This is pretty crazy. I never thought a bot would be able to outperform me at anything in game but I've been proven wrong.
Finally got this to work! tysvm I have to do this on allot of chars and already collected the 300+ on one char by hand, didnt want to do it again Only wierd thing is it stops after a bit and just stands there but a simple restart seems to fix it. anyway GJ
oke this is strange, i went on my dk to try it out and it is working, but on my druid it isn;t :S log 2 post above
Might sound strange but did you stop the bot and start it again when ya changed characters? Its been working great for me D
yeah ofc restarted honorbuddy , its just keep saying loading titles when im on my druid , pretty strange its going like a train on my dk
This is a plugin, got all the things you can buy with the eggs, ty. would be better if it worked in mixed mode.
yeah i am, starting on both chars on same place at the back of the goldshire inn, Dk is running, druid just stands still and giving loading titles
it is the new version i downloaded it this morning, what is the spec of your druid , maybe it has something do with that. Resto / balance here , tried it on both no differences, Update* Warrior working aswell its working on every char except for my druid.
PHP: [21:55:57:631] Start/Stop button pressed.[21:55:58:428] Cleared POI[21:55:58:429] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up[21:55:58:430] Cleared POI[21:56:08:586] Activity: [Noble Gardener]: search for best node[21:56:08:865] Activity: [Noble Gardener]: Move to Brightly Colored Egg Distance: 14yards[21:56:08:875] Activity: Downloading Mesh...[21:56:10:350] Activity: [Noble Gardener]: Move to Brightly Colored Egg Distance: 14yards[21:56:10:351] Activity: Loading Tile/s keeps on this, Deleted whole mesh folder.
Do you have an egg basket? Have you equiped it? Is it trying to equip it? What weapons are you wearing?
Got teamviewer, if it helps , ive no idea how to solve this. p.s thnx for the help so far, appreciate it.
I'm wearing the egg baskte, ive done the 2 quests manually, Tried it with not wearing the egg basket but its not even equiping it then. My weapon im wearing with wearing the basket is Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King - Item - World of Warcraft Offhand withouth wearing the basket Scepter of Ice - Item - World of Warcraft
Are you sure you have got the latest build? Also check your addons folder and delete all previous builds which had other filenames.