well, glad i could help, have another account lying around, buying new gamecard for that by the end of the week, and i'll have an 85 warrior and shaman to test it out on, and a 72 hunter, dunno if you released one for every spec of those classes, if so, you'll hear from me in a few days, otherwise i would appreciate it if you could post some of them for me to test out
Yes, <MasteryRating> is not supported in this build of AutoEquip or by HB. I also tried editing it in as you did and got errors in the debug window stating that that wasn't a supported stat and that it was just going to be ignored since it wasn't supported.
Love this plugin, but I still don't quite understand why the default weights give so much preference to stamina, 100 points for stamina and 31 for strength on a death knight, doesn't seem to make sense to me. Actually just noticed that it prefers agility 2 to 1 over strength on a DK. Easy enough for me to change, but still confusing enough to post about lol.
Druid Weight Sets (Feral Cat & Resto) Thought I'd post my Druid weight-sets for Resto and Feral-Cat. Both sets of numbers loosely coincide with Wowhead's settings with the exception of Mastery because it's not yet supported. I also had to add Stamina to Feral-Cat since I use that spec as my grindbot. Not sure if it's too high or not. Any recommendations? Note: Feral-cat had a Misc attribute of Bear in the XML. I changed it to Cat and do not yet know if that will make a difference. <WeightSet Class="Druid" Spec="Resto"> <SpellPower>100</SpellPower> <HasteRating>57</HasteRating> <Intellect>51</Intellect> <Spirit>32</Spirit> <CriticalStrikeRating>11</CriticalStrikeRating> </WeightSet> <WeightSet Class="Druid" Spec="Feral" Misc="Cat"> <Agility>100</Agility> <Stamina>84</Stamina> <Strength>78</Strength> <AttackPowerInForms>37</AttackPowerInForms> <AttackPower>37</AttackPower> <HasteRating>32</HasteRating> <ExpertiseRating>29</ExpertiseRating> <HitRating>28</HitRating> <CriticalStrikeRating>28</CriticalStrikeRating> </WeightSet>
anyone have a good hunter weight set to use? preferably for beast master. Was looking at the weight set and realized that it still includes intellect as a weight in all of the hunter specs even though intellect is utterly useless for a hunter now
You can just edit the hunter weight set and just delete the intel lines. That's what I did and it works just fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think you should add some extraweight to armor. On the first levels items can vary by nothing but armor, and every little stat helps to survive. Also i think you should dynamically black/whitelist weapontypes depending on spec. As well as you should stop things like equipping an offhand while wearing a 2h weapon.
Can someone please make a Ret Pally weight set? The curent one is selecting leather and items with intellect sometimes
REQUEST: Please add weapon DPS to weight sets. I constantly am finding my warrior equipping green "of the whale" etc swords over blue weapons that have way way way more dps, simply because green has 1 more stamina or w/e. Edit: im not talking about protecting the weapon slot. Im talking about it using the weapon dps when calculating whether item is upgrade or not
Is there any way to blacklist an item I never want equipped on my char? On low levels if a toon has mining and buys Mining Pick it will equip it, and prevent many abilities from being used since it doesn't count as a melee weapon
what he said my char trys to always equip my skinning knife lol update: ok after a couple minutes i found this file in the autoequip folder called "AutoEquipSettings.cs" the ignore items are in their. i noticed some of the item numbers was incorrect on wowhead.com. ima change them and see what happens. update: looks like that didnt do shit lol. anyone got some skills to edit this file somehow or something im noob as, im just guessing
Same thing here, running a ret pally want it to equip 2-hander but it equips a one hander and tries to equip my skinning knife.
these should fit Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Paladin" Spec="Retribution"> <DPS>470</DPS> <HitRating>100</HitRating> <Strength>90</Strength> <ExpertiseRating>66</ExpertiseRating> <CriticalStrikeRating>40</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>10</HasteRating> </WeightSet> Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Paladin" Spec="Holy"> <Spirit>40</Spirit> <CriticalStrikeRating>60</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>90</HasteRating> <Intellect>100</Intellect> </WeightSet> Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Hunter" Spec="Survival"> <DPS>379</DPS> <HitRating>80</HitRating> <Agility>100</Agility> <CriticalStrikeRating>70</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>65</HasteRating> </WeightSet> Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Hunter" Spec="Marksmanship"> <DPS>379</DPS> <HitRating>80</HitRating> <Agility>100</Agility> <CriticalStrikeRating>60</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>50</HasteRating> </WeightSet> Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <WeightSet Class="Hunter" Spec="Beastmastery"> <DPS>213</DPS> <HitRating>80</HitRating> <Agility>100</Agility> <CriticalStrikeRating>50</CriticalStrikeRating> <HasteRating>75</HasteRating> </WeightSet>
I don't know what the real fix is, but going into the AutoEquipSettings and setting EqupWhites to False cleared it up for now. If someone finds a better solution please let us know. -The Botman