Hey guys, I will continue on this project at end of august, because i am on holidays till end of august
This plugin is a must for any botter in my opinion. It makes repairing your bot toons a thing of the past because now they auto-repair after every death. Simple and awesome. Thank you for writing this!
My toons just mount up the Yak and dismount, all the time (Horde). Anything i have to change to get this working?
I dont have any solution for it so far, have to look into code. I'm not at home and my notebook doesnt work any more since some days, so i only can look when im at home.
Been testing this plugin for about a week, and so far it's working amazing! The only issue I have with it is that it seems to at times mount up, not be able to interact with the vendor, and then equip the greys instaid of selling them. :/
Hey Guys some nice information today i had a little bit time to work on this plugin But i have one problem, you have to help me... Atm my WoW Account is out of time and i am reactivate it after patch 5.4 is online, so i cant test my changes... updates, which arent tested by myself, will be uploaded as _test releases... so please use them at your own risk, but i think it should be safer now, than before What i need is, the name and id (which HB provides you, not wowhead or sth else) of the 2 vendors, which are sitting ontop of mammoth and yak... please, could you look it up for me and give me those information? for horde and ally yak/mammoth... i know there is gnimo, but i dont know if he has always same ID so i need pls: Horde: - Mammoth Vendor - Mammoth Repairing-Vendor - Yak Vendor - Yak Repairing-Vendor and the same for ally pls after i have this information, you will get the update
Cant open attachement :/ if it is a txt file or sth similar, you can upload it on pastebin and provide us/me the link
nope, images http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6599/1bqa.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7196/q0gj.jpg btw Gnimo is the one who repairs, and Hakmud sells food
Thank you do you now, if gnimo is on horde and ally the same, and is gnimo on yak, too? i think so, but i want to be sure ^^ will add gnimo tomorrow (today) and provide you the new release =)
here are the horde vendors for mammoth repair: http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/3222/ey76.jpg food : http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/1291/amzs.jpg tried to find somebody with Yak but it's 2am here so i'll try again tomorow edit: inverted food and repair :/
I need pictures, like them above in this thread. As far as i know, there are three vendors/persons on the back of the yak, right? Please do a screen of all of them (not of the vendors, of the id in HB window) and post them pls here @powa, thank you very much you helped me alot with them =)
Hey Guys, the best news for today the new test release is online now Here is latest changelog: 03.09.2013 (v.0.1.2_test) UNTESTED - added check, if vendor frame is open - added check, if target is right target - added some lines for debug-logging - added missing vendor entries - edited some sleep timers - bugfix: equipps items instead of sell them -> should sell them now You will finde downloadlink on first page This release is not tested by myself (you will find reason some posts before), so pls report bugs to me maybe you can post log here, its better for me =) AAAND as always: I'm not responsible for lost items, get banned or sth else... use it at your own risk... Edit: I'll hope, that i got the right vendor-entry for yak had to google for it a while, so maybe if you have a yak, you can tell me if it is the right id Edit: changed vendor-entry of yak again... >.< i will hope, its the right one now pls report back
having some trouble with this just keeping saying [MountVendor]EBUG: Sitting on wrong mount. Dismount! [MountVendor]:Mount on Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and same all over and over again. help
i need some guys ^^ someone on horde side with mammoth and yak someone on ally side with mammoth and yak Is it possible, that you download this little plugin, i wrote some minutes ago (Download Here) and put it in your plugins folder. After starting HB you only have to go to my plugin, press "Mainwindow". There you have to push the "GiveIDs" button, then the textbox should be filled with some information, if you are horde or ally side and your mounts. After that, push "Copy2Clipboard" and paste it here pls I would be very thankful to you =) Edit: i will hope, that the plugin works without any errors, you know, i cant test it atm