Also forgot to mention, on your website you could add some improvements for instance here: BuddyCon - Login Site in the data table you could mark a row some how when the current caracter is currently active, also maybe sort by latest activity or allow the user to use table heads to sort data. For screenshots area maybe you could use a light box instead of opening the image into new window/tab
Осторожно ото в фото видно имя твоего профиль так что я советую тебя спрятать имя профиля и оставить толко вопросительные знаки. теперь на английском... Regarding the issue personally I don't have such an issue but I guess it happened because of encoding issue with the database maybe, but you have to wait the developer for a reply...
Hmm okay i will try to fix it. The Crash reports point in a certain direction, but i need to reproduce the error. Okay danke für die Infos. Bin schon am suchen, wenns die Zeit zulässt. Das Problem ist das das was im Report angegeben wird zu ungenau ist (können so ein dutzend Stellen sein -.-). Verscuhe das bei mir zu provozieren. If i find the time, i will try to add some features when the bugs are fixed. Same as above Hmm if i have to guess its an encoding. Is there a specific letter in the name of the character which is every name that is not shown?
where you can see the profile name? No specific letter, ordinary russian language, this problem was always, well before the update
Например если кто-то пошлет эту фото к близард может доказать что ты используешь бот потом они увидят кто ты в игре на пример Гром в сервер Галакронд и будут блокировать твой аккаунт.. Sorry for russian I just explained something related to the screen shot but not related to the issue itself, just explaining that posting screen shot with the name of toon is not safe.
Hi, guys, i install the plugin and all runs ok, but i cant interact with the app, i clik on stop bot or kill WoW and nothing happens, how can i fix that? i have an S4
Hey Guys, I'm trying to use this but it keeps giving me this error.. Lost connection to BuddyMonitor, reconnecting. It does this on an interval basis. Are there any ports I need to open for this to communicate properly? Are you guys using an AJAX Post to get this done? If so, which ports are you running? The steps I took 1. Extract into plugins 2. generate API key 3. set it up on honorbuddy Please let me know! Grij
Hmm HB Log please with debug on "true". Or try again now. I'm not the Author of BuddyMonitor! This is the BuddyCon Thread
Hey, this plugin sounds awesome!! I dind't tested yet but i have a question.. I have an authenticator.. is it possible to start hb with wow and then it asks me for my code?? Years Ago i used the pirox bot.. it had this feature... or do i have to delete my authenticator for botting?
What I did is changed my settings so the game won't ask my authentication code each time I launch the game... so I enter it once one in a while.
Did you release self hosting for BC2? I don't think anybody really WANTS to send their data (Including character name and realm) to a remote server with proof of botting.
Simple: No. Detail: If you doesn't trust me: fine. Then you can use BC1 self-hosting. Another problem would be support. A setup guide alone would take time, which I simply don't have.
Hi! Everytime I start the Bot, a compiled error is appearing. What can I do? I installed all new but it won't work. View attachment 11396 2014-11-19 20.46.txt