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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. MonsterMMORPG

      MonsterMMORPG Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      the only solution for stashing is manually review

      so here my feature suggestion

      collect all blue items (possible right now)
      sell all blue items (not possible right now)
      collect all rare items (possible right now)
      sell all rare items below 61 level (not possible right now)

      thank you
    2. Ash

      Ash New Member

      Aug 30, 2012
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      Technically manual review 'fixes' the problem, but it's a case where the solution creates more problems.
      Stashing all rares ilvl61 or above, all three tabs of your stash would probably fill within 4-8hrs, limiting the length of time you can leave it unattended.
      It would take a significant chunk of time for you to go through and ID all the items, especially for people who bot multiple accounts.

      I can see this possibly being implemented at some point, as a low priority project for the segment of the population who wants it. Generally though, the plugin aims to reduce hassle involved with evaluating items, and the only long term solution is to improve the algorithms.
    3. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Next version completely enables custom loot-rules for pickup, keep, salvage and sell decisions. So you can still use my plugin to do all the wizardry at picking things up, the safe stash mechanism which is lag resistant and stuck resistant, the doing things one at a time, but use your own loot-rules to decide what is kept or not rather than the scoring mechanism. Right now your own loot-rules only decide what gets picked up (not stashed/salvaged/sold) - but next release (the code is already done but I am doing other things first), your custom loot-rules will also be able to decide what to: Pickup. Keep. Salvage. Sell. So you would just use your own custom loot-rules to do any fancy special stuff and tick "use custom loot rules" in my plugin config, from next version onwards. So start making your own custom loot-rules now so they are ready to do exactly what you ask :)

      You'll probably find that you start banging your head against a wall managing all of the items you stash and sorting through them every few hours and start thinking "Man, I wish there was a plugin that automatically evaluated my items and stashed them", and then you'll think "Oh wait, I already have one" and re-enable my score filtering system, but until then, you can satisfy yourself with custom loot-rules to do exactly as you want ;)

      And yes, I did get your 2 or 3 PM's repeating the same thing, and see your 2 or 3 replies to this thread also repeating the same request. Please see this post, which you might have missed while busily spamming me/this thread;
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    4. frosty

      frosty New Member

      Sep 1, 2012
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      cmon, how can you treat this item as junk:

      WeaponOneHand - Spear 'Reach Demise'. Score = 41884
      Life On Hit=466. Crit Damage %=65. DPS=666

      It's the most OP item ever :-D
    5. sparks

      sparks Active Member

      Apr 23, 2010
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      Come on frosty op item?
      The salvage is worth more than the item.

      enables custom loot-rules for pickup, <<<<<<<< this is op
      now my inventory will always remain empty and bot forever...I never find anything :)

      Giles this is not about trinity directly.
      During the weekend everyone started using 222 and after a zone the bot quits looting chest and picking up items.
      people said vendor was the only way to fix it, unsure if just clicking on the vendor will work or not but it was/is bad.
      I did a new install of everything last night just to try and still seeing this.
      Is there a work around you can do to force vendor at the end of each zone or is DB working on this?
      I really believe its all hawkers fault LOL

      keep up the great work and again this is not about trinity causing this I was seeing it all weekend before trinity.
      Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
    6. Auxilium1989

      Auxilium1989 New Member

      Feb 16, 2012
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      Joke regarding the 666 dps i suppose? Cause the item otherwise is crap :)
    7. finni

      finni Member

      Jun 14, 2012
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      is this confirmed? just started to use v222 Oo
    8. jack104

      jack104 New Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Thanks Giles again for the quick updated version. To help you improve even more, I post the following review:

      - Monk doing Act 1 atm. My gear is enough for Act 2 but I die to much due too much due to avoidance not working properly which leads to the following

      - When attempting to avoid, three major issues here: running around doing nothing; standstill doing nothing; try to run but surrounded by mobs doing nothing. This is fine in Act 1 since they can't kill me, but in Act 2 and Act 3, with no LOH you will die slowly. I try to edit the file by going to the avoidance for Monk section, changed ice ball, bees-wasps, plague to 0 (never avoid those). Restart DB and it still tries to avoid them. Strange hey...... During my test in Act 2 I run into a Bees-wasp with ice ball and desecrater, it did nothing but running around and die. In Act 3, right beginning in skycrown where you have a big group of mobs with a narrow pathway. It died when try to run while surrounded by mobs. It died 2nd time when arcane and ice balls were on the ground makes it no safe spots. In both occasions it was standing still doing no dps.
      - I think the solution could be:
      -- allow us to easily choose what we want to avoid and what to ignore, this will suit different classes and builds. For example, the only thing I really need to avoid are arcane, desecrator and plague-hands. Others can all be offset by LOH.
      -- when it cannot move nor generate safe spot, make it attack nearest target. In most cases it might still survive.

      - Last issue, I use FoT and still notice pauses between strike very frequently. Unnecessarily switching targets when surrounded as well. Would be better if we can choose to turn monster priority off, or only triggers to fewer number of nasty things, so it can focus in killing. Not thinking the meaning of life lol.

      - Haven't noticed any issues with skipping loot so far.

      I am turning off avoidance atm. Honestly it is broken when facing multiple ground effects.

      Hope it helps. Thanks!
    9. Shaolin111

      Shaolin111 New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Someone help me Please...... ANy kind soul can provide solution to my problem?! Understand Gile is busy.. appreciate if anyone can advice..

      Why does the bot keep AFK in town after town run repair?!?!?! Ended up firing the inactivity timer and ended up doing nothing in the menu..

      Sorry if im asking a noob question.. yes i am but i swear I've browsed almost everywhere in the forums before seeking help..

      Only solution i found is disable plugin which doesn't make much sense at all...

      20:08:56.284 N] Player died, Resetting caches.
      [20:08:56.304 N] Clicked revive button
      [20:08:59.554 N] [GilesStashReplacer] Items may need repair, now running town-run routine.
      [20:09:05.215 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [20:10:46.527 N] Inactivity timer tripped! Leaving game
      [20:10:46.527 N] Leaving game
      [20:10:46.630 N] Last run acquired -14762 gold.
      [20:10:46.842 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.0 Silhouettes Profile Starter!
      [20:10:46.842 N] [UnstuckMe!] Resetting299940751
      [20:11:02.455 N] Stopping the bot.
    10. Shaolin111

      Shaolin111 New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Same issue when I'm using GilesTrinity Plugin. I'm using GT, Rads and Unstuckme plug.

      [06:47:34.320 N] [GilesTrinity] Items may need repair, now running town-run routine.
      [06:47:53.871 N] ========== Grid segmentation resetting!!! ============
      [06:48:13.974 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine starting.
      [06:48:16.904 D] Moving item args: <itemId:-1482030270, ownerId:2019360879, InventorySlot:playerSharedStash, column:5, row:29>
      [06:48:17.014 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine ending sequence...
      [06:48:17.024 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Stash routine finished.
      [06:48:19.414 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine started.
      [06:48:23.555 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine ending sequence...
      [06:48:23.665 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Sell routine finished.
      [06:48:25.965 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Salvage routine started.
      [06:48:26.135 D] Generating path to Town Portal (Possible) - <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455>
      [06:48:26.135 D] Raycast path generated.
      [06:48:26.135 D] Generated path to <379.0132, 421.9469, 0.3321455> (Town Portal (Possible)) with 1 hops.
      [06:48:26.515 D] [GilesTrinity] GSDebug: Salvage routine started.
      [06:49:29.317 N] Inactivity timer tripped! Leaving game
      [06:49:29.317 N] Leaving game
      [06:49:29.427 D] Navigator.Clear
      [06:49:29.437 N] Last run acquired -5110 gold.
      [06:49:29.607 N] Loaded profile [A3 - Inferno]Champion-Hunting 1.0 Silhouettes Profile Starter!
      [06:49:29.607 N] [UnstuckMe!] Resetting280663520 *AFK in menu all the way*
      [10:36:37.454 D] Start/Stop Button Clicked!
      [10:36:37.457 N] Stopping the bot.
    11. faah

      faah New Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      when my follower die the char just stand there and w8 to follow get up again any fix on that.. even if there is mobs..and if iam low on hp he just stand there to the cd on hp is done or die...
    12. yanirs

      yanirs New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      My Barb attack slow ... think to much to attack .. any help?
    13. Moley

      Moley New Member

      Jul 15, 2012
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      Open the .CS file search"energytwister" you'll eventually find the spell cast code, currently set to 20 feet i believe if critmass is enabled.
    14. stavrakas

      stavrakas New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      I'm gonna repost the problem with my wizard: sometimes she doesn't recast energy armor (can even go on fighting for 2-3 minutes before remembering to recast it). It's completely random and I can't reproduce it. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
    15. chenjie

      chenjie New Member

      Aug 4, 2012
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      that's very nice plugin.but i have a bar and a DH.and this plugin can't work with DH.so everyday change the bot settings.....that's be lot of work.so my bad english.
      hope the plugin can work with DH later:eek:
    16. Narko

      Narko New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      Avoidance Tab !!!!! :p
      That lava trail is reallly an issue on ranged mobs sometimes.
      Maybe there could be a factor we manually set up : Our char ABILITY TO REGAIN HEALTH.

      So, if we have a ton of LOH or Lifesteal or Regen, we can set it up to high values.
      And, therefore, use this, combined or not with current health to take the decision to avoid or not.
      That could be used by very high damage close combat guyz to not avoid stuff even if they currently don t have so much regen abilities.

      Easy to complain, ask for etc, but it's just an idea.
    17. packetloss

      packetloss New Member

      Jul 29, 2012
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      Just noticed a problem with the poison pods from the trees. My barb had just finished killing off a champ pack and there had been a tree as well that had spawned some poison pods. When combat was over he just stood there taking a bath in the poison cloud. He made no attempt to move or grab health globes while his health kept going down. I manually move him to a globe and then it continued along just fine.
    18. CCCComboBreaker

      CCCComboBreaker New Member

      Jun 25, 2012
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      I have the same problem. it stays in the menu.

      I have changed only this in the code, I don't know if the problem is related to this (I'm at work and I cannot do a clean install):

      // Serenity if health is low
      if ((playerStatus.dCurrentHealthPct <= 0.60 || (playerStatus.bIsIncapacitated && playerStatus.dCurrentHealthPct <= 0.65)) && hashPowerHotbarAbilities.Contains(SNOPower.Monk_Se renity) &&
      GilesUseTimer(SNOPower.Monk_Serenity, true) &&
      playerStatus.dCurrentEnergy >= 10 && PowerManager.CanCast(SNOPower.Monk_Serenity))
      return new GilesPower(SNOPower.Monk_Serenity, 0f, vNullLocation, iCurrentWorldID, -1, USE_ANY_TIME, USE_INSTANTLY);
    19. warbux

      warbux New Member

      Aug 10, 2012
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      thats cuz both of those items are basically junk... No way an xbow like that is going to sell... I doubt the pants/chest would either.

      I have noticed that trifecta items/ dual crit items seem to score low.
    20. ninjapug

      ninjapug New Member

      Aug 22, 2012
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      Config not showing window

      I am new to giles.

      i have followed the guide step by step

      1. fresh install where i download the latest version and extract in a new folder

      2. Extract Gilestrinity.zip in profiles

      3. extract GilesBlankCombatRoutine in routines.

      I am able to see the Gilestrinity plugin checkbox and able to load it but the config just wouldn't load a window.

      Please help
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