I've searched about 2 hours in this forum and the Internet, tried also to modify the cs of objectgatherer with different IDs. The netherwing eggs are spawn and despawn object sometimes with smoke around and sometimes not. All tries weren't successfull. Sorry when i didn't find what you have found. Anyway there is nothing behind your link at the moment. But thanks for the answer.
Ok thanks for the Information. So i'll have to fly over hours over this crystals that really hurts my eyes
here is a profile an a plugin not sure if the plugin is working still but hey never know https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...rmarsh-glowcap-farming.html?highlight=glowcap
Thanks for the great work with this plugin thus far. i am also experiencing the looting problem. this is just a bump. i know you are busy
Anyone got a questing profile for farming dark soil. I went through the whole 34 pages and didn't find anything.
I modified 1 of panYama's profiles to Questing botbase, some time ago. It is working for me. U can try it and give feedback. Should it get stuck moving to next hotspot, after collecting, try lowering mount distance. Kmica
Kmira is works pretty well. It does what you want... collect dark soil items but it hits every hotspot and pauses for a split second and and then moves on to the next hotspot where it does the same thing. Maybe another thing, make the bot wait 2 seconds before trying to remount after trying to loot the dark soil. Sometimes it tries to mount before it has looted the soil and not actually looting and it flies off.
Its bcs of the questbehaviors which take a split of sec to process, but tbh i didn't notice it. And i run it on 2-3 chars. Only way to avoid it, would be to make it run on ground, which would be very noneffective. The problem is plugin needs to be updated, so it works with GB2 again. Kmica
Maybe another thing, make the bot wait 2 seconds before trying to remount after trying to loot the dark soil. Sometimes it tries to mount before it has looted the soil and not actually looting and it flies off.
Its the problem with the plugin, not the profile i posted. Moving to Dark Soil and looting is done by the plugin. The profile just tells the bot where to move. Kmica
I take my hat off to you for doing a great job with what you had to work with. I'm now best friends with all the Tiller people. Thank you!
Might have been existend in the original profiles, but NEVER use the tags ProtectedItems or ForceMail in any of them. These might have unforeseen consequences and could easily crash the bot at once or even later, while on duty. Though you still can find them in deprecated profiles, better enter their IDs into "Protected Items.xml" and "ForceMail.xml" in your HB root directory and delete the tags from your profiles. Just my 2 cents...
That part is from the original profile. I didnt bother to change it, since i like to monitor the bot while he collects the soil. Kmica
so far every profile I've tried for dark soil just has me fly up a bit go side to side and repeat this till I hit the ceiling. Wtf.