This plugin is AWESOME!! Would be awesomer if you released the one with flying =D Thx for all your hard work. I tried to rep you but i guess i already just repped you for one of your CCs, lol.
If you would like to collaborate, I am making a database for all transports, which could be easily added to your plugin for use (i.e Kalmidor - Orgrimmar to Northrend - Warsong Hold).
If you want it to fly, set your bot to gatherbuddy2 and use the fnav plugin. You'll fly to your destination.
To add, I have the same problem as other Horde people. My Alliance character has a whole list populated, including spots I've added. But when I use my Horde chars, everything is blank and at random times, it crashes HB.
Yeah, there are a few bugs. Honestly, I've not done any development on this plugin in months. I'll be working on an update or two over the coming weeks.
So let me get this strait.. Instead of my Druid flying all the way back to org for class training , this login allows him to find the closest as too not waste so much time?
Hey fpsware, Did you end up releasing an update to this plugin? It sounds awesome to be able to find the nearest vendor/mailbox. Thanks,