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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. nightwing412

      nightwing412 New Member

      Jan 3, 2012
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      Just wanted to add that I have avoidance turned off, so that isn't the case :/
    2. Gingerbread

      Gingerbread New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      you are posting profile problems in a plugin thread.

      While Giles is eminently capable of fixing stucks in other peoples profiles should he choose to, you're asking for help in the wrong place.

      Please post plugin stuff in plugin threads and profile stuff in profile threads.
    3. sizzle

      sizzle New Member

      Aug 1, 2012
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      just a question.. when fighting azmodan is it possible to avoid the big fire balls that he throws with your combat avoidance?

      Thank you!
    4. sizzle

      sizzle New Member

      Aug 1, 2012
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      Same thing for me.
    5. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      You aren't just lucky. My GPH went up 3x. ;)
    6. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Yes, and it is coded. Just open the .cs in Notepad, search for "Azmo" and change the values you see until it works!

      So reading the code:

      @ 80% health he'll run out of the pools, dodge the bodies @ 70% health and the fireballs @ 60%. Try changing Azmo fireball to 1 and then down in increments to some value until it's good.
      Last edited: Sep 6, 2012
    7. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      how can we increase orb taking life percent ?
    8. sizzle

      sizzle New Member

      Aug 1, 2012
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      Ok so if I am a witch doctor how did you know what values to write is it my position? how radius I must back?
    9. Treuben

      Treuben Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      Did you guys make a clean install of db for updating this plugin?
    10. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Gary7, thank you for the code update. His code explanation is genius. :eek:)
    11. Flyingtoo

      Flyingtoo New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      I don't know.

      That's why I told you to tweak the values until it works for you. :eek:)
    12. DarkOS

      DarkOS New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      masterfully done Giles. Bravo.
    13. Tankadin

      Tankadin New Member

      Feb 14, 2012
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      OKi i did some test after work and i can say so far this:

      "v1.1 uploaded:
      -- Improvements to many skills that were previously not casting reliably (witch doctor pet summons, wizard archon, barbarian leap and others) by adding a post-cast pause.
      -- Various tweaks and changes to a number of skill uses from player feedback (many witch-doctor skills, and various skills for the other classes).
      -- Witch doctor acid cloud spell added.
      -- Leap should now work more effectively, but will only be used if your health is 75% or below, or the target is at range.
      -- Slightly faster repeat-attack times for the faster-use skills (it is possible these will be increased further with later releases).
      -- Various improvements to avoidance - should hopefully avoid some of the situations where you would do "nothing" when you could still attack a nearby monster (avoidance will continue to be improved over time!).
      -- Increased priority to ranged units, particularly fallen prophets (grunt-summoners) in act 3.
      -- Reduced priority to grunts (act 3 goblins).
      -- Few more NPC's/units added to the blacklist.
      -- (experimental) Backtracking implemented - please do NOT use this unattended - this still needs some work before letting your bots run this 24/7."

      - Where Acid cloud is spammed to much. I think its should use on mobs 3+
      - Spirit walk is not in use almost at all
      - Grasp of the dead is spammed each cd which is not good, should be in use for mobs 3-4+
      - Plague of toads looks ok
      - As WD i think spam of acid cloud and grasp should be when fighting vs elite/champions and on normal mobs when its 3-4+
      - Spirit walk could have some tweaks and be use while walking and to avoid dmg while in combat(more offten)
      From general ones i would say its nice to givr rule to force wd to take health globes to keep stacks on pasive rune which gives 10% to intelligence and mana stacking to 5 times "Gruesome feast".
      Second one from general what would be nice is to get skip shielded champs/elites to dont waste mana casts on them
      My last thing would be perfect to do settings options to skills from classes like we have it with Belphegor.
      Loot wise didnt have chance to check but looks ok.
      Will write more if see, going sleep now and really good job.
    14. Shaolin111

      Shaolin111 New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Anyone can help please? Is there something wrong with my setting? Why does inactivity timer always kick in and my bot ended up AFKing at the menus.. This often happen after doing town run.. I am using Giles Trinity + Unstuckme + Radprofile..:confused:

      Attached Files:

    15. Lilly

      Lilly New Member

      Jul 19, 2012
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      Feedback for v1.1:

      Giles, our hero now throws the Ancient Spear in random directions, sometimes hitting nothing. This is new in 1.1, it was not in 1.01.
    16. jaymovez

      jaymovez New Member

      Jul 28, 2012
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      Reporting some issues with monks:

      Avoidance priority on AoE is so high that it won't even use serenity (damage immunity) before it dies. I've seen it run around trying to avoid things and dying without even using serenity.

      Also, is there a way to make it use mantra when lower HP? I see that it's set to use mantra only when spirit is full. Although this can be good, for those using transcendence (heal on spirit usage), it can be very helpful to use mantra when HP is low.

    17. Colossus

      Colossus New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Giles, u are the man. So fast with the releases.

      Wgizmo, I agree with most of your points but not on acid cloud:

      - I disagree with u on the Acid Cloud. I pref my WD to Spam Acid Cloud as i run a heavy mana regen build and mana isn't really a problem. I also use the +aoe range rune so the bot aims for the 1 single unit out the front but hits others and the poison pools hit the rest following him.
      - Spirit walk (i use autohotkeys to hit it when it some off CD). I think there is 2 ways to use it. 1. use it as a print when its off CD. 2. when like hits x% use it to save your self.
      - Grasp, i agree with u there too, rather hit more mobs close to me.
      - Agree on the health globes too, i set my % life threshhold pretty high.
      - actually agree with rest of what u said too LOL.

      I gota do more testing too when i get home :(
      Nice work.
    18. Zikke

      Zikke Active Member

      Sep 14, 2011
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      I'm excited for 1.2 of this plugin with improved avoidance and better Barb AI. Til then I am going to use the old versions so I don't die as often :-\
    19. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Before I get into specific replies, a few notes/points I must make, firstly:

      Avoidance stuff: Yes, it's still a work in progress. Yes, I am aware of the issues - I'm constantly working on it. Yes, it's far from perfect, and we all want everything to be perfect, myself included - I do bot too!
      However, I wanted to release this plugin sooner rather than later because people (myself included) were very worried about missing loot. And missing loot is more important than extra deaths, in my (and most people's) opinion.

      Skill uses/general stuff/class specific stuff: It's constantly being worked on. Feedback is VERY useful - but when giving feedback, please try to be as specific as you can be - eg state the skill, state what it is, or is not doing - and what you think it should, or should not be doing.

      Everybody's Posts & Messages: I am reading every single reply to the thread, and every single forum PM and IRC PM, and taking note of any issues people have put forward. If I do not reply, do not assume I have ignored you or missed the issue. There's been over 350 replies to this thread in a very short space, and I've had a lot of PM's, and even more IRC messages and conversations about it. Please don't keep spamming me until I reply (especially since forum PM's have an inbox limit :p).

      Perspective/Reality Check:
      I got home from a week-long holiday on Sunday. Monday morning I started work on Trinity. I did a lot of it from scratch - the only things that were really copy-pasted where the "skill-selection stuff" and the town-run routine/item scoring stuff. The vast majority was either done from scratch or just a case of completely re-coding old stuff from the old world object handler, combat replacer and stash replacer. That all started Monday morning. I spent about 16 hours each both Monday and Tuesday working on it, by Wednesday afternoon version 1 was released, and it's now only Thursday night/early hours of Friday morning. I'm even trying to have a bit of a life and bot for myself, in-between. And sometimes even sleep, eat, and drink!

      And don't forget I'm not a DemonBuddy dev. There aren't multiple people working on this like there is for Belphegor or on DemonBuddy itself. It hasn't had months of work put into it. Do keep these things in mind, and be prepared to have some patience :)

      Are you sure that item had any readable stats? Items can have odd combos of stats that I don't bother reading/DB doesn't support. like specific bonuses to particular class-skills, as an example. Generally worthless things. Which can result in a 0 and a "no scorable attributes" message (that doesn't mean *NO* attributes, just nothing worth any score at all/nothing readable by DemonBuddy). Beyond that, if stats ARE being read wrongly (which I've seen no evidence of myself recently) - it's DemonBuddy reading them in wrongly and I doubt there's anything I can do about that - but if it is, then it will be a very rare case.

      I'm playing with Leap, Rend, Revenge, and about 20 other skills from other classes for next release, again.

      As for "missing loot" - I've reduced the scores of stats like magic-find/gold-find (as these have lost a lot of value since patch 1.04 of Diablo), and increased DPS requirements of weapons too (likewise since 1.04 patch). Not to mention there's the luck factor. Unless you've actual EVIDENCE of "missing loot" - eg you've witnessed it blatantly ignore an item that it DEFINITELY has pickup limits for - then it's nothing but the placebo effect I would say. Simply going by how many items are in your stash is meaningless - eg if you got 5 legendaries in 1 night, then 0 legendaries in the 2nd night, that doesn't mean the plugin is suddenly broke and missing loot, it probably means you got 5 legendaries drop in the 1st night, and none drop the 2nd night. The beauty of random loot-rolls. I haven't seen (m)any others reporting missing loot - if anything, just about EVERYBODY is saying how much more loot they are getting now. There's always going to be small cases where you can be lead away from loot because a target ends up with higher priority than the loot - so you could be lead away and away and away from loot by constantly spawning enemies, and never get back into loot-range (which explains somebody else posting above where they had 2 more ilvl 63 drops than they had pickups) - until backtracking is fully working anyway. But I'm also increasing weights on items within close-range to help prefer picking items up to attacking more often than not, to reduce this even further.

      You'll be missing way, way, way more loot if you weren't using this plugin, from the very nature of DB's "Combat first, shrines 2nd, containers & destructibles 3rd, loot last and least if nothing else shows up on the radar" system.

      Sure. And we'd go back to missing loot, memory mis-reads, and other core issues that are unfixable without re-coding it all and re-doing how it all works behind the scenes and making a new plugin and giving it a name, like, I dunno, Trinity. Ah, yes, that's what I've had to do ;) If I could simply copy&paste the combat code from combat replacer and fix all the weird and wonderful issues and memory problems and loot problems and everything else, I would have done that. I wouldn't have re-done the combat engine again for no good reason :p

      Search for "iEmergencyHealthGlobeLimit" - find the 2nd/3rd/4th time of it, where it appears below a big "// ***** Barbarian *****" comment with a monk, wizard, and witch-doctor section immediately below it. You can change the globe, and potion, health-limit values for every class here.
      Last edited: Sep 6, 2012
    20. devious21

      devious21 New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      but Giles i want it to be perfect NOW!

      seriously people, be patient :)
      for as little time as Giles has had, he's put a tremendous amount of work into this plugin and its already VERY GOOD!
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