I hope he dosn't mind me posting this. There was something wrong with the settings so I have changed they way its used slightly.
Seems the filter isn't working? It shows a load of crap on the HUD (despite checkboxes disabled), even if I only want to search for Onyx Egg (as entry in the name field). And as Dimention wrote, it only works with a running Combat bot.
The plugin is updated on Pulse and as such only works for bases that do allow addon pules; it also requires the bot is running or it wont update the object manager so on and so forth.
Afaik your client doesn't even know about these objects until they are near, so no that is not possible.
Simply ask a friend or take your second account and stealth a rogue/druid near you. Then take a look at HB's "Devtools" -> Objectlist. If you find it listed there, it can be detected... if not, no chance. As nuclear898 said, I doubt it could be detected until you can see the schemes yourself. Note: Radar is updated with the Pulse function every 1 second. Detecting a stealthed player makes no sense. Ask a rogue how far he can move within a second. ^^ He is behind you before you can say "s" from second...
Done everything I can think of... Edit: issues with the last main release 697, radar works MUCH BETTER with beta - I'm assuming nee release as well, 698. This was working fine for me before...not sure why it won't now. Clear cache, fresh install, radar is the only plugin running. Here is my log. Thanks
Combat Bot has to be started before invoking Radar with the predefined key, have you? Radar obligatory needs a pulse from a started botbase. At least 1 checkbox has to be selected in Radar's preferences, otherwise it throws an error if none is ticked. I see tons of errors in your log, but I'm not quite sure where they come from. Just tested Radar 1.7 with Beta .403/Combat Bot and it still runs perfectly as ever.
Yes this is how I used it. I edited my original post. My issues cleared up testing with the beta. Only problem now is...it doesn't appear to filter properly in settings and set size as I tell it. I'm using the .7 update plugin. Combat bot, etc.
Radar is a little bit tricky, I asume. Seems it saves the preferences only at clean exiting HB. But as an alternative you can go to HB\Settings\Radar\<char>.xml and edit the settings manually. The xml-tags are self-explanatory. For example searching for "Dark Soil", edit CustomFilter with the objectID of Dark Soil: HTML: <RadarSettings> <TrackPlayers>False</TrackPlayers> <HostilePlayersOnly>False</HostilePlayersOnly> <TrackNPCs>False</TrackNPCs> <HostileNPCsOnly>False</HostileNPCsOnly> <TrackAreaTriggers>False</TrackAreaTriggers> <TrackSpellObjects>False</TrackSpellObjects> <TrackGameObjectObjects>True</TrackGameObjectObjects> <TrackMissles>False</TrackMissles> <RadarSize>245</RadarSize> <RadarX>1600.26510832383</RadarX> <RadarY>184.936701642336</RadarY> <RadarCenterX>0</RadarCenterX> <RadarCenterY>0</RadarCenterY> <CustomFilter>210565</CustomFilter> <RadarKeybind>F1</RadarKeybind> </RadarSettings> (You'd better set RadarX and RadarY to smaller values. These are for a 1900x1200 screen and your Radar-HUD may be outside of the window with a lower screen resolution.) With the next start of HB, those parameters were used by Radar. HTH
Should do it if you insert the right objectID for the egg (185599) into CustomFilter. But be aware, that radar doesn't pick up anything. It only shows locations.
As of right now I am using QuickTrack hack to inject Openable Object tracking into the minimap, so this is a lot safer. as of now there is no really reliable method of gathering the eggs afk. At least what I have found does not work reliably. Too many eggs are spawning below the surface of the ground and cause problems or they just do not trigger the plugins to gather them.
Ouch. I find this, I read through and get excited and BAM ... out of date. Heh, if you come back and update it you definitely still have an audience.