to ah doesent buy anything but mounts every time for like 2 steps then gets dismounted
Bugged at 350 Alchemy and 426 herb for alliance. When i'm in Northend, he just flies to Dalaran and ports me to Stormwind again. When i'm in Stormwind he just flies north over the complete contnent to the open sea till i die.
Again, try to solve the problem of alliance with Northrend. I forgot to add ********<WaitAction Condition="Me.MapId == 0" Timeout="30000"/> After the command teleportation I honestly did not understand why you have it drills the wall, but I adjusted Dipholm. I hope now everything will be ok (in the script condition contrary to the action, so he teleported to Dipholm, and then came back, but it had to happen on 495 + Alchemy) Added to post ****<WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="30000"/> Now must wait before taking the letter. So, now on the proposals -Regarding the purchase of reagents from himself: There is such an interesting thing: OnAhCount (ItemID) Either run the script to cancel all auctions where we will cancel all with the thing that is needed. Upstream skriptik better, but it requires an addon, as I understand, something like auctioneer or TSM. Bank has already started to implement (who is very interested in your profile will see the blank) Guys, it is extremely not enough time even this post is simple opropuschu through googl translate. Work and University eaten all my free time so as soon as immediately'll fix all that I can. Of the benefits, I see someone already beat me to the engineering ... Well Well. I will append Alchemy is 100% AFC as I can. Code: Снова пробуем решить проблему АЛьянса с Нордсколом. Я забыл добавить <WaitAction Condition="Me.MapId == 0" Timeout="30000"/> После команды телепортации Я, честно, так и не понял почему он у вас сверлит стену, но я поправил Подземье. Надеюсь теперь все будет ок (в скрипте условие противоречило действию, поэтому он телепортировался в Дипхольм, а потом возвращался обратно, но это должно было происходить на 495+ Алхимии) Добавил перед почтой <WaitAction Condition="false" Timeout="30000"/> Теперь должен подождать, перед тем как брать письма. Так, теперь по поводу предложений -По поводу покупки у самого себя реагентов: Есть такой интересный нюанс: OnAhCount (ItemID) Либо запускать скрипт на отмену всех аукционов где отменять будем все с вещью, которая нужна. Вышестоящий скриптик лучше, но он требует аддон, насколько я понял, что-то типа Аукционера или TSM. -Банк уже начал реализовывать (кому очень интересно, увидите в профиле заготовки) Ребят, чрезвычайно не хватает времени, даже этот пост прост опропущу через googl translate. Работа и университет съедают все мое свободное время поэтому как только, так сразу починю все, что смогу. Из плюсов: я вижу кто-то уже обогнал меня с инженерией... Ну чтож. Буду дописывать Алхимию на 100% АФК, как могу.
gatherin is very slow and awkward hi my bot acticng weird collecting herbs, it just flies straight through them and turn back and goes through for 20 sec and then the node gets blacklisted. I tried giving it 5 more seconds before blacklisting but doesnt work still. Some nodes it farms good and most are just shit and it has farmed alot of stacks already but its not heading back to make potions out of them . my herbalism is 500 and alchemy is 61 atm. i had it on for 5 hours last night and it farmed 3 stacks wich is bullshit even though it said it farmed alot more. also in the beginning i didnt have auto loot on so it wouldnt pick up the herbs at all just mount back up and go to next herb it and not pick it up at all, but that is fixed now.
dont works Hi, just gave it a try with a level 54 Char, Alchemy & herb at only 1. Started in OG and char dont moves.
Using it now, spends way to long at ah/mailbox collecting and buying - wait timer i guess But other than that, everything seems good so far. thanks
The same thing happend to me and it is looking for netherbloom and it usualy fills up the bags with other herbs before it get to netherstorm.
Well considering that you need to farm all of hellfire and all of zangarmarsh then all of blades edge to get to netherstorm to do one lap there and hopefully get what you need from there without the bot needing to be restarted because then it flies back home and starts all over again. You need quite a bit of luck aswell.
When I start - hb just freezes. Alch 61 and herb 136. what's the problem? Edit: after several restarts of hb it started working, but now it just freezes again View attachment 4564 2013-11-21 23.28.txt
Wait.... Since u can skill herb from skill 1-600 in pandaria now.. Can u do that in the entire world also? Then the bot would not have to skill it... How does that work? Just wondering =)
I think. some bug with my computer. Started today 2 accounts on another computer - everything is ok, thanks! p.s. why bot learns profession in the Drag (Orgrimmar), but goes to the valley of Spirits to buy vials from goblin vendor? NPC sells vials near alch teacher..