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  • [Plugin] Giles Trinity

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by GilesSmith, Sep 5, 2012.

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    1. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Pause button rocks :)

    2. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      REQ: kamikaze option for shrines thanks.

    3. vol.1

      vol.1 New Member

      Jun 24, 2012
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      can anyone help me fix my ww barb?

      So when the barb is whirlwinding thru elites, it freezes up, even when there is enough fury, it just pauses and sits there.
      If it survives the beating, it continues the ww

      Does anyone else have that happen to them?
    4. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      also noticed there is a problem with the "rend" skill of barbar, it used when it's a bit out of range of target
    5. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Long set of replies below, check through to see my reply to you if you've asked a question. If replying, please DON'T quote this whole post, only the appropriate bit!

      1: I removed them latest patch because they dropped such absolute junk and took time - and could even cause mini-stucks (briefly) in the right (or wrong) places!
      2: Yes, but you should find that the moment it is "bodyblocked" (can't reach shaman), it tries killing things near it for a couple of seconds then tries the shaman again. This was a needed feature to stop people being stuck in one area for literally 5 minutes killing all the grunts over and over while the shaman sat at range!
      3: Yes, and you'll find your average items per hour go up massively because of this, and much less risk of missing items - especially because legendary items get an even bigger priority boost mid-combat. You'd be crying if it didn't do things this way and you found your bot missing legendaries right under it's feet because a goblin was at the edge of the screen and led you away :D
      4: Set goblin priority to "normal" in the options if you don't want to prioritize goblins over elites. Set to "priotize" to chase heavily but with some awareness of life. Kamikaze to go at it guns blazing no matter what. "ignore" to never go after goblins at all.
      5: Yes this is a known fault with salvage in act 3, something I need to look into! :D
      I hope this answers some of your concerns and makes you appreciate the bot does things the way it does for very good reason in Trinity (except point #5, which you are spot on about.

      You have the power to already! Go into config, combat, go into your class tab, and set the health % for azmo pools to 0 so it never dodges them :)

      Injured-elites do get a higher priority, but distance gets some priority - so depending how far the injured one is away from you compared to the close-range one, the priorities/targets could wobble between them. I'll look at increasing priority for injured elites even further though next release!

      LOL! Very kind of you! If it makes you feel better, I enjoy churning out the updates too! :p

      I'm trying to improve this a bit, and there are things I'll do in upcoming releases that should noticably make this better - though I should warn that sometimes you can get jailed and DB won't read the "rooted" flag correctly. So it'll improve in an upcoming release - but there will always be times you get rooted but it doesn't "know" you are rooted, too!

      jinny1 & babosasa:
      Yeah, I think the range is always going to be iffy as you are moving towards things, or as things are moving. I keep tweaking it, but I'm not sure we're ever going to get "perfection" here, so we're going to have to cope with "good enough" :D

      Well, yes, I'm not really sure what else you would expect in the circumstances!? :O For normal elites that are out of your routine's kill range... well... they're out of range! You'll have to hope they come back into range as your bot moves around again after the goblin, or use the (work in progress experimental and slightly dodgy) backtracker, or increase the max "kill radius" in your routine/profile!

      This is the routine/profile doing this. It runs around after the fight "just incase" Azmo died far away from you, to make sure you don't miss the loot the other side of the huge map area.

      Other things on my priority list really. It probably will be "one day".

      Trinity does have an unstucker built in - but personally I would think UnstuckMe would do a BETTER job than Trinity currently (at least until Demonbuddy lets me disable DB's built in unstucker, which causes issues with Trinity unstucker because of the nature of Trinity unstucker being movement based not pulse-based like UnstuckMe). Try disabling Trinity unstucker (in advanced tab) and seeing if your problems go away. Or try vice-versa (removing UnstuckMe and using Trinity). UnstuckMe is a very good, dedicated unstucker, that's had a lot of time spent on it - so you should be fine to keep UnstuckMe and disable Trinity's Unstucker for now, at least until DB lets me do more with my own unstucker techniques! (also theatristformallyknownasG was just being sarcastic, he doesn't REALLY think Trinity affects drop-rates! :D).

      Yes. I have never seen a DB update that has ever interfered with any of my plugins past or present. While i can't guarantee it'll never happen... so far, everything has remained compatible each update! :D

      Always restart DB after changing many skills. Also always load DB while on the character screen and click start from the character screen, to reduce problems. Sounds like you've simply run into one of the common issues listed in post #2 here! :D

      Whirlwind does drain very fast atm, because there is no function in DB to simply "hold down left mouse button" - so it has to constantly re-send a whirlwind attack over and over. While I can play with trying to make it only send this command once every 2 loops (to see if that still "works" and keeps a full WW line without using as much energy), really we're a little limited since DB can only send one attack at a time (equivalent of hitting the hotkey once, not holding it down). Also no it doesn't spam sprint in battle except when it's about to whirlwind, or trying to chase down mobs, or against goblins.

      Meet me IRL at the tree, the tree by the three bushes, and I will explain the issue. Ah. "the tree" and "three bushes". Meaningless right? Well *I* know which tree and three bushes I meant! :D Anyway, my point is - WHAT BRIDGE? Which Act? Which map-zone? What are you getting stuck on? Is it stuck trying to loot something? Trying to reach a shrine? Behind a barricade or destructible? Trying to reach a mob? Is this simply a profile issue, and nothing to do with Trinity? Honestly, when reporting an issue, not only can't I help you if you don't give me details, but I can't even tell you if it's even me that should be trying to help you, or the routine/profile maker. How about a screenshot, and a description of the location and what happens, for starters? :D

      happysticks & babosasa:
      There is no way to "read" rend-stacks on a monster atm. You can try increasing priority of rend if you want - put it above revenge if you like - but I find all my barbs use rend plenty often enough (a little too often at times...) :D

      Great, glad to hear it! :D

      Can you tell me what you do differently for mantra of healing spam, to what it currently does? :O

      Urrr, I think this is a bit over-the-top! Just check your stash next time you pause your bots, if you've seen you have a legendary in the stash logs! Personally mine waits until I next do an Auction House sort - I don't get that excited about the legendaries, I mean, I'll see it sooner or later :p

      Did you try restarting Db while on the character screen (not in-game)? What build are you trying? Did you check the common-problems on post #2? Do you have enough critical hit chance % to be able to successfully do a whirlwind-tornado build (if you don't, you'll have fury issues and should try a different build). The Whirlwind build isn't for everyone - just because you see other people talk about it, doesn't mean it works for everyone - I actually don't run it on any of my barbarians, as much as I might like to be able to! :)
    6. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I think like everyone else i love seeing updates to Trinity than DB.
      did you see my question regarding Line of sight?
    7. Arm

      Arm New Member

      Aug 23, 2012
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      I ve got everything updated properly but my WD can still sometimes skip ranged packs like Hierophant shamans. For example 2minutes ago he killed 2 hierophant shaman champ but the 3rd was going back and my toon skipped him.
    8. jinny1

      jinny1 New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      So Trinity just stashed a 278 DPS 1H axe??? :O lolzz
    9. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Ah yes I did - unfortunately line of sight checking is simply a case of "raycasting" a line from a point "roughly" where your character's head would be, to the destination - so doesn't work for "temporary" obstacles like the ones wallers churn out - only works against "permanent world obstacles" (and so not rifts/holes - like what separates areas in vault of the assassins in act 2 etc. - only against actual physical high walls etc.). Also means it doesn't work if the obstacle is low down (eg a slightly elevated balcony above you/below you) - so even though it's in sight, it's still unreachable. I can't think of any sensible ways around things like this other than the current systems which try reaching something but with automatical time-outs and unstucks if it detects itself trying to reach something for too long.

      This does happen entirely at random sometimes - I can't actually find anything anywhere that would cause it, so I think it needs to be put down to a random memory mis-read/failure. It's not blacklisting the 3rd mob anywhere - it just seems like DB suddenly no longer even sees the object in memory. (I may be wrong about this - so don't quote me back on this! But this is as far as I have been able to get with this sporadic issue, so far anyway!).

      :O What item score did the stash log say it had? And what score-limits have you got set in the town-run tab? And what other stats did it have? If it has very high off-hand stats, then *APPARENTLY* (so I have been told), 1 handers can be valuable as an off-hand to barbarian whirlwinders, as the DPS is irrelevant, only the stat bonuses are, so they can still score quite highly. Still, the odd junk item is always going to happen :p
    10. babosasa

      babosasa New Member

      Jun 22, 2012
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      Giles, as you said "There is no way to "read" rend-stacks on a monster atm. You can try increasing priority of rend if you want - put it above revenge if you like - but I find all my barbs use rend plenty often enough (a little too often at times...) "

      Where do I setup the priority for the skills? I didn't see it's available to adjust under the config manual, and wat do u mean by "put it above revenge"? do u mean just place it over to the "1" hotkey if revenge is "2"?
    11. yellowrabbit

      yellowrabbit New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      GilesSmith> is it possible for you to add an option to specify the minimum dps a 1h/2h weapon must have to stash it ? same for minimum Str/Int/Vit/Dext/slots on an item ?
    12. abuser

      abuser New Member

      Aug 21, 2012
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      hi, how to generate summary statistic log?? Or where i can get it??? i mean how many items drop/pickedup/what kinde of/ how many dph per hour??
    13. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      Take a look in the Trinity folder, the plugin folder. These files are all automatically created while Trinity runs, for each bot :)

      It's possibly, but I'd rather tweak the scores so they don't get enough score in the first place!

      Sorry, it would involve editing the .cs code - it's quite easy to do, but if you don't feel comfortable doing this then you shouldn't try - and just stick with rend being used how it's currently used (which I'm sure most would agree is more than good enough!?).
    14. theatristformallyknownasG

      theatristformallyknownasG Active Member

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Bloody maintenance :(

    15. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Cheers for the update on LoS.
      Anyone noticed your bot missing big stacks of gold? 1500g sitting and it didnt go for it? and earlier was a 500g stack didnt get it.
      it was standing looking at it but a barrier was in the way other stack was in the clear just didnt go for it.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    16. dreams81

      dreams81 Member

      Aug 5, 2012
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    17. Ganga

      Ganga New Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      Only problem is I dont like using monster prioritiser and why is it still ignoring loot
    18. Polyester

      Polyester New Member

      Jun 18, 2012
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      personally it doesnt rend enough for me, but its easy enough for me to change myself, perhaps down the line you can just add a setting to allow the user to set their own "cooldown" for rend, obviously not a high priority though.

      if anyone else is interested.. this is how giles has rend set up (i havent actually read through much code, just getting this from commenting and variable names)

      rend has a "cooldown" of 3 (3000ms) seconds, there are a few conditions to be met before rend can be cast..
      if it doesnt need to cast a buff,
      doesnt need to move out of aoe etc,
      has anything in range,
      is not waiting to use special (wotb etc) or current rage >= 75 (the current rage part doesnt make any sense to me)

      then after those conditions are met... rend will cast if

      rend is off "cooldown"
      OR will be cast every 0.5 (500ms) seconds if more enemies come in range
      OR will be cast every 1.2 (1200ms) seconds if the primary target changes
      OR will be cast every 1.6 (1600ms) seconds if you have > 85% fury
      OR will be cast every 2.2 (2200ms) seconds if you have > 65% fury
      and finally will only be cast if you have >= 25 fury (although rend does only cost 20).

      also note that revenge has a higher priority than rend, so if revenge is available it will be cast before rend. anyway, personally i change all the times to 200ms so it spams the shit out of it.

      for reference for those that want to change the values:
      rend "cooldown" is line 4619
      rend spam logic is from line 5041
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    19. yellowrabbit

      yellowrabbit New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      Gile<> a tab with advaned stash option is really needed i think. I got plently of 700Dps weapons or 900 dps 2H weapons but i can't sell that. it would be wonderfull if anyone could specify the minimum values of armors/weapons to stash !!!!

      edit: imagine we could say "i want minimum 2 socks armor" or "i want minimum 5%crit chance / 20% crit damage". I think it's not hard to do because it could be something like "IF the rare item got socks AND minimum socks in advanced tab is =/= null then COMPARE armor socks AND minimum socks"

      So if you edit minimum socks on the tab trinity plugin will read it, but if there is no value trinity wont use the varable to compare :)
      It's just perfect because all "high score but crap" items wont be stashed.
      Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
    20. GilesSmith

      GilesSmith New Member

      Jun 2, 2012
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      If you want to look for specific stats, you can use custom loot rules.
      If you want to stash less lower-scored weapons, you can increase the weapon-score slider on the town-run tab in config.
      Weapon scoring (and scoring of all items) has been improving drastically the last few versions, as I have been working on it more in the last few versions, and it will continue to be improved to reduce junk.

      In the meantime, junk items take approximately 1.3 seconds to drop on the floor from your stash when you see them ;)
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