Please don't abandon this project! It's scary how few decent developers there are right now... and this was one of the best profiles out there for gathering timber!!!
I'm working on a newer version that may fix some of the issues, I've been talking a lot with other developers since i don't have the know how to make it any better myself. I had a decent beta version right now, but there seems to be a weird issue with PB were it stops and pauses at every hotspot, which looks super bottish, if we can get that issue solved then we'll release it, i'm waiting back to see if it is a PB issue or if it's because i just have too many variables in the profile that's causing it to run slowly. I don't have any ETA and any day now i may disappear for a while. My wife is due to have our baby any day now.
fwiw i believe its a PB issue. there is a garrison chores profile flloating around that uses PB and it displays the same exact behavior. Due to being in the garrison its essentially safer but its also slow due to pausing at every single step. Havent tried this yet, would love to but ill hold off considering the current issues. Thank you for taking the time to put it up however, looks like your well on your way
UPDATE 12/24/2014 Ok I've just uploaded the newest version please spend the time to read the recommended settings for this new version Extract "" into "Bot Folder\Default Profiles\ProfessionBuddy". Select "Singular" as your combat routine. Select "Professionbuddy" as your botbase, then load the appropriate Lumberator profile based on your Lumber Mill Level. Example Load "Lumberator Level 1" if your Lumber Mill is level 1. Select "Gatherbuddy2" as the secondary bot base in PB. Make sure you uncheck the "Mining" and "Herbalism" boxes under the "Gather" tab in GB2 if you don't want it to farm other items. Make sure to check "Loot Mobs" under the "Manage" tab of GB2 if you want loot enabled. Because of PB bugs it may be easier to keep a separate copy of the bot to run just this profile, it may also help to at least run this profile "fresh", so don't run any other PB profiles before this without closing the bot and reopening it. (Requires flightpath to Exarch's Refuge in Talador) With the help of catchpole and chinajade i've been able to re-work the profile. We still have some issues, but i believe the major ones are mostly gone. The option to collect timber is now based on distance to that timber to the character. This allows us to fix a lot of our major issue before because the bot is in control most of the time instead of the laser like focus the profile had before to collect timber and bypass everything else. This is will help with the following. 1. Blackspots will work correctly now, so if you have any issue please post the blackspot location and reason. (There will be some since i haven't tested this new version for very long) 2. Looting will work as long as you have it selected within the GB2 Botbase. 3. You no longer need to check "Kill Between Hotspots" in settings in tools, because the bot won't get stuck in and endless loop. The only bad parts about the new version of the profile includes the following 1. It does require much more Hotspots, in order to lower the chance of getting banned i created a lot of them so that your character doesn't repeat the same ones right away, it takes an hour or more to go through them all. 2. I haven't figured out yet how to tell the bot to only harvest timber directly in front of it, so it will still sometimes choose to collect something farther away and bypass what's right next to it. 3. It takes longer to collect timber, because the bot is searching in areas where the timber may be, as opposed to it only going towards current collectible timber. I believe the good outweighs the bad, it's a step closer to looking less botish. Lastly I've combined the Alliance and Horde into one profile, so that there is less files to download and keep track of. Let me know how it works for you. Merry Christmas!
Works fine! Thank you for this! Edit: I have a question. Does the Lumber Lv2 Profile only gather lv2 trees, or it gathers lv1 and lv2 trees? Cuz I was watching the bot running the profile, and I've noticed that the bot skips some trees, I believe they are lv1 trees, since I'm running lv2 profile.
Yes that is a problem I'm dealing with, i realize i wrote a lot above but i have that up there i'll paste it again for you. "2. I haven't figured out yet how to tell the bot to only harvest timber directly in front of it, so it will still sometimes choose to collect something farther away and bypass what's right next to it." The profile takes your character up to a lumber node, then tells it to collect timber with that specific timber type, so if it sees a small timber within 20 yards it activates an if condition that will only collect that type of timber, the problem is the bot doesn't automatically collect what is closest to it, it will randomly pick one, so especially with the small timber that there are more of it's more likely to randomly skip it and go for another small lumber. This is the biggest problem with the profile, but at least it runs less botish and i hope with some help it can be fixed in the future.
Luckily my wife has been sleeping all Christmas, she's so pregnant she is ready to pop! It's given me more time to play with the profile. I think i found a solution to fix our major issue with the profile not collecting timber near it. I'll have any update soon.
UPDATE 12/25/2014 The major problems have all been fixed. Now we can focus on small things like blacklisting areas to reduce agroing NPCs. This is my Christmas present to the HB community couldn't come at a better time! Merry Christmas!
YOU ROCK MY MAN!!! As a small gift to you I will run this on my an extra account of mine all day, just to help you debug <3
Just started running this profile and my toon skips eligible timber nodes left and right while running on doesn't mount up at all. View attachment 17172 2014-12-25 15.16.txt Edit: Yeah, I closed HB and restarted it, and ran the profile again and it started mounting now, but it will still run right past timer nodes. This log is short, but I watched to run past at least 8-10 nodes...apparently it's not doing anything but pathing. View attachment 16928 2014-12-25 15.46.txt
Can you tell me how close the timber nodes are? It's not like Gatherbuddy where if will find anything close by and go to it. It will only loot timber if it's very close to it, which is why i have hotspots going directly to timber nodes. Do me favor and turn of mining and herbalism and tell me if that makes a difference, i'm guessing it's just not close enough and your zigzagging between mining and herb nodes.