Hey CodenameG If I try it out and select "Delete all gray's", will it skip deleting quest items? Otherwise the bot would loop into an unending grind for quest items...? Sorry if its a stupid question. Maybe I should just try and see for my self.
Oh ok, my bad.. Never payed much attention to it I guess. Will just try it out when the session invalid disconnects are solved... (am at work now, and this morning it started again for me even tho it had stopped on the old version of HB). Can check it out tonight if those disc. are gone.
Hm, cant get it to work. I have enabled "remove items" and I have ticked "remove all gray items" but the plugin doesnt remove them! I have "time between checks" on 1 min. But if I click on the button "run check now" it deletes all gray items as it should !
working great! Just a question though - Is it possible to have the plugin stop selling my mining pick?
This silly is selling me the food and is wasting time just sitting like a tool waiting on regen QQ can I have some help with configuring it not to sell mah food, it's hurting my head , it's a really useful plugin but there are just those few thingies that it's doing I don't like and can't fix on my own, I'd like to save all the cloth i get from my adventures, not sell the food i buy etc. simple things
<3 this plugin. That said, is there a way to make some sort of protected items list? I figure it's easy to add a few to the protected list and sell everything else than add a billion items to the sell list and keep everything else. Just a thought.
I had a wierd thing happen the other day... i was botting arch and on 3 diffrent toons i found out later (i still had PvP/PvE offs sets in my bags, i know stupid...) but anyways it had deleted my off set gear all the same pieces... shoulders, off hand waist and rings.... this is the only thing i can think off. had to have a GM restore my gear.... using 1/7 gear restores, said they were deleted, and this is the only thing i can think of that would do it... And my logs didnt say what happend.