It works for me, however, im in an area with 4 different mobs, 2 of them I wish to kill. Whenever I go into the plugin, and choose the 2 mobs to kill, press save, and start. It kills all 4 kinds of mobs. When I go back into the plugin, it has checked all 4 mobs =/
The modified "FightHere.cs" Pasterke linked on page 7 seems to fix the issues for me. I'm using the latest .722 HB.
Working just fine for me. Btw I got a question about this, do you think its possible to make a similar plugin like this but for Lockpicking for rogues?
Before you configure the mobs, make sure the bot is not running. If you configure the plugin when the bot is running, then you have the crashes. Always hit the stop button 1st b4 to configure.
6-Feb-2014. Thread archived for being non-compliant with BosslandGmbH forum rules. BosslandGmbH forum rulescj