j0achim would it be possible to set a global APIKEY instead of going to everychar and update it manually?
I know this is still in beta but any plans for a Desktop Program or App? Rather than going to a website? Lol I know its a long shot but it could work aywho, Keep up the Amazing work this is Flawless !
It supports having multiple bots in one account. I will update the overview to handle more bots at same time more efficiently. No desktop app is planned, but html5 desktop notifications. Somewhat similar looking to once you see on iPhone.
hi nice monitor but do u think you could add time to level and pic updates so we can see if were stuck or not please
Will be added. Just need to find an elegant way to do it, because making "one" inline script for each entry creates too much data. Gotta think about how the site performs also. (My Stats page has localized timings as a test) TTL and Picture events are both features on my to-do list. I just have not got around to write in my posts at first page status on where i am in development.
What I was asking is to set that one account API KEY, default. Right now, I have to set the same APY KEY on every char, by using a default I would just have to enable the plugin.
Are you saying that you have to enter the API key in each Honorbuddy session for a different character, and you want to be able to save it.. so you only have to enter it once?
Aah right yeah my bad it was not supposed to be a pr character configuration. Will update it a little later.
j0achim, jMon is creating Duplicates on "MyBots" :/ Also, loot list should be improved, with 4 / 5 bots it gets so confuse, maybe because of the duplicates also. Anyway, this is a great plugin, and I admire your work and the effort you're putting into this. Edit: Jmon is causing honorbuddy to freeze, it keeps running but the bot UI freezes and jMon stops updating. I removed Jmon and I think it solved the problem so it's jMon :/
So I tried a fresh install of HB. Re-downloaded the plugin. Tried editing the .cs file to add my api key. Tried the plugin form. Still cannot get it to work. Log files are clean and do not even show jMon other than the error message stating " YOU HVAE YET TO CONFIGURE YOUR API KEY!" Any help would be appreciated.
dont edit the .cs file .. just plonk it in the plugin folder and run the bot, then click settings on the plugins and enter the API key from the site you will get an error msg at start but it will work anyways give it a few minutes
Duplicates was because i changed encoding from ISO 8859-1 to UTF8. (will add button to "remove" bots that are no longer valid) I have been running the plugin 24/7 for two weeks and never had a problem where bot locks up, I need to get some more information on this matter.
Is it possible to add: enemys killed in Battlegrounds (just shows snake trap, mirror images and vehicles) Honor/Conquest Points received in active session archieved archievements Battleground chat of players (like to read always the flame kiddys how stupid the entire world always is etc ) Items bought from Vendor spend gold in active session earned gold in active session Wins in Battlegrounds in active session (like HB says: Strand of the Ancients 2 Wins - 1 Loss) Thanks so far , great monitoring Plug-In, dont know if anything of my requests are already aviable.
Sorry have just not got around to update my first posts, been so occupied coding. Much of what your requesting is already on to-do list Asian support is added shortly. Asian "letters" are now stored in database and only need to make changes to site to make it possible to view.
jMon now supports - Arabic, Chinese, Russian and many other rich-text letters (Example: θΏ™, ???, ???....) If someone could confirm this i would really appreciate it!