Only one problem, but it isn't a real problem so much as a missing feature. I left my pally botting over night, then in the morning I got up and he was wearing mostly cloth and leather. I was using the proper weight set.
Change the weight of armor in your weight set. By default its low as when you're leveling, you generally don't care much for armor as opposed to dps stats.
Now I test HB2 and have 2 crashes of HB and WoW because I turn Plug-in on. Report was send via standard crash form. If you want I can post log here.
Awesome, thanks MaiN. Any idea when this is being incorporated into HB2 to pick the correct quest rewards ?
Can somebody help me work this out ? I've got an Enhancement shaman and he's duel wielding a couple of mace's. This is how it should be. But autoequip keeps getting rip of them and replacing them with a shitty staff.
There should be a config option to not replace a certain slot. If you edit one of the .cs files you'll find the section there. Just tell it not to replace mainhand and offhand.
It's in the XML settings file. Open Settings.xml. Add the slots under ProtectedSlots. The slots you want to add are WeaponMainHand and WeaponOffHand.
any reason why i can't open the form for AutoEquip, i using AutoEquip 2.0.2 on hb1.9.2.3 , it says Could not find a part of the path "HN 1.923 Stable\Plugins\AutoEquip\Weight Sets'. - From: mscorlib i have everything by default in my plugin folder... it just doesn't show the form like it did for my HB1.333 .. let me know if you need any log/screenshots from me... tq