Excuse me for only answering a part of the wall of text right now, im hungry but i wanna answer the "how it works" part Code: if (WildBattleTarget().Distance < 9) { //Preparation, like swapping pets for bonusses SetPetAbilities(); BBLog("Battle Preparation"); As soon as there is a battle worthy pet in range, it sets the skills. The lua code checks the level and if the level is appropriate it sets the skill that was saved during saving the file. I can only imagine it going wrong if it was swapped after the preparation. -edit Or if there already is a profile for that pet which doesnt contain the spelllayout data Now pizza time <3
Possibly thinking it could be that I have the petid.xml and the name.xml files for both at the moment. It might be reading the older non-layout files, I may switch to debug/ verbose to see if its using new/old xml's. or just move the name.xml files into a separate folder for organisation. Will take some time next week to save layouts for 150 lvl25's, still levelling a few for fable pet farming' in the meantime. (Creating multi layout logic, deciding what's a good strat at 5 vs 10 vs 20, is less fun.)
I hope the quicklogic is of some assistance with the multi layout profiles, cant imagine the horror of having to do all those logic files.
*sniff* Stupid/great job, working 6/12s so haven't done any pet battles in for ever Haven't been any help whatsoever in weeks in even answering questions but afraid that work/pay comes before fun :/ Glad to see it's still going strong though This is nothing more than a keep up the great work post Maybe and all who help
i chaged name to pokehbuddy but does not work View attachment 3520 2013-05-05 16.50.txt View attachment 3520 2013-05-05 16.50.txt i changed my folder name to pokehbuddy
It looks like you're using a non-english based OS. Open the pokehbuddy_languagefix.cs, and follow the instructions. You will loose backwards compatibility with the oldest pet logic files. Shouldnt be a problem tbh.
Need some adivce guys whats the best 3 battle pets to have running with this plugin so i can let it get me coins for me?
i'm using a gathering profile to fly around of some hotspots but when it finds a pet it dont go to it so battel will start... :S Gatherbuddy2 as bot base
combat engagement distnace 250 no other plugins running. it targets the pet but it just dont go to it to start teh battle! :S
dont know what happent but now its working... i close it and reopened and its working ok now... ty anyway!
hey, where can i find logic's ? i need it for : Lucky Quilen Cub , Beetle and infected deer in need some help in there. Because the bot doesn't use the heal spells. for example on my Lucky Quilen cub
There is logic, but only for a few pets. If your pet isn't scripted, this plugin defaults to spam the first ability
HB may need to be modified though. May take a while to test. And, I don't believe PB supports PvE battles with players directly, for win trading or levelling pets in parallel. From memory, pet XP was awful in duelling. But, in 5.3 they are adding an achievement for pet duels it, so it might be a challenge to get it to work, perhaps set up a group so that you can screen out duel invite/accepts only with people in the raid/group. Still, it has limited usefulness, except for achievements . Oh, I think there's a bonus pet after 500 duels at level 25, isn't there ...?
I want to make the 5000 pet pvp battle achievement with this plugin. for I need this function. So I need the line (in the script) in which I can put the pvptimer to 1 second. (there is only 1 minute?)
ok, then the above problem I've solved. Now I have the problem that I want to level up pets in the level x, but in the options it does not work, can anyone help? mfg